ZGram - 8/3/2002 - "Killing Americans for Oil and Israel"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 20:30:31 -0700

ZGram  - Where Truth is Destiny

August 3, 2002

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Every once in a while, I get a blast from this one or that one 
claiming that I propagate "the official party line" - that this part 
or that part of the articles I send to my list sport ideas that don't 
portray the simon-pure thrust of the struggle for freedom generally 
and for truth in history specifically.

Let's get this straight, once and for all:

At this stage in our struggles I am not in the least concerned with 
reflecting the sterling arguments of the "true Israelites", or with 
admiring the intricacies of the NORAD Sherlock Holmses, or echoing 
the absolutist "racialites", or singing the tunes the 
"politically-neutral-at-any cost Revisionists".  I for one have left 
the confines of intellectual ghettoization.

My readers are mature people who will know  what to believe or 
disdain, accept or reject.  There is no need for me to tell them what 
they already know, or reinforce what they already believe.  Where 
real people dwell - people and potential allies we have never heard 
of before but who are finding us - life is full of nuances I do my 
darndest to reflect.

The America I emigrated to, decades ago, was proud, fair, genuine, 
generous,  always ready to help  the oppressed, the downtrodden - as 
it turned out, at great costs to itself.  Within a few short years, 
America has changed alarmingly and has become a virtual prisoner of a 
radical minority agenda - with very few ever the wiser.  It is my 
firm belief that America has now embarked on a bitter struggle for 
survival.  Here is a case in point:


Killing Americans For Oil And Israel

By Edward W. Miller

The media is full these days of accusations, recriminations, 
congressional hearings and much political jazz, aimed at either 
deflecting criticism from Washington's failure to warn us of 
September 11th or suggestions regarding revamping our so-called 
Intelligence Establishment. While the embarrassed CIA and FBI sit as 
humbly as possible through endless "hearings" our bubble-head 
President is erecting a Department of "National Security" which will, 
he promises, bind together over 100 Federal offices with their 
personnel and expertise thus guaranteeing that in the future, every 
bit of intelligence information which may drift into this monolith 
will receive its proper scrutiny and dispatch.

The Department will have a budget of $37.5 billion, and employ some 
169,000 employees. Washington has not explained why the CIA and FBI 
are excluded, but Bush will perhaps straighten this out once the two 
cease their infighting.

Washington has been addressing its "terrorist threats" in much the 
same manner as Tel Aviv, by focusing attention and resources on 
protection and security rather than addressing the underlying causes. 
Since her 1967 war of aggression, Israel experienced at her borders 
and recently at home, violent responses from neighbors she invaded 
and tried to subjugate: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank 
and Gaza. Here in the United States, until that memorable September 
11th, we had been punished for our criminal behavior toward both the 
Iraqis and Palestinians only at the periphery of our so-called field 
of interest, first in Lebanon, then Africa, and Yemen.

Israel negotiated safe borders for herself with both Egypt and 
Jordan, under Prime ministers less addicted to violence than Sharon. 
The hate and distrust she created in Lebanon, however, made it too 
expensive in terms of Jewish lives, and despite the Israeli farmers' 
interest in stealing Litani River water for irrigation, she withdrew. 
The Jews though, are still carting away truckloads of rich Lebanese 
topsoil from border areas Israel pretends to dispute. The reluctance 
to make peace with Syria has to do with the avarice of Israel's 
Russian immigrant farmers (kibbutzim) who, having displaced 120,000 
Syrian farming families from their rich turf in the Golan, have the 
political strength in the Knesset to keep Israel from returning the 
Golan. The West Bank and Gaza are targets of the Jewish Religious 
Right with their dreams of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel). Their 
almost daily thefts of Palestinian land by Jews from Detroit, New 
York and southern California who receive cheap loans, low mortgage 
rates and tax relief on their stolen property will continue so long 
as American Jewry dictates to Washington.

