ZGram - November 9, 2001 - "A Question of Guts"

Ingrid Rimland irimland@zundelsite.org
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 04:57:12 -0800

Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

November 9, 2001

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

More about Uri Avnery - unfortunately I was not given a reference where
this fairly recent essay appeared.  I'd appreciate receiving it if some of
my readers might know.


A Question of Guts

 By Uri Avnery

 The United States is about to be entangled in Afghanistan.

 Gone is the idea that it is possible to vanquish the Taliban by aerial
bombardment. Gone is the illusion that some tribal fighters, who were given
the grandiose name of the "Northern Coalition", could put up a real fight,
much as the Israelis lost the illusion that the Phalangists would really
fight for them in Lebanon. Gone is the hope that local warlords would
betray the Taliban and join the Americans.

 The Taliban can rely on three formidable sources of strength: tough Afghan
patriotism that has in the past beaten the British Empire and the Soviet
superpower; extreme Islamic fanaticism; and the tribal loyalty of the
Pashtun, the largest group in the country.

 The very poverty of the mountainous country constitutes a forbidding
obstacle to any invader. Afghanistan may turn out to be a second Vietnam.
It may suck the American army in, causing it to sink into the morass of an
exhausting war of attrition. The aim is too elusive, with no end in sight.
And in the meantime Osama bin Laden - he or someone else of his kind - will
exploit the growing sympathy for him in the Arab and Muslim world in order
to commit more and more severe acts of terrorism in the vulnerable United

 In this situation, America will need even more to attract to its side the
Arab masses and to fortify the pro-American Arab regimes that are needed
for the war-coalition. That means: putting an end to the Israeli occupation
that poisons the region and settling, once and for all, the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

 Arial Sharon has already shown that he is determined to sabotage this
process. He openly challenges the Bush administration and tells him: Let's
see who'll blink first.

 One could argue that this is direct help for the Taliban, spiking the
wheels of the American war machine at a critical time. Sharon doesn't care.
It is much more important for him to keep the settlements where he put them
and to prevent the establishment of the Palestinian State Bush spoke about.

 Thus the Bush-Sharon contest joins the Bush-Taliban one. But perhaps the
decisive contest will take place in America itself: between Bush and the
pro-Israel lobby.

 This lobby is indeed a mighty force. It is enough to stay a few days in
New-York and Washington to gain a healthy respect for its potency. Just as
an illustration: last week I took part, as an Israeli peace-camp activist,
in a press-conference arranged on Capitol Hill with the participation of
members of Congress. The aim was to support the appeal by Israeli and
American-Jewish peace organizations urging the US government to come
forward with a resolute peace initiative for the Middle East, as a part of
the war against terrorism. Dozens of Congressmen and Congresswomen had
promised to attend, but in the end only four gave their support. The others
were frightened off by the lobby.

 When I got to the place, I was astounded by the number of reporters who
were there. A battery of TV cameras was focused on the podium, the
representatives of some of the most important media had come, too. The
press conference itself was not enough for them, they stood around for a
long time afterwards, asking me questions.

 The same thing happened the next day. At the Press Club, journalists from
almost all the important American newspapers and newspaper-chains came and
questioned me at length about our analyses and proposals.

 What of all of this appeared in the media? You have guessed right: not a
single word. The lobby has frightened the glorious, free American media,
notwithstanding the fact that the subject concerns the basic national
interest of their country at this critical juncture.

 That is Bush's real test: Does he have the guts to fight Sharon and his
supporters in the Congress and the media?

 When I visited the State Department on the same day, I found that people
there were skeptical. They all understood where the essential interest of
the United States lie, but not all were convinced that Collin Powell's
determined attitude would win the day.

 If Bush remains steadfast, he will perceive that all over the United
states new Jewish peace groups have sprung up to challenge the lobby,
demanding an American peace initiative. The voice of the Israeli peace
movement is also attracting attention.

 But at the end of the day, there remains a simple question: Is there
enough political courage in Washington for the start of a peace initiative
that will serve the national interests of the United States, as well as the
real interests of Israel and Palestine?

 October 31 2001

 Uri Avnery is a peace activist and former member of the Israeli Knesset.



Thought for the Day:

A subtle divide is growing between the interests of the U.S. and Israel,
its strongest ally in the Middle East.

(Chicago Tribune, Nov 9, 2001, in "Going Separate Ways")