ZGram - 5/28/2002 - "The World Bank has a Mental Health Division?"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Tue, 28 May 2002 12:34:04 -0700


MAY 28, 2002


=46or some three years now, I have argued that Revisionism needs to get 
out of its own self-perpetuating research ghetto and focus on an 
expanded field of responsible social activism.  After all, how often 
are we going to excavate the same old "Holocaust" sites and "prove" 
yet one more time that the Holocaust is nothing but a giant hoax to 
milk the goyim of billions of dollars?

Why, in the  name of common sense would we want to spin our wheels? 
Just because yet one more chosenite shrieks at yet another hapless 
goy:  "I don't believe it!!! Prove it!!!" ?

Why don't we say:  "You prove it, buster, that we are wrong and you 
are right!  The court house is right there!"

Just this morning, Ernst told me that Meir Halevi, he of the Canadian 
Jewish Defense League and as vicious a Jewish underground militant as 
they come, sat smirking on a bench right in the Zundel House in 1980 
or so and said to Ernst, who was practically singelhandedly battling 
the Hoax in the infancy days of forensic Revisionism:  "I am a Jew. 
I will NEVER believe what you say!  You  can bring whatever proof you 
want - you have your truth and we have ours..." - or words to that 

Imagine the audacity of, let's say, a thief or an embezzler caught 
with his fingers in the cookie jar who would count on interfering 
with the consequences of his crooked behavior by simply insisting, 
over and over and over:  "I choose not to believe it.  You prove it 
to me."

So.   Get with it!  It is not our obligation to convince our 
victimizers that they have victimized entire nations for more than 60 
years, beginning with their lies as wartime propaganda.

That work of gathering the evidence to disprove the Holocaust lies 
has been done for over a decade.  The proof is in the court 
transcripts and in the witness testimony under oath.  It's in the 
documents and publications.  And that's where it will rest until 
there is a change of public consciousness where truth and justice 
will prevail and not be held at ransom.

I say that for the sake of freeing ourselves from those diabolical 
elements that plague our people it's far more productive to draw a 
few logical conclusions from having made short shrift with Jewish 
lies, with consequent embezzlements and various related other crimes, 
and tell ourselves:  "All right.  We have been hoaxed with this 
disgusting story of the Holocaust.  Now could it be we have been 
hoaxed with other equally strange and even more destructive schemes?"

Let's pick a random one:  Health.  Yet more specific - mental health.

When I was still working in Special Services in public schools, the 
rage about a drug called Ritalin was on.  There was immense pressure 
on professionals to refer children to be drugged to "calm them down" 
so as to make them "learn."  Quite a few schools created their share 
of young zombies.

Not only that, it did not take all that long for me to realize that 
those who were on Ritalin did not grow properly.  These children 
seemed to suffer stunted growth.  In many an educational conference, 
I pointed out that observation - not that much attention was paid. 
The literature available to teachers and parents was teeming with 
exhortations on the benefits of Ritalin.

Of course now we know better - but who is to say what was done to 
America's young?  Millions of them?  Over decades?

A similar story revolves around fluoride.  I remember a dentist 
friend telling me that fluoride just about destroyed his business 
because "...young children no longer have cavities."  I took that at 
face value until Ernst told me five or six years ago that Stalin used 
to haul fluoride by the truckloads to the Gulags.  To preserve 
children's teeth?  Hardly.  It was to keep prisoners docile.

Now you see here and there the flickering cues in practically 
apologetic articles that fluoride is a substance that "dulls 
aggressiveness."  Is that why our people can't seem to rouse 
themselves to throw off their tormentors?  Can you buy toothpaste 
these days that does not contain fluoride as one of its ingredients?

Do chemtrails come to mind?

Just asking.

There is an oddly structured website, <http://www.nomorefakenews.com> 
that I have been watching for some time for unusual snippets of news. 
You be the judge if the following merits revisionist scrutiny - for 
Revisionism is merely a methodology, a tool which can and must be 
applied to every issue we confront.  We must investigate, research 
and weigh the pros and cons, check out the claims, revise if 
necessary - before we say okay to chemicals as well as platitudes 
that special interests push into our brains by all means fair or foul.


MONDAY, MAY 27.  Over the last six months, several sources have told 
me the following.  The World Bank has a mental health division.  

The activities of this division are not publicized, are held very 
close to the vest.

One semi-clandestine function of this division is the enactment of 
forced drugging laws, which make it mandatory for citizens of various 
countries to be given psychiatric drugs under a number of 

Since some of these drugs can produce violent behavior, and since 
sudden withdrawal from these drugs can also cause violent behavior  
(e.g., the SSRI anti-depressants), there are cases where people 
taking these chemicals become violent.

Their crimes become a pretext for an even harder push to enact and 
enforce forced drugging laws.

It's a feeder loop that goes around and around in the OP called the 
destruction of nations. (...)

The Observer (London) has obtained documents which show that the 
Pentagon has been developing plans to use drugs like Valium as 
"tranquilizing weapons" against enemy troops.

Also in the works--genetically modified bugs that can gobble up fuel 
and ammunition.  It'll be a real party when these bugs get loose all 
over the world and begin gnawing on bridges and drinking gas in gas 

And of course Valium has been used as a chemical weapon for decades.  
On patients, millions of them.  Terms like patient and enemy and 
hostile population and terrorist supporter--they blur into one 
another with great ease.  

It's just that the millions of people who take the tranqs on a 
regular basis haven't noticed that blur effect, because everything 
looks fuzzy to them.  Which is the whole point, Bubba.  


I had a real shock a couple of days ago when I reconnected with 
someone in Argentina where I spent four years of my very early youth. 
I had many friends my age - mostly of German, Austrian, Swiss and 
Danish stock.  We were one healthy, happy bunch of young people, 
endowed with zest and energy that simply wouldn't quit.

=46or more than four decades, I had not been in touch - and now I 
enquired about their whereabouts.

With the exception of a close girlfriend, who suffered a stroke that 
practically blinded her, NOT ONE of my former friends - all of my age 
group! - is still alive today!  Of what does an entire like-age 
generation of Aryans die?  =1F

These people were large-plantation owners - healthy, vigorous and 
self-sufficient folks.  They lived off of the land.  Was it 
insecticide?  Do they have chemtrails in the North of Argentina?  Is 
something in their water?

It CANNOT be coincidence that every one of them would end up in a 
graveyard in the very prime of life.  Something is killing them.  It 
merits scrutiny to find out, exactly, what happened.  And why.  That, 
too, is Revisionism  - far more relevant in our days than "debating" 
the likes of that eternally smirking Michael Shermer of Skeptic who 
slithers in and out of our conferences and then writes articles on 
how we are so dense we cannot see the "obvious".

Why should we waste our energies on him and others of their ilk? 
They choose not to believe us - so what?

We don't depend on their approval.  Why should we keep digging around 
in a non-existent graveyard looking for nonexistent bones as 
"evidence" for a nonexistent "crime" - when the real task might be 
staring us right in the face:  "Who, or what, is killing our kind?"

Keep watching those chemtrails, I say.  Collect what evidence you can.


Thought for the Day:

=1F"The World Bank?  Mental Health Divison?  Is that the explanation 
for that repeat, mysterious visitor to the Zundelsite from the World 
Bank our Zundelsite monitors puzzled about from Day One?  For years? 
They knew we had no money!"

(Ernst Z=FCndel)