Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 24, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


One of my cyber scouts sent me the following this morning:


The Number One story on the planet right now is the ignominious retreat of the Israeli Defence Forces from southern Lebanon. Read the item below, and you see how right Zundel had been to urge the Arab and the Muslim world to fight an informational war against Zion with his 1983 essay "War, the West and Islam." (...)


Hizbollah today savours the heady wine of victory; a new wine being poured into sturdy old bottles labelled Patriotism, Faith, and Homeland. This will send the testosterone levels soaring among Shi'ite militants; among some of those 300,000 Palestinian refugees huddling in nearby refugee camps in the southern areas of Lebanon; among the Hamas fighters right inside Zion's back yard in the occupied territories; among the Arabs who live as second- and third-class Israeli citizens; among the Palestinian radicals who see Arafat as a sell-out; among the Iranian Islamic visionaries who bankroll Hizbollah; and so on and so on.


Think: Global Domino Theory.


Add to this the dismal image of panicked disarray and desperate flight that Israel's Lebanese Quisling (sorry for the word) allies are presenting to the world. Interesting developments, to say the least. They will impact hard and for a long time to come.


May 25 (or therebaouts), 2000, will be to Israeli history what April 30, 1975 has been to American history: A day of humiliation, writ in letters of fire across the firmament.


With one difference.


For Americans, it was the end of the Vietnam War; for the Israelis, this will simply mark the beginning of the end (or, the end of the beginning) of a security nightmare that will go on and on, exfoliating nightmare scenarios in all directions.


Think: Karma.


What is he talking about?


Robert Fisk of the British-based Independent News, who has brilliantly written on the Arab-Israeli conflict before, had his newest article posted at today.


The title of this reportage is "Chaos, humiliation, bloodshed: after 22 years, Israel withdraws from Lebanon," and excerpts quoted below tell the story:


Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon was ending in humiliation last night as Israeli soldiers opened fire on their own allied militiamen who were trying to seek sanctuary across the frontier, killing two fighters and a woman and wounding six civilians.


A day that saw the liberation of 160 prisoners from the notorious torture jail at Khiam, the capture by Hizbollah guerrillas of vast amounts of Israeli armour and ammunition and a desperate attempt to evacuate the last Israeli troops from a Crusader castle thus closed with Israel fighting its own Lebanese allies.


Ehud Barak, the Israeli Prime Minister, could never have dreamt of the speed of the collapse; that within 48 hours, Hizbollah gunmen would be lounging in their villages in sight of the northern Israeli border. (...)


The last Israeli soldiers inside Lebanon, the very end of an occupation that has cost up to 20,000 lives and lasted for 22 years in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions, were hiding inside their artillery battery in the old Crusader keep at Beaufort Castle last night, awaiting a helicopter evacuation under the cover of darkness. . . The Israelis' final retreat will mark the defeat by a rag-tag guerrilla army of one of the world's most powerful fighting forces.


At Khiam, frightened SLA men - in a scene reminiscent of the end of the Second World War - unlocked the cells of 160 men, almost all of them Shia Muslims and some held without trial for 16 years, allowing the inmates to run for their lives through the fields northwards. Three torture chambers and a whipping yard were abandoned by the proIsraeli gunmen, surviving proof of the torments that the prisoners endured for almost a quarter of a century.


General Antoine Lahd, the SLA commander, who had earlier announced in Paris his imminent return to "rally" his troops, never showed up. His men left behind the symbols of their defeat: tons of armour, tanks and armoured personnel carriers, many of them with their engines still running. Hizbollah guerrillas - thousands of them with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and mobile phones - organised a victory parade of captured equipment amid scenes of jubilation from returning villagers.



I urge you to read the entire article. For the Arab world, this is a long anticipated victory - but the psychological spin-offs of this development will reach far beyond the event itself: ***It shows that the detested Israeli occupiers of land that belonged to the Arabs for thousands of years are not invincible***."


Here is a brief Ernst Zundel summary of this late-breaking story:


What is unraveling in South Lebanon, one more time, is the primacy of mind over matter - thoughts and ideas overcoming bullets, even tanks, bunkers and helicopter gun ships.


I have preached the gospel of "Liberation through Information" for decades. I have often been sneered at, laughed at and taunted as a "coward." Friends, on the other hand, have called me the Ghandi of the Right, much to my enemy's chagrin.


