Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


March 2, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I received a rather heartbreaking letter from a lady on behalf of a Mr. Johann Breyer - now well into his seventies and ill - who, as a seventeen-year-old, had been drafted into the war and ordered to stand guard at some outskirt perimeter of some German concentration camp.


Most people do not know that these guards were there largely to protect the camps from Communist guerrillas who wanted to steal arms and sabotage the war production work being done in these camps. Very few prisoners ever tried to escape, for there was no food or shelter on the outside without the all-important ration cards issued monthly by German authorities.


Now Breyer is being hounded by the "Nazi-hunting" Office of Special Investigations - largely staffed by Jewish lawyers since its inception - and threatened with losing his citizenship, followed by deportation.


Familiar story, isn't it? We hear it again and again.


This lady thought that by my making the Breyer story known on the Net, perhaps there might be some relief from this politically motivated persecution. She also asked if she could use my name in correspondence with various agencies and dignitaries she was trying to contact, since she assumed that my name carried weight.


I told her that she was welcome to use my name, but that I doubted it would help Breyer's case. After all, I too am the target of systematic, politically motivated vilification from many different quarters - as all are targeted who speak out against the all-powerful Lobby. (This tactic was cogently explained in Professor MacDonald's testimony in the Irving-Lipstadt trial )


I believe that a much better strategy is to promote and disseminate material like the explanations by Professor MacDonald, as well as those mainstream journalists and commentators who find it in their hearts to speak out against injustice and against the Zionist agenda, and to call a spade a spade - often at great risk to their careers.


Here is one such article, written by reporter/columnist Kevin Myers, of the Sunday Telegraph, January 9, 2000. His commentary pertains to the Konrad Kalejs persecution. Again, I will intersperse my comments:


Sunday Telegraph:


"What we should do is arrest this man, get the evidence against him, try him, find him guilty and send him to prison for the rest of his wretched life," declared Lord Janner (Jewish) about Konrad Kalejs, the 86-year-old Latvian suspected of war crimes.


What interesting legal notions Lord Janner possesses: perhaps we should dispense with the entire process of trial by jury in favour of Le Code Janner, to dispense with whomever he sees fit and in whatever manner. C'est magnifique, mais c'est pas la loi.




Janner displays all the traits pointed out in Professor MacDonald's study of how these people think, act and work.


Sunday Telegraph:


Perhaps other people share my distaste at seeing this ancient being rooted out of his old people's home in Leicester and bundled on to a plane for Singapore, and thence Australia and a warm welcome from anti-Nazi groups. Jack Straw, the Home Secretary, says that there is not enough evidence to arrest or prosecute Mr Kalejs; but in a dilute form of Le Code Janner, Mr Straw seems content enough that the Latvian was "complicit in war-crimes" and has accordingly turned him into a homeless octogenarian roaming the departure lounges of the world.




Probably more revealing than all the yammering about the so-called Holocaust is the spectacle of this relentless Talmudic mindset that cannot let go. These people know they have committed so many crimes against humanity and deserve to be punished. They cannot get over the shock of having been found out and nearly having to have faced the music at the hands of the Germans in the 1940s. So they run screaming after old and sick men. Decent people do not like to see old soldiers being hounded by a people whose relatives commit daily crimes against the Palestinians. The Gentile mindset stops and says: "What's going on here? One role for them - another one for us? Do I want to be a part of this?"


Sunday Telegraph:


Of course, the Home Secretary is on safe ground treating this geriatric so harshly; no one speaks up for Nazis, anti-Semites or child abusers. As it happens, the butchers of Latvian Jewry were all three. The atrocities in the Rumbuli Forest, outside Riga, match or exceed anything done anywhere in the Second World War. Thousands of Jews were shot there in December 1941, and the circumstances of their murder make possible culprits such as Mr Kalejs very necessary indeed.




I don't know about this specific incident at Rumbuli Forest, but I do know that thousands of Jews were murdered by the local Baltic people whose relatives - hundreds and thousands of them! - had been sent to certain death by Jewish-Bolshevik commissars before the Germans ever overtook the Baltic countries.


I also know that murderous attacks were staged against Russian and Ukrainian villages who cooperated with the Germans by Soviets dressed in German uniforms, with pictures duly taken. (See "Special Tasks" by Sudoplatov, who was in charge of some of these operations).


I further know that Jewish partisans in Soviet-occupied countries killed over 700,000 German soldiers behind the lines in that war, and often the rage of a tormented populace exploded on rounded-up Jews. The story of the Jewish role as saboteurs and guerrillas of war has not yet begun to be exposed as it deserves to be exposed.


Sunday Telegraph:


His role is not in expiation for the dead, for that is impossible, but to totemise the culprits: punish this man, three years short of his ninetieth year, and we stand on the side of the angels against the Nazis and their Latvian collaborators.




