This website is a First Amendment
Free Speech Zone!

Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Commentary: (Slightly copy-edited for readability)

Developments in the "heresy crime" case of Auxiliary Bishop Richard Williamson
John Bayldon @ 24/1/2009

Let the priest support homosexuality - this is acceptable. Let him agree with the Jewish slaughter of human beings in Gaza, or in Iraq Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iran - who are we to judge him? Let him deny every part of the Nicene Creed and deny the very existence of God - and be regarded as a modernistic, free-thinking priest, an encourageable rascal who regularly appears on TV programmes as among the first to be consulted on 'matters of faith'. "What a guy!"

BUT: Should the priest ask, in the mildest way:

"Are you sure that this building was a gas chamber? Where's your evidence for this?"
Then the armoured legions of the pope will march against you, shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish inquisition, the millions of unthinking rabble driven before them, pitchfork and cudgels in hand, screaming their holiest hatred, fired by their most sacred blood-lust, as they pile up the tinder for the auto da fe.

For nowadays there is but one permitted faith, one universal religion- Holocaustianity.
The formerly 'Christian' churches have exorcised Jesus Christ. As ALL the church leaders have avowed, the ONLY essential stipulation for membership of the church is one's unquestioning belief - faith - in and assertion of the Holy Holocaust. The unforgivable, excommunicateable sin is now heresy - infidelity to the only remaining tenet of the church- the magic '6M'.

The charm

Whenever I am feeling sad,
Because an argument is lost,
I simply emulate my Dad,
And scream his hate word, "Holocaust".

The patient seeker after truth,
Sifts documents his whole life long,
Who dares to read his well-turned proof,
When "Holocaust" I call upon?

The journalist at times may roar,
Lion-hearted to defend free speech,
But when I call out "Holocaust",
He darts for cover with a screech.

The Church, which long ere Luther's time,
Would guide to Christ its Gentile flock,
Now has become a Judas shrine,
A holy Holocausting shop.

Each day through movies, books, and sketches,
The Holocaust is battered in
To brains of trauma-pated wretches,
Fills up my coffers to the brim.

History, the way I write it,
This is the law from time long past,
The Goyim's love of truth I smite it,
With hate-filled myths of Holocaust.


