Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


March 15, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



All throughout February, Ernst Zundel worked intensively on an 80 page booklet pertaining to critical "Holocaust" topics raised in an American mainstream magazine. This booklet is the basis for an important series of 11 ZGrams, starting today.


A mainstream Jewish writer, giving his readers the standard Jewish slant on well-worn Holocaust orthodoxy in response to the then upcoming Irving/Lipstadt-Penguin Trial, made amazing and telling pre-emptive admissions in an article published in the February 2000 Atlantic Monthly. This 19 page article, significantly titled "The Holocaust on Trial" by D.D. Guttenplan, is so far the most comprehensive and extensive write-up on the subject of Revisionism and the Holocaust that has appeared in the global mainstream press.


The choice of the title itself speaks volumes. It is an open acknowledgement - long overdue! - that Revisionism, far from being a fringe movement run by a few crackpots and "Hitler lovers", is in fact a vibrant, legitimate historical discipline of far greater spiritual depth and political importance than has been admitted by those who would like us to listen to the B'nai Brith and Anti-Defamation League type smearmongering just a little bit longer.


Holocaust orthodoxy is not yet a sacred religious dogma of Judaism. It is, in fact, the central core of the Zionist political agenda. This agenda has had diabolical, monstrous results. It gave us World War II, the Morgenthau Plan, Operation Keelhaul, the Nuremberg Trials, an Israeli state, German reparations to maintain that state, more than half a century of Bolshevic occupation of the heartland of Europe, deliberately media-induced, all-permeating "Holocaust thinking" and, as a by-produce, permanent, bloody wars and upheaval in the Middle East. It is also the backbone of the New World Order.


Understanding this Zionist agenda is of crucial relevance to every person on this earth who prefers truth over lies, unfettered scientific and historical inquiry to back up that truth and demolish those lies, and freedom over slavery for future generations.


Leuchter's findings, Irving's adoption of these findings, and the subsequent Errol Morris documentary film about Leuchter played a central role in the lengthy Irving-Lipstadt/Penguin litigation, as the court transcripts reveal. This illustrates the crucially important role played by the much-maligned Fred Leuchter in the demolition of this edifice and relic of World War II propaganda lies.


Guttenplan's choice of the Title, "The Holocaust on Trial" - was borrowed from a Zundel publication - the 1988 'consumerized" version by Reporter Robert Lenski of the 1988 Zündel trial, reviewable on the Zundelsite. (Use the Zundelsite-specific search engine for topics of specific interest!) The title signifies acknowledgment by the back door of the importance of the two Zundel Trials and their seminal impact on Holocaust historiography.


It is only fitting that Ernst Zundel should review the Atlantic Monthly article. In this article, Guttenplan is continuing the traditional modus operandi of the "in-elite" by talking about us, around us, past us and against us. Who better than a German to respond to the continued blood libel against the Germans - and to assure more balance, sanity and honesty?

Who better than Ernst Zundel, battle-scarred veteran of this herculean struggle and originator/catalyst of the all-important Leuchter Report?


For the next two weeks, I yield my ZGrams to Ernst Zundel. The Internet allows this veteran of Holocaust Revisionism to have his say - his way!


(Paragraph pairs are numbered and separated by a line. )



The Holocaust on Trial -

by D. D. Guttenplan




1. Guttenplan: A controversial British writer, David Irving, has instigated a libel suit against an American historian [Deborah Lipstadt] for calling him "one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial." The trial, just beginning in Britain, will almost inevitably be used by some to claim legitimacy for Holocaust "revisionism" - as if the Holocaust as a historical fact were open to debate.


ANSWER TO 1. Mr. Guttenplan lays down the "ground rules" for this article:


a. - Assumption: "There was a Holocaust . . . " - something he does not describe or define -


b. Dogma and Dictate: ". . . as if the Holocaust as a historical fact were open to debate . . . " - thereby brazenly proclaiming the taboo, and


c. "Here is my Evidence": Guttenplan spends 19 pages, totaling 150 paragraphs, exploring and eroding his own dogma, disturbed and frightened by what he finds - only to return at the end to current Holocaust orthodoxy, invoking "the sanctity of facts" that Hilberg the Atheist is so fond of.


