*** Update on the Zundel Deportation ***


Feb 26, 2005

It is now 9:00 a.m., and as I am writing this, I have been up for seven hours. For those of you who are in the mood to slug your way through the disgrace of Judge Blais's Security Certificate/Deportation Ruling, I have attached an excerpt. (Complete text of the ruling can be found here)

And, by the way, I don't think Judge Blais himself wrote this masterpiece of slime. I know his style. I can't believe that he would use a style that primitive.

This one has Donald MacIntosh written all over it - it is a typical talmudic vilification-by-insinuation diatribe that can't be called a bona fide "court document."

It's written for media consumption - a lot of juicy "Nazi-Nazi-Nazi" quotes the p.c. media midgets like to lift.


A reporter from the National Post:


Judge Blais' decision on your husband was quite damning and harsh - towards Ernst, his "associates," and even yourself in one instance.

Government lawyers say this now clears the way for Ernst's prompt deportation to Germany. Included also in the decision is information, received by Judge Blais in secret, that your husband worked for years to destabilize the government of Germany. I wonder, now, if this will have dramatically more serious ramifications for him if he arrives on German soil accused of fermenting revolution as opposed to spreading falsehoods.

I would appreciate any comments and remarks from you on this development for a story for tomorrow's Post. Does this significantly raise your concerns for your husband, for instance? A prompt reply by email or collect phone call would be very much appreciated.


We'll see if any of the quotes I gave him will make it into his article:

"For decades, Bernie Farber and his ilk have claimed that Ernst did not have enough supporters to fill a telephone booth. What made him all of a sudden an international political force that Canadians have to fear?"

"Anyone even superficially versed in the Zundel saga knows that the Zundel kidnapping was masterminded at the highest state levels of three, perhaps four governments - Canada, the US, Germany and, possibly, Israel. There is not just a paper trail - there is a cyber trail, documenting government involvement to the second on the very day Ernst is supposed to have' missed an immigration interview'. Coincidence? My foot!"

"Canadians don't fear Ernst Zundel. Canadians are merely asked to foot the bill to placate a nefarious, self-serving political lobby called the Holocaust Lobby."

"Millions all over the world now know that the 'Holocaust' myth is coming apart at the seams. Heads of state know and talk about it openly. Why do they know? How do they know? Because the Canadian Holocaust Lobby has put Ernst Zundel on the map with their hateful accusations lacking any substance."

"Without his many Holocaust trials, historical truth could well have been buried forever. Now it is sprouting everywhere. Ask the prison officials. They are drowning in Zundel accolades from as far away as Mongolia."

"Canadians might want to ask themselves if they really want a country and care to finance a system where inconvenient dissidents can be imprisoned for years without ever knowing why, just like in Stalin's days. Don't you have a lot of Christians in your country that might have an opinion or two of their own that might not sit well with a noisy minority?"

"Will there be ramifications in Germany if Ernst is accused of 'fermenting revolution?' Consider the source that claims that. If Ernst has not fermented revolutions for the past forty years, what kind of fool would predict in all seriousness that he will do so now that he is of retirement age?"

"The Zundel story is not over yet. I just finished talking to Ernst. He said with a small laugh: "We are still making waves."


As quoted in yesterday's Globe and Mail:

Mr. Lindsay [Zundel lead attorney] said last night that while representing the marginalized and unpopular is a lawyer's highest calling, it was a horribly disillusioning ordeal.

"I will never, ever do another security certificate case," he said. "A lawyer can play no meaningful role in the face of secret evidence. The lawyer's only role is as a fig leaf, to make the process look acceptable."


Commentary on the Zundel Case - WhatReallyHappened.com

Canada may have washed its hands of this embarrassing case, but they have created a new popular martyr on a par with Galileo and Bruno; men who challenged dogma and paid the price for it.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history, only lies and liars have reported to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.

It is the extreme measures used to silence those who ask questions that most creates doubt that we really know what happened in Germany in WW2. Above all else, honest and open debate is avoided, as the Zundel case proves.

Look at the history of recent genocides. There are many more recent and even deadlier than the claims about what happened in the German slave-labor camps. For all those genocides, the victims welcome full and complete examination of what happened as many times as is needed to dig out the facts. All the victims of all modern genocides want this... except, of course, for this one case of WW2. Why? I could understand the perpetrators of a genocide wanting to block examination of what happened, but it begs the imagination to explain why the victims of the German camps in WW2 work so hard to prevent anyone from studying the available facts, even as they demand more money and special legal privileges based on those claims. What are they afraid of?

