Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


April 17, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Just now I finished opening my mail - Irving articles piled on Irving articles! There must be hundreds of them floating around.


I am picking two at random. One is titled "Historian who challenged scope of Holocaust loses libel lawsuit" by Mara Bellaby of the Associated Press. It's just some 5 inches, 2 columns wide - but it contains all the essentials.


The second one - same size, same origin, same details - titled "Historian who scoffed at Holocaust loses libel suit" tells me a little extra: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak sent his congrats to Lipstadt "in the name of Israel and the entire Jewish people."


See? Revisionism - a fringe movement? Pahhhh! as Ernst Zundel would say!


Supporters sometimes get gruff about having to underwrite so many trials, so many tedious transcripts - but ***that is where the war is taking place!*** It is far preferable to having the blood flow in the streets!


Please, don't get tired underwriting those who put their names, their reputations and their very lives right in the firing line! Don't undercut them with defeatist talk - if one goes down, ten rise in the same spot!


Just how wide the front has become can also be glimpsed from this letter by one of America's foremost Revisionists, as first published in today's Mike Hoffman's e-zine. <>


(A little sidebar here: David Irving and Mike Hoffman had a bit of a spat last summer, as often happens among high-strung individuals, of whom we seem to have more than our share in our ranks. But I think this letter is a testimony to the spirit that should, but does not always, exist between those who dare to question the taboo on history.)


Here is that letter, for your elucidation:


Congratulations on a SUPERB epilogue and encomium for David (Irving), all the more creditable in view of your personal differences with him last year. It isn't often that one gets to read such eloquence that is at the same time well-founded and informative.


I myself had sent a more modest note of encouragement, on the theory, voiced by Ernst Zundel, that 'this is his darkest hour.' What was my pleasant surprise, though, to get a speedy, stiff-upper-lip--or even nonchalant--reply from David to the effect that it's double-quick-march ahead with no looking back.


He is preparing for an appeal, Gray notwithstanding, and, so far as I know, still intends to also sue the other woman who has been smearing him, Gitta Sereny.


Most amazing, though, is what David had to say about the subsequent media fall-out:


"The press coverage has been immense...(from) newspapers around the world!! -- and not entirely hostile. In fact there have been the warmest tributes to my work in the Daily Telegraph, The Times, and other broadsheet newspapers. I am staggered. Wall to wall live radio and television interviews, that is the best!" (End quote from David Irving)


I don't know: it's entirely possible that a genie has been let out of the bottle that even the Jews won't be able to deal with- especially if we couple that with the highly ominous developments on the Holocrap in the Islamic world. That's the one they've got to be sweating because of the danger of important national governments (Syria, Iran, the Gulf States) taking up revisionism as a matter of official policy with full national resources behind it.


For some years now, my personal take on the situation is that, until some significant major national/economic player--preferably something wired in as part of the Euro-American power structure--starts feeling sufficiently threatened by the fundamentally insane Jewish depredations to conclude that the latter has to be brought under control, people like us don't have a chance of changing one scintilla of the post-WW2 momentum.


Whether that point is now being reached with the ever-mushrooming and potentially unlimited 'restitution' racket that Bronfman & co. are spearheading, I don't know, but it's got to have a growing number of the shakedown-ees tugging at their collars. I thought it most intriguing that Switzerland has just warmly welcomed the Austrian Prime Minister, despite Zionist double hernias over the visit.


What the Swiss do is extremely important in the international scheme of things: it's not accidental that we've had Geneva arms conventions, League of Nations, World Court, and countless U.N. agencies, going on over there for generations; plus all of the illicit monash that they're sitting on in secret accounts of so many respectable pols from all over the world.


At the same time, of course, the Swiss courts just sentenced a 'denier' to jail time, but changes of this kind are always slow in coming.


Also, there is the recent Grand Mufti caper (the Muslim religious leader of Jerusalem who cited the exploitation and exaggeration of the "Holocaust" by Israelis and did so during the Pope's visit -Ed.). I must admit I was exhilarated over that megaton development for days afterward. So far, the J. media I follow have held a stunned silence on the whole thing. They can't bring themselves to contemplate that a "stupid Arab Goy" could kick their butts up between their shoulders in the propaganda arena that they thought they owned.


So, yes, color me optimistic! As you say--what a great time to be living in.




Thought for the Day:


"More interesting stuff in the unlikely case you haven't noticed. Both the London Times and the Observer are choosing *the same* Irving quote as quote of the week. Want to know what it is?


"'If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance up the beach'. (...)


Interesting that newspapers must be practically resorting to codes. . ."


(Sent to the Zundelsite)

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