Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 6, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



Here is today's thought-provoking Zundel-vignette for you:


A German sea "Kapitän", whose hobby it was to study the prophesies and quatrains of the well-known Jewish mystic Nostradamus, wrote to Ernst Zundel in the Fall of 1988 - after the Second Zundel Trial that gave birth to the Leuchter Report:


"Did you know that you are mentioned in the prophesies of Nostradamus? He predicted that a man would come who would lift the travails off his people ***by making the stones speak...***"


Says Ernst today when asked to comment about the latest in the ever more dramatic Irving story:


"Well, we will see. I did send Leuchter to Auschwitz. I forced the "stones of Auschwitz," to speak - through scientific tests and analyses, to tell us what happened, once and for all. And guess what they said? There were no mass gassings of people in Auschwitz!"



With that little story as backdrop, have I got news for you today!


A few minutes ago I opened my e-mail of the day, and to my joy found the following small notice from one of our Revisionist cyber activists:


"Allow me to call everybody's attention to Rae West's "important note". Scroll down to get to the orange rectangle near the end of this page:




Of course I immediately did. I urge you to go and see for yourself, but I am making it easy for those of you who still struggle with the ins and outs of Internet usage.


What the "orange rectangle" contains is the following:


"*Important note: Irving made an offer to drop his case, immediately, if the defendants would instigate an archaeological/forensic investigation of the supposed gas chamber, which van Pelt had claimed was the centre of the extermination machinery.


No newspaper mentioned this offer.


"Professor van Pelt evaded the issue. I will record here my disgust with van Pelt. Tens of millions of people died in the Second World War; van Pelt will not involve himself with investigations in what he claims to be a central issue in the entire war.


"It's a sad situation that post-war bickering includes this Mickey Mouse pseudo-academic who puts money before truth. May he get what he deserves."



Our cyber Revisionist - one of the finest we have, by the way, even though on certain tenets we strongly disagree - added the following:


This is indeed the very simple line that will bring down the giant, as Faurisson has been repeating for a long time. It's the stone in David's sling, if Philistinophiles will pardon the analogy. I rather meant David Irving, of course.


Grab it and use it in every possible way, if you want to capitalize on Irving's trial. This is entirely compatible with his possible victory and specific brand of revisionism.


And it's also the righteous measure of our own certainties (I've never been to Auschwitz in person; I simply exercise my own criticism of what I hear others saying).


If we are wrong on this particular account, by all means let us be proven so.



The Zundelsite seconds that one! This is a stance we can all live with - that needs to be enshrined. Let's investigate properly and impartially what the Stones of Auschwitz proclaim - and let's prove Leuchter, Lüftl, Rudolf and the Cracow people right or wrong - once and for all.


Let's involve the scientific community - and let's do it in the open, where the sun of truth is shining and the air is fresh and clean.


Ernst said when I told him the latest this morning:


"David Irving is throwing down the gauntlet to that hypocritical dissimilator Van Pelt who character-assassinates people like Leuchter.


"Let him go take his own samples! Let him show the courage that Leuchter showed to submit them to scientific scrutiny by a panel of neutral experts.


"Let him investigate the site, collect the samples, have them tested and analyzed in full view of the public under the court's and the media's scrutiny.


"This is the best and only - the scientific, truthful way, to get to the bottom of this issue!


"The Mighty Lobby will not do it! They won't even repeat, duplicate or vary Leuchter's samples - for they KNOW that he was right! His science is correct - in spite of what scared people like Dr, Roth, backpedaling in panic, might say in skewed documentaries - after he has seen what was done to Leuchter's life and career!


"Let it be said once and for all that history will record:


"On April 20, 1988, the Holocaust Lie was killed in a courtroom in Toronto. Ernst Zündel drove the wooden stake into the heart of the modern Dracula. That stake was the Leuchter Report.


"What you see today is a carcass that stinks. David Irving knew it then. His detractors know it today. That's why they will never take him up on his offer.


"David Irving should make an official request to the court to order such a forensic examination of that Horror Theme Park. The time is opportune. Irving has the public and the media's attention. He can put an end to the Lie!"




And there is more!


Here are some sample quotes that appeared in yesterday's English/International edition of the Ha'aretz, the most important Jewish newspaper, as immortalized by Ha'artz correspondent Tom Segev - he of the "Seventh Million":


First paragraph of a small article titled "I find the Holocaust endlessly boring" :


"British historian says that, had the Jews not been allowed to set up a state in Palestine but were sent to Madagascar instead, as proposed in the plan he attributes to Nazi Germany, "the world would be a happier place."


Moving right along...


"Asked where all the Jews that he claims the Nazis did not murder disappeared to, Irving said: "The fact is there are Jews everywhere. That's how they are. They always pop up again, everywhere. Maybe they changed their names to Israeli names."


And furthermore...


"Irving added that the Jews should ask themselves why they are hated so much, and always have been, everywhere. 'What is it in them that generates this hatred? They would do well to think about that.


"'There is no doubt that they are hated today in part because of all the 'Holocaust propaganda' they are constantly spreading. It's become impossible to open a newspaper or see a television program these days without coming across the Holocaust. Holocaust, Holocaust, everywhere Holocaust. The Holocaust has 'hijacked' all the media, all of Western culture. The world is fed up with it. People are losing their patience and are liable to resort to acts of violence against Jews. If the Jews don't stop, they can expect a genuine Holocaust.'"


I should also mention that this Segev article contains a small but intriguing disclaimer at the end, as follows:


"Website note: David Irving accepts no responsibility for the quotations attributed to him in this article."





Thought for the Day - in answer to the "Baby Aryan" item:


"So, this is where we are slowly getting. The "Holocaust" will have been proven through a child's ditty with humorous contents.


"Could be worse, I guess; they could be finding the holes in the (traditional Auschwitz) story..."


(Sent to the Zundelsite)

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