21. How does the "Holocaust" story benefit the Jews today?

Ernst Zündel
replies to Q/A # 21:

In one plain phrase - by brainwash cycle after brainwash cycle!

For a start, we will let a former diplomat, Ian MacDonald, now in retirement in Canada, summarize a few thoughts for Nizkor that will shed light on how colossally useful the Holocaust has been for the politically organized, largely Zionist-dominated Jewry planet-wide.

These thoughts were summarized in two Letters to the Editor at the Globe & Mail. These letters were, of course, not published, since the thoughts expressed run counter to what special interests will have us believe.

They were written five years apart and with regard to Canada, but they apply to many other countries, including Germany and the United States:

In July of 1990 Mr. MacDonald wrote:

"For the past 45 years the 'Holocaust' and other alleged Nazi war crimes have been the subject of countless news reports, editorials, articles, radio programs, TV docudramas, movies, books and what have you.

So intense has been the media campaign that the alleged extermination of European Jewry and suffering of the (paradoxically plentiful) 'survivors' have become, ex post facto, the perceived central issue of World War II, overshadowing all other aspects of the conflict, including even victory itself.

The claim that Six Million Jews had perished in Nazi Gas Ovens surfaced only after the war had ended but soon gained acceptance as historical fact. Though unproven and demographically implausible, the figure was cited often as the 'most documented' statistic of the Second World War, if not of all time. Canadian school children all learned that Six Million Jews had died-but were told little about Canadian casualties or about Canada's role in the conflict.

Now comes the really startling news: it wasn't Six Million after all, or anything near it. Prof. Yehuda Bauer, the leading Israeli historian, as well as researchers from the Auschwitz Museum now say that Jewish deaths at Auschwitz were closer to 1 million than to 4 million, with Rabbi Bauer cautioning that exaggeration played into the hands of the Revisionists and could place the whole Holocaust story in jeopardy.

As fate would have it, the Russians recently made public the original Auschwitz camp records which show the number of deaths during the war years to be 74,000, not all of whom were Jews.

So, how does the Globe & Mail (Ed: Canada's newspaper of record on July 24, 1990) react to this iconoclastic recantation of the (journalistically) most important single feature of World War II and presumably happy reincarnation of 3 million Jews? With exactly 3 column inches buried discreetly on page 8, that's how.

The mind boggles at the implications!"

In 1990, MacDonald only hinted at the implications. But in May of 1995 Macdonald wrote this:

". . . to the insightful Gentile observer it is outrageous to claim that WW II was 'a good war for Canada' or anyone else, with the notable exception of Stalinism and Zionism. It is equally outrageous to suggest that war with Germany was necessary to avoid a 'world-wide nightmare.'

It was war with Germany that precipitated the slaughter and subsequent multiplicity of postwar problems that now plague humanity and are becoming increasingly intractable. It is self-evident (at least to historians who have not sold their souls to the politically correct Establishment) that WW II was an abomination contrived by special interest groups to weaken the Christian nations and to set the stage for the foundation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

A secondary objective was the aggrandizement of the Soviet Union to create a balance of power which could be exploited by Zionists on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

As it strives to keep pace with, if not profit from, the increasing Holocaustization of Canadian society, the Globe & Mail editorial policy is becoming virtually indistinguishable from that of the Canadian Jewish News.

The 'Books' page, April 29, 1995, exemplifies the trend. Two full columns are devoted to the musings of the self-conscious Judeophiliac Stan Persky, and the remainder of the page is either totally kosher (Jewish books reviewed by Jewish reviewer) or almost so (pro-Jewish reviewer quoting Jewish or pro-Jewish books and sources).

A few days later there appeared on the front page a tribute by opportunist politicians to the Holocaust, although the event was hardly 'news' except perhaps as an expose of the venality of the participants. Inside is a large picture of Dachau, and an article about Hitler as the 'very incarnation of evil.'