A most effective psychological weapon, isn't it? It does work wonders every time. I say take it away from our opposition, and three quarters of the struggle for Truth in History will have been won. But that is one weapon our besieged cultural group will not touch - and as long as our enemies can shriek "Nazi!" and count on Gentiles scurrying like rabbits, all progress for our cause will be difficult.


Sunday Telegraph:


Events at Rambuli do not suggest the stereotype of hardened SS men killing at their ease. The butchery was done by ordinary Wehrmacht troops and many Latvians, who enthusiastically herded the Jewish residents of the Riga ghetto to the killing pits in the forests beyond. Guilt was so widespread, so communal, so beyond punishment, as it so often was throughout the Eastern Front, that we hide that vast truth from our juridical vision: for what can law do when virtually an entire population goes mad and slaughters those it dislikes? Is it not better and simpler to hound a scapegoat upon whom the sins of the many may be visited?




This brings up the "why" of ". . . virtually an entire population (going) mad and slaughter(ing) those it dislikes." The Latvian countries did not have the benefit of what is called "years of Nazi indoctrination." Why did they react as they did?


They turned on their Jewish populations because the latter had collaborated with Stalin's Gulag butchers. Hundreds of thousands of Baltic people had lost fathers, brothers, sons, loved ones. They must have thought: "Now it is time to take revenge!"


Sunday Telegraph:


And if the law proves an ineffectual instrument in this persecution, as it has in three jurisdictions with Mr Kalejs, might satisfaction of a lesser kind not be achieved according to the more flexible tenets of Le Code Janner?




No! They want to signal to all the many enemies they have made in the last 80 years around the world that ". . . if you fight back, we will get you, regardless of how old you are, or where you live! We control the Straws in England and the OSI in America!"


Sunday Telegraph:


I don't know what Mr Kalejs is personally said to have done. Was it worse than the Mi Lai massacre in Vietnam 30 years ago? Was it worse than the massacre of the entire male population of a Malayan village by Scot Guards 15 years earlier? Was it worse than the massacre by Jewish terrorists of the Arab population of Deir Yassin in 1947? Was it worse than the incineration of the civilian population of Dresden in their beds in 1945?




Good questions. Well worth pondering.


War is a very bloody business, and when Hitler went to war against the East, the people whom he liberated from a quarter century of the most bloody persecution, murder and ethnic cleansing of a system conceived and financed straight from the skyscraper canyons of New York had very good reasons for their rage. It is a miracle that not more massacres were committed - in Poland to avenge the murders of Katyn, in Hungary to avenge the murders by Bela Kun, and in Germany to avenge the murders of Eisner.


Sunday Telegraph:


I don't know the answer to any of these questions; nor do I equate Dresden with the Holocaust.




Why not? A dictionary definition of what a Holocaust is might help.


In Dresden, hundreds of thousands were incinerated - alive. In German concentration camps, only dead people, many of whom had succumbed to contagious diseases and Allied bombing attacks, were cremated as a public health measure.


Sunday Telegraph:


But the fact that Lt William Calley, the primary culprit of Mi Lai, runs a jewellery store in Georgia, and the NCO responsible for the Malayan massacre is alive and well in Edinburgh, and the authors of Dresden and Deir Yassin have been untroubled by the law, might help lower the high moral ground of those who seek vengeance on Konrad Kalejs.




Gentiles would think that - but no! Churchill, who initiated the mass murder at Dresden, Hamburg, Kologne etc. is still exalted. No Jewish Israeli soldier has ever been prosecuted for the fiendish murders of the Palestinians at Deir Yassin, even though these murderers are known.


Sunday Telegraph:


A war crime is not an absolute to be applied impartially across the world. It is conditional; and the first condition, overriding rules of evidence or the nature of the actual crime, is that its perpetrator must be on the losing side.




How callous - but, sadly, how true!


Sunday Telegraph:


If Mr Kalejs had had the good sense to be with the Soviet forces that massacred the Polish officers in Katyn, he would tonight be going to his bed in Leicestershire. Instead, he is an 86-year-old homeless refugee from Le Code Janner, unconvicted in any court, but a pariah, nonetheless, forlornly shuttling between the airports of the planet. That is not just unedifying: it is a moral outrage.




I want to thank Mr. Meyers for this article, especially for this last paragraph - which just about says it all.




Thought for the Day:


"23 February 1945: The German city of Pforzheim, a town involved in clock and jewelry-making, a town of about 100.000 human beings; was destroyed by British bombers through High Explosive (HE) and Incendiary bombs [code-named "Operation Yellow Fin"].


"More than 17.000 individually identified people are known to have died ***in 20 minutes***, although the actual number is estimated at 25.000.


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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