Germany Arrest Warrant for Ernst Zundel


March 4, 2005

Horst Mahler - Report 001

The Ernst Zündel Affair

I have the arrest warrant before me. It is issued on 17 February 2003 at the Mannheim Landgericht - district court, file reference 10 gs 451/03. It was signed by Böttmann (?) a judge at the district court. The public prosecutor's office, Mannheim, lists the matter under 503 Js 4/96.

The subject of the preliminary investigation is the form of behaviour, which the occupational forces refer to as incitement of the people [Volksverhetzung] (§ 130 StGB). Already the first sentences clearly state what this is all about. Ernst Zündel is presented "as the most active and/or prominent Revisionist”. From his home in the USA, up to January and February 2003, via the Internet he is accused of offending against §130 StGB, as well as sending his “antisemitic Germania newsletters and other writings [Kampfschriften]

The arrest warrant contains 39 pages.

In summary Ernst Zündel is accused of the following:

"In his ‘messages’ and writings – often pointing to additional revisionist literature available on the Internet – in each case consciously contrary to historical truth and identifying with the Nazi perpetrated persecutions, in pseudoscientific manner, imbued with prejudices, to relieve National Socialism of the stigma of Jew-murder, heightening and intensifying the passions of the readers, while denying the planned extermination fate of the Jews under the National Socialist rule, denying the existence of gas chambers for mass killing of Jews, while defaming the survivors of this genocide and the memory of those Jews who were mass exterminated, asserting that this mass extermination is a fabrication of the Jews and serves to subjugate the German people, among other things, for example the following from: …”.

In justifying the arrest warrant excerpts follow from publications attributed to Ernst Zündel. Here are the listed titles: “

1. “Holocaust Myth 101“


2. Ernst Zündel: Sein Kampf für Deutschland, p. 14, 17-18,27,28

3. Germania-Rundbrief Nr. 286 sub 2.

4. Reference to further literature:

1. Menschenrechte auch für Deutsche
2. Der Leuchtereport: Ende eines Mythos
3. Der Holocaust – Laßt uns beide Seiten hören
4. Die große Lüge
5. „Die Befreiung“ der Lager: Fakten gegen Lügen
6. Auschwitz: Mythen und Fakten
7. Die Holocaust-Religion
8. Im Innern der Auschwitz-„Gaskammern“
9. Ein prominenter falscher Zeuge: Elie Wiesel
10. Das US-Holocaust Memorial Museum: Ein kostspieliger und gefährlicher Fehler
11. Amtliche Todeszahlen von Auschwitz
12. Der mittelalterliche Hexenprozeß und seine Parallelen in unserer Zeit
13. Augenzeuge Pressac bricht zusammen
14. Appell der 1000 – Die Meinungsfreiheit ist in Gefahr!
15. Hexen-Verfolgung in Deutschland – Wie im tiefsten Mittelalter
16. Nicht „Offenkundigkeit“ sondern Gerechtigkeit!
17. Oliver Bode: Weltweite Repression gegen Nationale
18. Mehr über den Fall Günter Deckert
19. Thies Christophersen und seine Freunde
20. Was ist Holocaust-Leugnung
21. Rudolf-Hess-Gedenkmarsch 1995
22. Mein ‚Invasion’ des Computernetzes
23. Mit bedacht ‚vergessen’ wurden ...
24. Naturwissenschaft und Technik im Nationalsozialismus
25. Auferlegung eines Schuldkomplexes: Die sozialen und politischen Auswirkungen des Holocausts
26. Historiker: Keine Gaskammern
27. Simon Wiesenthal – Falsche Nazi-Jäger
28. Neueste Nachrichten von Udo Walendy
29. Nürnberg: Über Gräber wächst kein Gras!
30. Der programmierte Mensche- die Allmacht der Medien
31. Eine revisionistische Herausforderung an das US-Holocaust Memorial Museum
32. Der west-deutsche Bundespräsident Herzog wird als Vaterlandsverräter beschimpft
33. Die Kastration der deutschen Seele
34. Was der Kampf von uns verlangt
35. 29 Monate Haft für kranken Autor Walendy!
36. Europäischer Nationalismus
37. Ist es Nacht, oder ist es der Nebel?
38. Der Fluch der anglo-amerikanischen Machtpolitik
39. Schafft befreite Zonen!
40. Die politische Tat
41. Zentrale Thesen des dritten Weges
42. Wie hoch ist die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer? – Schon damals angezweifelt!
43. Auch heute noch: Uns ziemt der Stolz der Wahrheit
44. Eine Botschaft an alle Deutschen der Welt
45. Über den deutschen Michel
46. Kenntnismängel der Alliierten
47. Heute vor fünfzig Jahren – Nürnberg und Purimfeste
48. Hätte Hitler den Zusammenstoß mit Juden vermeiden können?
49. Murray Rothbard, 1926 – 1995
50. Der Holocaust als Entschuldigung
51. Treffen internationaler Historiker spiegelt „politisch korrekte“ akademische Agenda wieder
52. Von der Wichtigkeit des Revisionismus in unserer Zeit
53. Das Undebattierbare debattieren: Die Weber-Shermer Auseinandersetzung
54. Die Weber-Shermer Debatte: Ein Schritt vorwärts
55. Zweifel an der „Geschichte“
56. Bester Zeuge: Die Mel Mermelstein Affaire und der Triumph des historischen Revisionismus
57. Die Deutschenhetze muß aufhören
58. Drei Jüdische Ansichten
59. Meine Konfrontation mit Deborah Lipstadt
60. Der Endplan für den wilden Stamm
61. Weltregierung: Fluch oder Segen der Menschheit
62. Eine neue Sprache?
63. Holocaust? Welcher Holocaust?
64. Zionismus gegen Bolschewismus
65. Vom Werden eines Holocaust-Revisionisten
66. Ist der Endkampf ausgebrochen?
67. Nachruf auf Reinhold Elstner
68. Wie ein Jude sich zur Präsidentenwahl entschied
69. Der Prophet des „Schwarzen Lochs“ – Elie Wiesel in autobiographischen Selbstzeugnissen
70. „Wir sind das Volk!“ – Aufschrei der Leipziger Bevölkerung am 9. November 1989
71. Die Holocaust-Religion
72. Vom Untergang der schweizerischen Freiheit
73. Das Rudolf-Gutachten – Germar Rudolf
74. Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand – Jürgen Graf
75. Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung – Jürgen Graf
76. Der Holocaust vor Gericht – Robert Lenski
77. Starben wirklich 6 Millionen – Richard Harwood
78. Schreckliche Ernte – Ralph Franklin Keeling

