Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 26, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Here is an interesting argumment made from the Christian perspective - that to require people to "believe" in the traditional version of the "Holocaust" and act accordingly is, in effect, an attack on a very important tenet of Christianity - namely the Ninth Commandment.


The title of this brief essay is "Judeo-German Government Wages War on Christian Faith Via Hate Laws". Christians, particularly, should think long and hard about this one.


The German government has been engaged during recent years in the enforcement of Jewish-crafted Hate Laws making it a crime for any person to express doubt or disbelief in the Jewish Holocaust --- the allegation that the government and people of the Third Reich were guilty of the mass murder of six million Jews during the World War II period.


The Holocaust allegation leveled against the people of Germany and their leaders by Jewish agencies is an accusation of criminal conduct of enormous magnitude. No person professing the Christian Faith is at liberty to assert this, or any other criminal accusation, except in strict compliance with the Ninth Commandment (also known in certain Christian confessions as the Eighth Commandment): "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Kinsman." Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20.


If a Christian, having examined the available evidence in support of the Jewish Holocaust allegation, is persuaded that the allegation is false, then he is bound by the Ninth Commandment never to repeat the allegation nor to give any support to it. Nor may he remain silent on the matter, where his silence is likely to be construed as an affirmation of the false allegation. Qui tacet consentire videtur.


Thus, the Ninth Commandment implies the right and obligation to speak and write against the false allegation, to prevent damage to the victims of lies.


The penalty attaching to a violation of the Ninth Commandment is that the person giving the false statement shall be punished by inflicting upon him the same damage that the victim suffered, or would have suffered, as the result of the false statement. Deuteronomy 19:16-21.


For example, if the false testimony would have resulted in condemning the falsely accused to death, then the false witness shall be put to death, regardless of whether the falsely accused was in fact put to death.


It is therefore clear that a German Christian, who is convinced by the evidence of the falsity of the Jewish Holocaust allegation, is required by German statute to be a false witness, sinning against the Ninth Commandment, or go to prison. The statute thus nullifying one of the Ten Commandments (and) effectively outlaws the Christian religion throughout the German state. This has been done.


Conclusion and Recommendation.


The German legislature, by enactment of the Jewish Hate Laws, has in effect outlawed the Christian religion throughout Germany. In any criminal trial pursuant to these laws, the defense should consider filing


(1) a motion for judicial notice of the Ninth Commandment, as promulgated by Moses acting on the authority of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and as embodied in the above-cited scriptural texts, viz. Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20, Deuteronomy 19:16-21; and


(2) a motion for a declaratory judgment that the Hate Law in question nullifies the Ninth Commandment, for the reasons given in the above paragraphs; and finally,


(3) a motion to dismiss the criminal action, on the grounds that it cannot have been the legislative intent of the German legislature to enact a statute in nullification of the Ninth Commandment.


These motions will be supported by the concurring testimony of subpoenad ministers of the Christian faith and rabbis of the Jewish faith, both of whom purport to serve the same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Who is the judge, Christian or Jewish, that will refuse on the record to take judicial notice of the Ninth Commandment?


Who is the Christian minister or Jewish rabbi that will dare to deny on the record the foregoing interpretation of the requirements and implications of the Ninth Commandment?


Let us see whether the German government is prepared to tell the people of Germany plainly that the country that gave to the world a Martin Luther is no longer allowed to practice the Christian faith.



Thought for the Day:


"If denying the Holocaust is hate speech in that it hurts Jewish feelings and accuses all Jews of lying, then the Jew who denies the divinity of Jesus is also committing hate speech."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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