Since the early days of Israel's fascist expansionism Washington's 
tacit and often active support of the Jewish State has been costing 
American lives.

During Sharon's bloody 1982 invasion of Lebanon our Ronald Reagan 
killed the citizens of Beirut with shells from our USS New Jersey, 
stampeding some 600,000 into the mountains east of their city. As a 
punishment for this criminal act, we lost some 241 US Marines, plus 
an uncounted (by Washington) number of sailors from Reagan's 
Battleship, as the Lebanese retaliated, bombing our military barracks 
in Lebanon as well as the French military barracks at the Beirut 
National Airport. Our lack of consideration for their religion, when 
our military failed to leave the Saudi Kingdom after the Gulf War as 
promised, resulted in a bomb which in 1996 killed six American 
soldiers bivouacked in the Saudi City of Khobar, and injuring some 
400, mostly Saudis.

Washington has always been a slow learner. On May 28th, 1998, 
reporter John Miller interviewed Osama Bin Laden in his mountain 
headquarters in Afghanistan. In this detailed exchange available to 
the world via ABC News, Osama threw down the Muslim gauntlet to 
Washington, saying: " Your situation with the Muslims in Palestine is 
shameful.. and ...by testimony of relief workers in Iraq, the 
American-led sanctions have resulted in the death of over a million 
Iraqi children. All of this was done in the name of American 
interests. We believe that the biggest thieves in the world and the 
terrorists are the Americans. The only ways for us to fend off these 
assaults is to use similar means... It is a punishment that fits the 
crime. American accuse our children in Palestine of being terrorists, 
children who have no weapons and have not even reached maturity. At 
the same time they (Israelis) defend a country with airplanes and 

Though Osama's words resonated with over 1.2 billion Muslims across 
the world., Washington paid no heed to the message. Our embargo of 
Iraq and our illegal bombing and overflights continued while Clinton 
tacitly supported Israel's repression and expansionism in Palestine.

On August 7th, 1998 our embassies in both Tanzania and then, Kenya 
were destroyed by bombs, killing a total of over 224 civilians 
including 12 Americans. Clinton, in a knee-jerk response sent 
missiles into Afghanistan, missing Ben Laden, but killing 19 young 
Muslim students studying in their madrassa. Clinton's missiles then 
destroyed the Sudanese pharmaceutical plant in Khartum, wiping out 
African's only access to drugs for sleeping sickness, malaria and 
Dengue Fever. The plant was NOT producing biological weapons.

Despite Osama's warnings plus angry protests at the UN, Washington 
again displayed no interest in debating or even questioning its 
policy. The US carefully-designated embargo against Iraq arranged at 
the UN still forbade some 600 items Saddam's people required to 
provide potable water for their children dying daily of water-born 
diseases from sewage poured into their Euphrates Rive, and. with 
Washington's tacit OK Israel continued its violent harassment of the 
Palestinians, stealing their land. with illegal settlements. Over 
2,000 Palestinian families had by this time been turned out homeless 
into the streets, their houses bulldozed., often on a few moments 

On the 13th of October our USS Cole, quietly moored in Yemen's port, 
experienced a sudden explosion killing some 18 of its crew and 
blowing a huge hole in its port side. Again, no sign that Washington 
cared one iota for the lives of either its own citizens as our media 
daily demonized Osama Bin Laden while our FBI sent its investigating 
teams into Yemen.

Our mistreatment of Iraqis and Palestinians continued unabated soon 
September 11th as New York's citizens were enjoying clear skies and a 
warm autumn breeze, their famous Twin Towers suddenly exploded in a 
volcano of smoke and debris while in Washington our Pentagon staff 
watched in awe as a third passenger jet slammed into their concrete 
fortress, killing some 200 .