Anyone interested in gaining an impression of our enemy’s persecution rage can easily download these texts from the Internet.

Print media reports from today:

Mannheim – On Wednesday the right-wing extremist and Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel, deported from Canada to Germany, was placed on remand. A judge at the Amtsgericht (Magistrates’ Court) activated for the 65-year old German the outstanding 2003 arrest warrant … The trial date for Zündel before the Landgericht (district court) has not been set … For the public prosecutor the place where the criminal act occurred is any place in Germany where the material can be downloaded.

Right-wing extremist Zündel on remand

The Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel deported from Canada was placed on remand at Mannheim. The Amtsgericht stated that the 65-year old did not respond to the allegations made against him. He was taken into custody Tuesday evening after his deportation from Canada ... This is according to German law also an offence even if the server is located overseas. A spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office said that any place in Germany where material can be downloaded is a scene of the crime.,1185,OID4117476,00

Anti-fascist messages - public prosecutor's office demands rapid action

9/1998/ public prosecutor's office demands rapid action/Mannheim. The public prosecutor's office Mannheim raised an inactivity complaint against the Landgericht, because four actions are pending appeal against NPD Deckert since 1995 and 1996 at the Landgericht Mannheim and Weinheim. These actions concerns insult, threat and slander. The OLG Karlsruhe must decide now on the inactivity complaint. In November three actions are to be heard…

Horst Mahler Comment:

The transfer, and defence, of Ernst Zündel to a prisoner-of-war camp on German Reich soil has for the first time since the military capitulation created a situation where, through a public defence of Ernst Zündel, loyal Reich forces can once again identify the enemy of the German Reich.

The first commandment is to clarify the situation. It begins with the realization that:

1. the Federal Republic of Germany is not a country but the “organizational entity formed by an occupation power” – Carlo Schmid;

2. the war aim of these foreigners is the destruction of the German Reich and the German people as a precondition to permanently subjugate Europe;

3. the incessant influx of foreigners amongst our people is the result of continuing warfare through psychological and monetary attacks against the German Reich;

4. ‘our politicians’ and ‘our courts’ are serving the occupational forces and are thus our sworn enemy;

5. we can expect only betrayal but no rescue from these traitors of the German people.

We have to realize that we are making fools of ourselves when we continuously talk about ‘basic rights’ and ‘human rights’. Are 60 years of subservience not enough for us to realize how ineffective this obedient attitude is for us? Are we really, as the Talmud states, “dumb as animals”?