Sending Zundel to Germany may get Canada out of the public eye on this matter, but now the whole world will be asking the same questions I just asked above. In an age when the world was told bald-faced lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, nobody will dare assume that anything they have even been taught is the truth.


Meanwhile, conflicting news articles and commentary, as well as phone calls to me, addressed the agitated question: "Is it true that Ernst is no longer contesting his deportation from Canada?"

I immediately summarized a partial reply:

I talked to Ernst at noon. He said he had no intention of NOT using every available means to wait for the Security Certificate evaluation in Parliament and the case by this Arab - the name escapes me now - who is challenging the Certificate on constitutional grounds in the Supreme Court. [Ernst] said the case was filed on the 15th.

I had been scared last night by some Jew who was crowing that Ernst would be deported any minute, that his deportation was imminent - but when I talked to Ernst, he laughed and said it would not happen that way.

He thought it might be weeks or even months until the deportation could be effected. He was actually in high spirits, as if he had something up his sleeve.

He called me tonight again, but I was not home. Maybe something happened between noon and when he called again?

Anything can happen.


Email to the Zundelsite: 

I am so shocked and angered by this farce. One [that's] more disgusting is the silence of Canadians. Where are those once honourable people?

I know you expected this and I know you will feel that this is merely a lost battle and not the end of the fight. With that in mind I wish to advise you that you still have our support and hope you will keep us all informed of your plans to get Ernst home.


Email to the Zundelsite: 

I just learned of Judge Blais' decision to have your husband deported to Germany on the Jewish Tribal Review website. Frankly, I wasn't expecting anything better from that scumbag.

I wish to express my sympathies to you. My heart is heavy.

Our sights are now turned to your Vaterland. Hopefully your fellow Germans will get a jolt from this talmudic tale of sadism.

In sadness and through gritted teeth I echo your cry - never surrender!!


Email to the Zundelsite: 

Here is the final result of Secret Trials and Security Certificates in Canada. The "judge," after hearing secret testimony that can not be refuted, has ruled that Ernst is a danger to Canada the international community of nations.

What terrible fear this mild mannered man can generate with the pen when the communists in power in Canada have to vilify him with their version of a marsupial court. Should we call it Canada's possum court?

I find everything to do with this case despicable.


Email to the Zundelsite:

 Maybe this is for the best. Possibly he will be treated better in Germany and have better accommodations. They can't be much worse I hope. Let's pray he doesn't get sent to Israel. I love the statement from the Jew (Farber?) that Canada can now breathe easier. I am sure the Canadians were really worried about Ernst.


Email to the Zundelsite: 

Oh, now it's an international threat?!?!? Give me a break. Would someone in Canada like to explain to me how if Zundel is a threat to Canadian security, why they brought him back into their country when he voluntarily left it?

I think being deported to Germany may be the best thing for Zundel, and I'll tell you why. Canada is a nothing and a nobody in the international community. Germany is a major player. Can you imagine a Holocaust trial in Germany itself? Oh baby!


Email to the Zundelsite:

 When the deportation takes place (as seems inevitable), it's only a partial victory with high cost because of an awakened interest (because of this case) among another generation who are now wondering anew (and investigating) why they are suddenly being blessed by all of these (correctly lower case) holocaust museums which are already more numerous than Burger Kings according to no less a researcher than Dr. Norman Finklestein.


Email to the Zundelsite: 

I read about the case in Canada, and the apparent return to Germany of Mr. Zundel.

I do not know how I have not heard more about this case, but I have spent most of today reading your site. I have often questioned the legitimacy of the so-called "Holocaust" but after reading the materials, my opinion is decidedly in favor of the opinion expressed by Mr. Zundel.

I wonder if there is anything that I can do to help. I operate (....) a small newswire website that gets alot of traffic and has a reasonable following of around 65,000 journalists, and hundreds of thousands of readers.

I would be pleased to receive your releases, etc., for publication without charge.


Eat your heart out, Bernie Farber!

Ingrid Zundel



===== ===== =====

Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
$10 - 180 Pages

Find out who this "premier thought criminal" really is - how he thinks, how he writes, what he's really saying! You will be astonished to learn why this man is so feared by the world's manipulators of your thoughts!

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Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence. Take a look - and tell a friend.




Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Zündel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4211

Fax: (613) 941-6900

Email: Martin.P@parl.gc.ca



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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