Let us look at Guttenplan's arguments and mindset. Napoleon Hill, an eminently successful American thinker and author of many self-improvement books - one of which, "Think and Grow Rich", sold over 12 million copies" - said half a century ago: "Every time you talk, your mind goes on parade."


Here, then, is D.D. Guttenplan's "mind on parade":




2. Guttenplan: First they came for the Jews ..."


Of all the "lessons" of the Holocaust, Pastor Martin Niemöller's unsparing account of his own complicity in the escalating brutality of life in Nazi Germany is probably the best known. When Americans talk about the Holocaust - from Vice President Al Gore speaking at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony in Washington, D.C., to the aids activist Mary Fisher at the 1992 Republican Convention - Niemöller's litany of indifference, "but I was not a Jew ...," almost always comes up. It is one of the things everybody knows about the Holocaust, along with the bars of soap made from the fat of murdered Jews, and the gas chambers at Dachau and Belsen.


ANSWER TO 2. Interesting that American politicians of the last 70 years have to go overseas to "Nazi Germany" for their definition of "public indifference", when they have a full stable of domestic "indifference" of their own - from slavery, to segregation, to putting American Indians into concentration areas called "reservations", and on and on and on. Was there a massive outcry against these evils in colonial, revolutionary, or even modern America? The answer is: No, there was not!


Blacks were riding in the back of American busses, having to go to "Blacks only" drinking fountains, "Blacks only" washrooms, "Blacks only" bars, hotels and even whorehouses. There were no civil rights marches in America when Niemöller excoriated the Germans. The majority of Americans were indifferent to the indecencies, pain and humiliation they visited on their own minorities in the 1920s, '30s and 1940s. The only people marching in those days were the Ku Klux Klan members on the way to a cross burning or lynching!


When America went to war against "racist Hitler", Americans did so with a virtually racially segregated army! Talk about "indifference"! Or let us talk about today. Guttenplan, who is Jewish, has never written one article about the present (and past) Israeli brutality, segregation and oppressive treatment of the Palestinians by his fellow Jews in Israel! Here Guttenplan's mind is clearly on parade - indifferent to the Jews' victims!




3. Guttenplan: The problem is, what everybody knows about the Holocaust isn't always true. Although the grisly tale of human beings rendered into soap figured in some of the earliest accounts of events inside Nazi-occupied Europe, it is now universally rejected by historians as a fabrication - similar to the atrocity stories that were a staple of Allied propaganda during the First World War.


ANSWER TO 3. Is that so?! Read this and decide for yourself!


a. The International Military Tribunal held in its judgment in 1946 that "in some instances, attempts were made to utilize the fat from the bodies of the victims in the commercial manufacture of soap. (Judgement, p. 252)


b. Guttenplan's own hero, Dr. Hilberg, hemmed and hawed in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 for page after page of transcripts because he, as a Jew, could not bring himself to admit that fellow Jews had lied for forty years about the Germans ". . . having made soap from Jews." After an intense grilling by Zündel Defense Attorney, Doug Christie, he still called it "a rumor" - not a lie!


c. In 1990, Israel's Holocaust Museum admitted the Nazis never made soap from human fat of murdered Jews during the Second World War ("Human fat wasn't used by Nazis, Israel's Holocaust Museum says" The Globe and Mail, April 25, 1990)


d. Yet even as this booklet goes to print, Ernst Zündel is on trial in Canada before a Human Rights Tribunal, charged among many other things for a document debunking "Human Soap" that's on the Zundelsite - a website located in America and run by an American citizen. That sick story about "soap made from Jews" is still used by mostly Jewish propagandists against the Germans to this day!




4. Guttenplan: The concentration camp at Dachau did have a gas chamber, but it was never used. There were no gas chambers at Belsen.


ANSWER TO 4. In this sentence Guttenplan slyly adopts all the fruits of Revisionist research and scholarship, for which people like Dr. Faurisson, Udo Walendy and I, Ernst Zündel, have paid a dear price - in being dragged before courts, tried in lengthy trials and convicted to huge fines and years of imprisonment.


