A Zundel fund-raiser in Belgium


March 28, 2005

Updates on the Zundel Saga

Today is a brief write-up by a small, patriotic-revisionist group in Belgium about a Zundel fundraiser, posted below.

This European activism pleased me to no end - not only for the money that it raised, which is sorely needed and more than welcome, but for the publicity it managed to get AND for the experience and practice it provided for both participants and observers.

Just look at the media exposure it got in such a small country!

I would encourage wherever Zundel friends dwell in other countries of our tattered globe to try to put on similar events - and report to me how it went, preferably with photos.

With many thanks to those who put on this Belgium Zundel extravaganza - who went to all this trouble, not even knowing us! - here is the write-up, for your elucidation, and for history!


Hello ms.Rimland-Zundel,

Please find herby enclosed the two letters which we will send you as of next Tuesday (since we have to change the currency to dollar notes).

If you have any questions or remarks, please tell them to us...

BBET - De gecultiveerde speerpunt tegen de Shylock - http://www.bbet.org


BBET-meeting on repression, benefit for Zundel : huge success !

Saturday, March 19th 2005, BBET – the political formation bureau of B&H Flanders – had organized a formation talk on repression and a benefit for the political prisoner Ernst Zundel. Never before did we think that such a low profile debate would have received such commotion.

A small chronological setting for the reader:

-With the process against Siegfried Verbeke and the recent extradition of Ernst Zundel to the BRD, the time was ripe to call attention to the victims of political persecution.

-Our invitations for a private gathering with the speakers Christian Worch, Serge Ballard and Siegfried Verbeke did sadly leak out to the red mercenaries of the state, the Pinkertons of the political status quo, < http://www.blokbuster.be/ >Blokbuster.

A hate-infested article on their website [< http://www.lsp-mas.be/lsp/archief/2005/02/28/blood.html >aanklacht] soon lead to further lies and slander from their part. The other left-wing radicals of < http://aff.skynetblogs.be/ >Anti-Fascistisch Front and the judeo-bolshevist watchdog < http://www.resistances.be/ >RésistanceS, ran by a certain Manuel Abramowitz (we guess the pronounced "S" at the end of their name stands for "Sioniste") lazily copied the hate-piece.

-The Belgian national weekly < http://www.resistances.be/jdm.html >Le Journal Du Mardi [took] the slander to a higher stage and spend no less than 10 pages (!) on Zundel's extradition, the 10th anniversary of the Belgian anti-revisionist legislation and... our small meeting, which was blown to gigantic proportions. Their ludicrous claim was that "Belgium still is the international harbor for neo-nazi'". Indeed, a public relations stunt worth millions for our little orgaisation. Thanks Manuel!

-The fire department of Waasmunster did a spontaneous fire security control on the venue we had rented for our meeting. What a coincidence: just one week prior to our meeting.

Result: one week to go and no venue booked.

-The new venue received an awkward visit from the local police director, who did stress honestly that our meeting wasn't illegal in any sense and that he never had encountered any troubles with us before, but he strongly advised the proprietor of the new venue to turn down our meeting. If he didn't follow, he might coincidentally have some problems with his certificated and such.

Two days to go, still no venue, but quite some media attention!

-The Wallon spokesman for the Comité Pour L'Entraide des Prisonniers Européens (roughly translated: Committee for Helping the European Prisoners) cancelled his participation. With all this media exposure it wasn't "opportune" any longer. We decided to go ahead without these opportunists and instable characters, and never to back down for this cheap threatening from that state's forces

Well, the lies and slander did have some effect: in a crowded hall more than 80 attendants gathered enthusiastically to hear the inspiring speeches on state repression, in the contemporary meaning of the word. < http://www.bbet.org/ >

Paul Kruger delivered an equally long as incredible list of all prosecutions for thought crime and dealt some strong punches out the judeo-liberal ruling class, and their disciples Geert Cool and Manuel Abramowitz who had put all their efforts in shutting the meeting down. These self-proclaimed "rebels" were mercilessly exposed as the state agents they are, the Pinkertons who appeal to their mighty friends in politics, press and secret services. Some rebels!

Our German guest speaker denounced the absurd Soviet-style actions of the "new Germany" where a certain Simon Wiesenthal, Paul Spiegel and < http://globalfire.tv/nj/03de/juden/friedman.htm >Paolo Pinkel have more influence than the chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who is a mere puppet.

After the break Siegfried Verbeke, the director of the Vogelvrij Historisch Onderzoek - predecessor of the now forbidden www.vho.org - brought his long and inspiring story on his youthful activism and the state repression on his publishing activities. All the attendants were thrown into a rapture by his decades of honest struggling for the historical truth which all mounted to numerous trials, fines and other legal and extra-legal methods of silencing him.

BBET was able to enjoy the fruits of the frustrated slander attack on us and our meeting. The truth will prevail sooner or later and there will be nothing Geert Cool and Manuel Abramowitz could do than immigrate to a new host and cry once more: "Vy us?"

We would like to thank all participants, but also all people who helped to enable our successful meeting!

(Name withheld on request]


Antwerp, the 26th of March 2005

Dear Ingrid,

As promised two months ago we finally organized our benefit rally for Ernst Zundel. In our 5 year experience this has been the most difficult troublesome event to stage. Never before did we encounter such a resistance from the police, the secret services and the anti-fascist goons. This shows exactly to which lengths our adversaries will go to shut us down.

Please find enclosed an envelope containing $500, as was raised on our meeting of Saturday, March 19th 2005.

We will write Ernst also, to support him in his endeavors and to resist the usurpations.

Also enclosed is a copy of the Belgium weekly Le Journal Du Mardi, (trans.= Tuesday's Paper) which spends no less than 10 pages on Zundel's trial, the 10th anniversary of the Belgian anti-revisionist legislation and... our meeting.

Also attached is a copy of our magazine, BBET.

I've translated our review for the meeting in attachment. Since we have very strict anti-racist and anti-revisionist legislation we have to keep these gatherings private and no pictures are allowed to be taken.

If you want to use the report or make reference to it, you can do so freely. As long as it furthers our cause, everything is welcome! (Please however retain from using my name in any future public references)

Kind regards,

(Name withheld on request)




===== ===== =====

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Please write to Ernst Zündel, let him know that he is not alone:

Ernst Zundel 
JVA Mannheim 
Herzogenried Strasse 111 
D 68169 Mannheim 



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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