As Wolfgang Schäuble, the once favored chancellor successor of Helmut Kohl, in a discussion with the chairman at that time of the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, Ignaz Bubis, openly stated: If it concerns the "Auschwitz lie" as well as the prohibition of National Socialist symbols, the "fun" stops. That’s how he viewed the ‘basic right’ to free thought and speech. Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 April 1996, p. 41.

Alleged “historical experiences” must therefore bear the brunt so that an open debate about these historical experiences can be prohibited (G Rudolf). Thought the expression is already used in psychiatry, this phenomenon could justifiably be labeled ‘circular madness’.

But those that talk and act in such a way are not mad. They know what they are doing. They are – if they are Germans in the sense of the Reichs-and nationality law – criminals. And as such – when the German Reich is again established – they will be held accountable.

Stefan Huster, a supposedly Jewish lawyer, convincingly details in the Juristischen Wochenschrift No 8, 1996, p. 487 ff., that § 130 Sec. 3 is incompatible with Article 5, Sec. IS.1 GG – Basic Law. He does not shy away to emphasise that § 130 Sec. 3 StGB – Criminal Law, “evidently is a prime example of a standard directed against a specific” – to be determined by the opinion of the BFG – Federal Constitutional Court. Seep. 489, left column.

Instead of taking the next logical step and demanding that the BFG annul this law, he works out a program that perverts the course of justice whereby § 130 III StGB can be applied to any desired matter.

His boldness is breathtaking. He has selected the Constitutional Court to be the perverter of justice. It must change the judgments it made in accordance with Article 5 GG. In other words, it is accepted as a given fact that the criminalization of the so-called Auschwitz Lie must continue unabated, much like in the tradition of the Midrash – Jewish tradition of Logic, which only accepts logical consequences if it is to the advantage of the Jews – that seeks a justification of such results.

More on the Midrash, from Karl Georg Kuhn, ‘Die Entstehung des talmudischen Denkens‘, in: Forschungen über das Judentum, Vol 1, Verlag für ganzheitliche Forschung, Viöl, 1996 – ISBN 3-927933-84-8, p. 64ff. 72f.

Huster examines all known attempts to reconcile § 130 Sec. 3 StGB with the Basic Law. He also examines - without having any knowledge about it – the Münsteraner line, which consists of giving fundamental rights an "immanent barrier" so that it loses its function to protect Germans from certain demands made on them by their enemies. –Judgment of OVG Münster on ‘devaluation’ of Basic Law for Germans who want to be Germans. He shows how the known strategies without exception are doomed to failure because instead of solving the problem it gives rise to new and more complex problems.

Huster sums up as follows:

"Above all however the question arises whether these friendly(!) Basic Law judgments are not made at the expense of endangering free speech. Prohibiting the denial of an historical fact § 130,111 StGB is certainly an exceptional case, even a parasite within a free community; if the freedom of opinion is not to be violated, it must remain unique, as are the crimes whose denial it sanctions.”

To approach the authorities and "courts" of the OMF-FRG in such a way, as though they are agencies of a German state, is – objectively – treason.

“Justice” is the will of an autocratic community and as a universal will is the existence of freedom – „Recht“ ist der Wille eines selbstherrlichen Gemeinwesens und als allgemeiner Wille das Dasein der Freiheit.

An autocratic community is life that believes in itself. Self preservation and self development are its highest values.

Only a superior foreign power can force a people, through endless repetition of horror stories, to inoculate itself with a guilt complex and through continuous repeated confessions of guilt to destroy its own soul.

To accept as lawful the victor’s arbitrarily framed § 130 StGB – inciting the people by ‘denying the Holocaust’ – is national suicide. This ‘law’ will complete what began with the Auschwitz cudgel (Martin Walser) – the murder of the German people’s soul.

The destruction of the Holocaust religion is feasible only in relation to the salvation of Judaism from the evil of Yaweh’s satanism, the madness of the Jewish chosenness.

It is for the German people’s spirit to complete this task. I presented the intellectual and historical connections in the Berlin Judaism Trial.

As an overview and summary it may suffice for the time being to read the attached MS-word file Einlassung zur Judenfrage.

From now on it is useless to conduct legal court proceeding on behalf of so-called Revisionists in a required good will defence and justification, but rather as a frontal attack against Judaism.

The people standing behind those who persecute us are to have their insolent halo of ‘victimhood’ ripped from their heads. Then they shall have every reason to beg for a pardon from the German people for their attempt, with the Auschwitz-Lie to murder the German Volksgeist and therewith the German people.



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Justizvollzuganstalt Mannheim
Herzogenriedstr. 111
D- 68169 Mannheim
Tel. 49+621 3980, extension 217.




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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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