"No gas chambers at Dachau"? Look how the legend was fabricated, and how it slowly died:


a. On April 20, 1945 General Dwight D. Eisenhower invited a committee of leading congressional leaders (and leading newspaper editors) to see the Nazi concentration camps. The report of this committee stated that the distinguishing feature of the Dachau Camp was the "gas chamber."


b. Evidence used at Nuremberg to "prove" the gas chamber at Dachau included the film Nazi Concentration Camps. In his closing address to the tribunal, the British prosecutor, Sir Hartley Shawcross, alleged that gassing had occurred, among many other concentration camps, in Dachau. The judgment of the IMT agreed with the prosecution.


c. In 1960, Dr. Martin Broszat, director of the German Institute for Contemporary History, finally admitted there were no gas chambers at Dachau.


d. Professor Hellmut Diwald documented in his book, History of the Germans, 1978, that the rooms displayed at Dachau as "gas chambers" were dummy chambers that the US military had forced imprisoned SS men to build after the capitulation of the camp.


e. Yet the judge in the Zündel case in 1991 in Munich read at length from some Holocaust text, stating that there was a gas chamber and that there were gassings at Dachau - and never mind the evidence to the contrary! He could have verified the facts himself, for the former concentration camp is only 20 miles away from Munich.


Guttenplan simply and shamelessly hijacks the fruit of Holocaust Revisionist scholarship! What does that say about his mindset?




5. Guttenplan: Nor, as it happens, did the Nazis come first for the Jews. In fact, as Peter Novick explains in his brilliant and provocative new book, The Holocaust in American Life, "First they came for the Communists" - a circumstance acknowledged by Niemöller, who continued, ". . . but I was not a Communist - so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrats - so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew - so I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left who could stand up for me."


ANSWER TO 5. Situational ethics and selective and out-of-context quotes are the hallmark of most "Holocaust scholars" - especially those who serve the agenda of Israeli and American Jewish groups. One might also ask: Has Guttenplan come to the defense of Revisionists like Dr. Faurisson or Zündel who were picked up, incarcerated, tried, convicted and jailed? No. He has not only been indifferent to their plight, as this article clearly demonstrates, although he is aware of the problem of the misuse and abuse of the Holocaust by American and Israeli organizations, he joins them, in fact, by aligning himself with them - even while mildly criticizing and acknowledging some safe aspects of the lie.




6. Guttenplan: Novick describes Gore, Fisher, and the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., as "prudently omitting Communists" from their versions of Niemöller's homily. But as Novick makes clear, prudence and political calculation have influenced our knowledge of the Holocaust from the very beginning. Even the word itself - from the Greek holos, for "whole," and kaustos, for "burnt" - is contested. In some circles the Hebrew word Shoah, meaning "destruction," is preferred. The Princeton historian Arno Mayer coined the term "Judeocide" to describe the subject of his controversial study Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? (1988).


ANSWER TO 6. The Holocaust Lobby did not "prudently omit" the reference to Communists. They falsified the words of Niemöller. And "political calculation" means they deliberately used the Holocaust propaganda to serve their political - meaning their Jewish - ethnic agenda. The word "Holocaust" was a propaganda term, appropriated in the middle seventies by the Holocaust promoters. It never had any political meaning attached to it before. Check any dictionary or encyclopedia published before 1975.


"Holocaust", "genocide of the Jews", "judeocide" are all emotionally laden trigger words, literally verbal clubs with which to bludgeon critics of the Jewish agenda into submission and silence. It's a fraudulent use of language. Look at the dictionary definition.


The bottom line is this: You cannot prove "genocide" or "judeocide" with millions of living "Holocaust survivors" - all demanding, and most getting, financial restitution!




7. Guttenplan: For a long time after the war the fate of European Jewry was hardly mentioned, partly because, as the cartoonist Art Spiegelman's father says in Maus, his "survivor's tale" in cartoon format, "No one wants anyway to hear such stories," and partly because in the camps liberated by American GIs - Dachau and Buchenwald, for example - only about a fifth of the prisoners were Jews. In Edward R. Murrow's famous 1945 broadcast from Buchenwald the words "Jew" and "Jewish" are never spoken. Deborah Lipstadt, the author of Beyond Belief (1986), a study of American press coverage of the Holocaust at the time, says that even when confronted by the evidence, many correspondents were reluctant to admit "to themselves - and to their readers" the reality of genocide. Lipstadt attributes a portion of this reluctance to anti-Semitism.


