Zundel: His Freedom Is Our Freedom


March 7, 2005

By David Duke

Who is the man in the orange prison suit? He has been held in solitary confinement for 2 years, locked in a tiny room without so much as a chair. He has been placed in the cells of prisons used to discipline violent or disobedient prisoners. In prison parlance it is commonly called the hole.

Through the pressure of the Canadian Jewish Congress he was tried in secret court in Canada by a Judge and not even his attorney was allowed to see all the evidence against him. The judge in the case is a man who sought to prosecute him years ago for his opinions. In fact, as amazing as it may sound, the very judge of his current case was in years past the same agent of the Crown who, testimony has shown, permitted a terrorist bomb to be delivered through the Canadian mails to his home! It appears that anything is permissible when one dares to challenge Jewish sensibilities.

Now this elderly gentleman faces deportation to Germany where he likely faces a long prison sentence, which for a man of his age could well be a life sentence.

What was the offense of this man you ask? Was he a drug dealer, war criminal, a murderer, gangster, rapist, or terrorist?

No, he was none of that. It is admitted by the press which always opposed him that he was never violent, never criminal. He was never in his whole life convicted of the slightest crime. He is in fact a kind-hearted pacifist who has repeatedly opposed all war and all violence. He is an artist who made his living for decades by his beautiful paintings and illustrations. Far from being violent or dangerous, it was he who often was the victim of violence. He has been attacked by howling mobs. His home was firebombed. The Canadian government tried to put him in prison.

Rebuilding the ZundelHaus after 1995 firebombing

What was his crime you ask? Why would he be attacked and his home firebombed? Why did the Canadian government try to imprison him? All of this was simply due to the fact that he wrote and published politically incorrect views of the Holocaust.

Did he praise the Holocaust, you might ask? No. Did he advocate it? No. Did he deny that any atrocities were committed against Jews? No. He simply dared to challenge in a considered and reasonable way some of the underlying assumptions of what Dr. Norman Finklestein calls the Holocaust Industry. He was tried for the Orwellian crime of "falsifying history."

Ernst Zundel buried behind trial transcripts, all over the book he is holding asking "Did Six Million Really Die?"

He simply dared to publish articles and books that differed from the politically correct view of the Holocaust. He argued using extensive evidence, documents and reason that some of the assumptions about the Holocaust were incorrect. He argued for instance that although many Jews died from the effects of their incarceration and mistreatment, there wasn't an actual German master plan or policy to kill all the Jews of Europe. He honestly believed that the so-called Holocaust as presented was an extension of war propaganda that had the intention of helping to secure support for the establishment of the Zionist state. The story of great crimes against Jews was the buffer which allowed the subsequent crimes of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian inhabitants of what is now Israel.

If you read his material, it is rational, thoughtful and not the least bit hateful. And he has suffered tremendously for simply voicing his opinion. He exercised something that Bush and Blair and all people like to call free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of conscience.

Eventually he was vindicated by the high court of Canada which ruled that the law by which they prosecuted him violated freedom of speech. But, the authorities, driven by the Canadian Jewish Congress, were not finished with his persecution. By hook or crook they were determined to silence him and put this man into prison.

Who is the man who has endured this unrelenting prosecution for his free speech? His name is Ernst Zundel.

In the twilight years of his life he settled down to a married life in the United States with the eloquent American writer and playwright, Ingrid Rimland. They lived on a small farm in the Tennessee Appalachians.

Then, two years ago all hell broke lose. Married to and living with an American citizen, he had every right to live in the United States, but there was a scheduling error by the government and the authorities claimed Ernst missed a routine appointment with the INS. On that flimsy argument, in a matter of days, with no appeal, an armored swat team descended on their quiet property and whisked Ingrid's husband into solitary confinement. He was locked in conditions reserved for the worst of criminals. With hardly any options for appeal he was finally separated from his American wife and deported back to Canada where he had previously lived and worked for more than three decades.

There he was also held in solitary confinement and charged with "being a danger to the security of Canada." Was any evidence supporting this charge presented to the Canadian court? Under Canadian Law you can be deemed guilty of being a danger to Canadian security without even seeing the evidence against you. He has been in terrible conditions of imprisonment for over two years now.

Not being allowed to even see the evidence against you is against every precept of law in every civilized nation of the world. All that made no difference to Jewish supremacists, this thought criminal had to be punished. He couldn't be shown to have broken any Canadian law, so it was decided that he would be deported to Germany where under the draconian laws there he could be jailed for years for simply challenging any of the often-changing politically-correct versions of the Holocaust.

German courts have already ruled that in regard to the Holocaust "truth is no defense" and that even if you show that what you said is absolutely true, if it challenges the official Jewish version, you have committed a serious crime. You have "defamed the Jewish people." Even if you can prove what you say is accurate, you are guilty of "reviling" the Jewish people and therefore face imprisonment.

I realize that probably many of you reading this cannot believe that this is the state of affairs in some European countries, and Canada. After all, this gross violation of the most fundamental principles of freedom of thought, speech and press is never discussed on the NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox News Network. There is no protest of this gross injustice. No civil libertarians make an issue out of it. Most Europeans and Americans don't have the slightest knowledge of the horrible injustice that has occurred on American soil and subsequently in Canada.

It makes no matter that books such as Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners argues that German's are inherently purveyors of murder and evil. That won't land you in jail in Germany; it will land you on the bestseller list and rave reviews from the philo-Semitic press.



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Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
$10 - 180 Pages

Find out who this "premier thought criminal" really is - how he thinks, how he writes, what he's really saying! You will be astonished to learn why this man is so feared by the world's manipulators of your thoughts!

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Please write to Ernst Zündel, let him know that he is not alone:

Justizvollzuganstalt Mannheim
Herzogenriedstr. 111
D- 68169 Mannheim
Tel. 49+621 3980, extension 217.




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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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