This editorial bias reflects a distorted Jewish propaganda version of WW II and would have the unwary Gentile reader believe that 'in the whole, (WW II) was a good war for Canada' and 'If ever a war had to be won, it was the Second World War'. (Morton and Granatstein).

The reviewer (ethnicity unknown) then gratuitously opines that 'defeat would have meant a world-wide nightmare', then reveals even more clearly his true colors by dwelling on the alleged 'shameful (Canadian) treatment of Jewish refugees from Nazism' whom an 'escorting officer called the scum of Europe', condemning the author of a pejorative observation on the grounds that at least three of the thousands of survivors of Canadian internment were demonstrably not in the scum category.

The paradoxically smegmatic Granastein review of Martin Gilbert's 'Day the War Ended' heightens the deception by resurrecting the Allied propaganda canard of 'Germany's dreams of global conquest' and the 'horrors and carnage', 'death factory. . . genocide' etc. while ignoring Allied war crimes altogether.

The Globe & Mail drops not the slightest hint, far from issuing a disclaimer, that the opinions expressed are simply a regurgitation of the Israeli 'party line' and are thus not bona fide historical analyses.

Surely even the Editor of the Globe & Mail, however commercially compelling the inclination to conform, must acknowledge (to himself at least) that WW II was not a worthy cause, nor served any plausible interests of Western civilization. If war were inevitable, and perhaps it was for reasons other than those postulated by Granastein & Co., the only logical alliance, from the standpoint of Western Gentile interests, would have been with Christian Germany against atheistic, tyrannical Communism.

Instead, thanks to the machinations and money power of Germany's vengeful enemies and the treachery of venal political leaders, we were hoodwinked into declaring war on Germany. We thus enabled Zionism to prosper and ensured the survival of the cruel Stalin dictatorship ironically facilitating the conquest of Poland, the preservation of whose independence we had used as a pretext for declaring War on Germany!"

Indeed the aftermath of World War II was that we managed to allow Zionism to prosper handsomely. By trotting out the bogeyman of the "Holocaust" and the guilt associated with it, over and over and over, more than 100 billion dollars and Deutsch Marks have been manipulated out of the German government over the past 50 years. That is a lot of "benefit"!

Perversely, even the Americans, who basically went to war for Jewish interests and ought to be rewarded, are being browbeaten into loans, grants, military aid and special treatment for Israel and Jewish organizations as though they had been on the side of the losers. Additionally, the tax deductions granted to private individuals and corporations for financial support under whatever guise stagger the imagination. They amount to more billions of dollars. According to a Washington Report article of October 1996, p. 44, the annual US aid to Israel is double the entire United Nations budget, a staggering $15 million PER DAY, seven days a week, 365 days a year!

The benefits of "Holocaust" victimhood benefit every Jewish person alive on earth from 1945 til today in one way or another - be it in direct payments from Germany, deductions and tax breaks to others, or "moral superiority" - permitting silence in the face of massive stock market swindles, insider trading, real estate con games etc., stretching all the way to safe havens for French, German, Russian and American Jewish gangsters like Flatto-Sharons, Manmings, Meyer Landsky's, Masewells et. al, who flee to Israel where they can launder their money and live like kings.

Macdonald finishes by saying:

"It is a measure of the virtually iron-clad control over the media by a small, wealthy, influential, devious, self-serving, duplicitous, racist, alien pressure group that the obvious truths about the origins and nature of WW II are still considered beyond discussion. Unfortunately for the co-opted media figures and their sinister paymasters the edifice of deception is about to crumble. The threatened emergence of truth has prompted increasingly intensive media subversion and, as predicted by David Irving, increasingly desperate measures to discredit and muzzle the sources of enlightenment. The measures are doomed to failure because the media control is no longer sufficient. It has been broken by the Internet.

It is the beginning of the end of the Zionist subversion, and Zionist hegemony."

November 16, 1996