With three thousand dead in Manhattan plus some 220 in Washington 
there was still no move by our President, Congress or State 
Department to re-examine a foreign policy that was killing more and 
more Americans. Targeting Osama Bin Laden, the US now demanded 
Afghanistan's Mohammed Mar, head of the Taliban, deliver Osama to a 
US court. The Taliban government, however, remembering Washington's 
corrupt "Star Chamber" trials afforded Noriega and then, Sheik Abdel 
Omar Rahman, demurred, offering Osama instead to an International 

As the Bush-UNOCAL negotiations over oil-pipeline access in 
Afghanistan had become frustratingly slow, our President seized on 
this moment, and casting aside any more efforts at diplomacy, 
declared the Taliban to be supporters of Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda. 
Without significant Congressional debate, and with a 
hastily-constructed "War Powers Act" Bush was given the go-ahead to 
begin military actions against Afghanistan's Taliban and essentially, 
against the Afghan people.

By late June 2002 Bush's Afghan War had degenerated into skirmishes 
with invisible Al Qaeda who could strike at any moment. Though US and 
British "Special Forces" had been bombing one cave after another, 
some containing ammunition left over from the Soviet years, few Al 
Qaeda had been found though the killing of civilians had hopefully 

Afghans naturally protect their own, so Taliban's and Al Qaeda like 
their Pashtuns and Tajiks, just disappear into the Afghan crowd. The 
fact that US command headquarters remains in Florida continues to 
create blunders killing Afghans as well as some of our Canadian 
buddies. Washington wants to forget that though the Soviets conquered 
Kabul in 24 hours and controlled most Afghan cities within the 
following three days, they never had a moment of peace and after nine 
long years, with some 19,000 dead and the loss of 425 expensive 
helicopters, they left.

As for the Mideast, Sharon's wanton killing of civilians plus his 
physical destruction of West Bank cities, including the Jenin Refugee 
Camp, the pathetic and demeaning imprisonment of Arafat in his 
Ramallah headquarters, the mindless and unnecessary stand-off in the 
Church of the Nativity by a Jewish military openly contemptuous of 
the Christian World, plus the successful effort by an 
Israeli-controlled media in this country to portray the 
essentially-unarmed Palestinians, backed against the wall by the 
world's fifth largest military, as " THE TERRORISTS," is provoking 
more and more anti-Israeli and so anti-Semitic feeling across the 
intelligent world, as well as anti-Sharon sentiment in Israel itself..

The ongoing campaign against Saddam Hussein, lead in this country by 
such Zionist Jews as Bill Kristol, William Saffire, Jeffrey Kent, 
Richard Perle and Senator Lieberman and reinforced by 
presidential-hopeful Senator McCain, may sidetrack any efforts at 
Mideast peace. The president of Iraq's impoverished country, despite 
our media's almost daily onslaught, presents no danger to anybody. 
The UN's International atomic inspection team recently gave Saddam a 
clean slate and Scott Ritter, former UN Chief inspector says Saddam 
is no threat. Not a single Arab neighbor approves of Bush's proposed 
strike against Saddam, while our Washington Chiefs of Staff argue 
strongly against it. Again, it is only Israel and our Jewish lobby 
that is urging that Americans continue to die for Zionism..

Charlie Reese, once columnist for the Orlando Sentinel recently 
described Bush as a ventriloquist's dummy, sitting on the lap of 
Israel's Sharon. In reality our President's focus on the Mideast, 
including both Iraq and the Palestinians is distorted, first, by his 
abysmal ignorance of history, by his emotional bonding with a 
Religious Right which supports Sharon's expansionist dreams and 
finally, by the awesome power of Jewish money, best exemplified by 
AIPAC with tentacles which reach into both the political and media 
spheres. Just how Bush will circumnavigate these dangerous waters is 
anyone's guess.

Speaking to a sold-out Berkeley audience June 20th world-famous 
columnist Robert Fisk said it clearly: "The safety of America depends 
on its behavior overseas."

(Source:  Coastal Post Home Page 
http://www.coastalpost.com/02/07/10.htm )