ANSWER TO 7. Guttenplan evidently knows very little of the history and propaganda situation of World War II and after. The Nuremberg Trials were dreamed up by Jewish lawyer Jacob and Nehemia Robinson.


Aficionados of the "Holocaust" have often called Jacob Robinson a "historian" and "internationalist jurist" and referred to him as a prime source of authoritative information on what happened to the Jews. Jacob Robinson was, in fact, a cunning East European Jewish shyster with a diabolical plan and agenda. He was the inventor/creator of the "revolutionary concept" of the idea of the Nuremberg Trial for Germany's leaders and the German Reparations scheme.


According to Nahum Goldman, former President of the World Jewish Congress,


". . . Apart from my encounter with the survivors of the concentration camps after the liberation, I only returned officially to Germany in order to meet Chancellor Adenauer and open negotiations about reparations. These reparations constitute an extraordinary innovation in terms of international law.

Until then, when a country lost a war, it paid damages to the victor, but it was a matter between states, between governments. Now for the first time a nation was to give reparations either to ordinary individuals or to Israel, which did not legally exist at the time of Hitler's crimes. All the same, I must admit that the idea did not come from me. During the war the WJC (World Jewish Congress) had created an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian Jewish jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them, the Institute worked out two completely revolutionary ideas: the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations. (Goldman, Nahum, The Jewish Paradox, Grosset & Dunlap, 1978, p 122)


For almost five years, from 1945 to 1950, Europe and the world were awash in propaganda, spread by mostly Jewish journalists and "concentration camp survivors" about "Jewish soap", fiendish medical experiments, gas chambers at Dachau etc. - undoubtedly because the Allies wanted to deflect attention from their own genocidal bombing results, the ethnic cleansing and expulsion of millions of Germans from their ancestral homelands, and the slave labor and death camps of German prisoners of war and civilian detainees by the Soviets, Poles, Czechs, Serbs, the Americans, the British, and the French. The newsreels of the day by the conquerors of defeated Germany don't speak of ¨"Jewish genocide" - not because they were reluctant to mention it, but because there was no evidence of genocide!


To come back to Dachau, which was the favorite Allied "Death Camp" before Auschwitz replaced it, after no gas chambers could be proven in Dachau:


On the day of the Allied takeover, out of 31,432 live prisoners "liberated", only 2539 were Jews. That is 8% of the inmates. Living Jews! Not dead Jews! That hardly proves "genocide of the Jews" - much less "judeocide"! It proves that relatively few of the inmate population at any one time were Jews!


Lipstadt herself - by her own admission steeped in Jewishness, Judaism and Jewish culture - immediately blames the lack of Americans bemoaning the "genocide" of the Jews right after the war as an act of reluctance, even "anti-Semitism"! What kind of a mindset does she parade around by this?




8. Guttenplan: Novick, who teaches history at the University of Chicago, suggests a different reason for postwar American reticence: with the realignment brought about by the Cold War, talk of the Holocaust was positively inimical to U.S. interests.


"In 1945," he writes, "Americans had cheered as Soviet forces pounded Berlin into rubble; in 1948, Americans organized the Airlift to defend 'gallant Berliners' from Soviet threat."


ANSWER TO 8. Mr. Novick, too, being Jewish of course, suffers either from willful ignorance or selective memory. The Allies, especially the Americans, at the prodding and with the active overrepresentation of Jewish investigators, interrogators, torturers and prosecutors in American, Soviet- and British uniforms, were accusing, trying, convicting and executing or simply arbitrarily murdering Germans all over Europe, without even a show trial, as shown in the recent documentary The Avengers. After Stalin, their former ally, threatened to take over the rest of Europe and Asia, the American industrial-military complex needed cannon fodder, namely German troops, to save their ill-gotten gains in Europe against their murderous former ally Stalin. It was not love of the Germans, or lack of "pro-semitism" - it was a cold, calculated survival strategy.




Tomorrow: Part II

Back to Table of Contents of the March 2000 ZGrams