Israel and its mercenary Lebanese militia of torturers, hired assassins and killers have now been defeated by an information campaign conducted very ably by camcorder-armed guerrilla sympathizers who filmed every move and every operation, however seemingly insignificant it might have been, and then broadcast it to friend and foe alike - exactly as Revisionists are doing with their e-zines and their websites, revealing the enemies methods of terror in a desperate attempt to contain an ever more powerful truth.


Such amateur footage, shot on off-the-shelf consumer mini- or handicams, has had a powerful impact on the Arabs, who were frequent victims of Israeli bombing, shelling of their homes and destruction of their businesses. These filmed Israeli state terrorist acts, against which the Arabs had no defense and which reduced them to frustrated impotence, made them suddenly see with their own eyes that there was another side to that war - as exemplified by footage taken by their own people - of Israeli bunkers being attacked in return, of trucks and half-tracks being blown to smithereens by Hizbollah guerrillas.


Now these beleaguered people could see that they were not powerless, that their tormentors could be reached, that pain and loss could be inflicted on those who had inflicted endless pain and loss on them - and that those, who had seemed invincible and unreachable before, could in fact be confronted and even decisively defeated!


One picture - worth a thousand words! It gave them a sense of empowerment.


One picture - worth a thousand words! - worked on the mindsets of the Arabs' enemies as well.


The Arab-Israeli media, always sensation-hungry, could not resist playing this Arab footage in some of their news programs - exactly as had happened a generation earlier in America when American media snapped up similar scenes of the US debacle in Viet Nam.


Just as the US media coverage of Viet Nam changed the public mood in America, so did the Israeli media coverage in Israel - and the "cinema verité" amateur clips by those guerrilla cameramen did the rest. These images worked on the minds of the Israeli public. The endless stream of young Israelis coming home in body bags - like in the earlier Viet Nam disaster - were impactful. Crying and wailing mothers berating generals and politicians in Israel could not be dismissed or shrugged off.


These images - TV footages, video clips etc. - emboldened the powerless. Those very same images at first weakened and ultimately defeated the most powerful, seemingly invincible military force, the IDF.


I say this: Today is only the beginning. The myth of invincibility of the Israeli Army has been broken, a myth carefully nurtured through endless propaganda over half a century. A myth once shattered is not easily rebuilt.


Furthermore, Israel's betrayal of their kept, mollycoddled mercenary South Lebanon Army, often referred to by Israeli commanders as the "Shield of the Galilee", will have far-reaching repercussions, not only on the local Arab populations but on Israeli fellow travelers and useful idiots in many parts of the world - like the financially dependent or blackmailed parliamentarians, senators or congressmen in so-called "democracies" the world over.


It won't be lost on them that with "friends" like the Israelis, you don't need enemies.


Additionally, the confessions of some Iranian Jews of how they were recruited and used for Israeli intelligence, and how virtually abandoned they were once they were caught, will not be lost on Diaspora Jews either. Dual loyalty is already becoming a huge issue as Putin's police raid the homes and offices of Russian-Jewish tycoons, Russian-Jewish media oligarchs and gangster elements.


Things are tough, and getting tougher for Israel and its worldwide Fifth Columnists.


Finally, in America there are signs everywhere that the goyim are getting ever more restless, and Jewish writers and intellectuals like Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Peter Novick and many lesser-known ordinary Jewish individuals sense that the Holocaust backlash has begun! Not a few are already leaving the sinking ship and cloaking themselves in Revisionist findings - as though they discovered these findings themselves!


Here is my rhetorical question:


Are the Holocaust propagandists of today going to stream back to the safe haven of Israel tomorrow, just like the Lebanese militia - only to find themselves betrayed and shot at the border by their former benefactors as Israel rids itself of inconvenient witnesses to all-permeating spy rings and huge crimes of blackmail and extortion? How many of these political whores are thinking of Jonathan Pollard and his fate at this very moment? How many are reflecting on the fate of those thirteen gullible Iranian Jews who stand accused of spying - and some of whom have already confessed?


Unfettered inquiry and truth unleashed, freely disseminated, will be our opposition's undoing. Their diabolical schemes, lies and deceptions will be their downfall. They will succumb to their self-inflicted wounds. That's why they so desperately want to repress, censor, try, convict, jail and by any means necessary silence truth tellers everywhere.


Truth is their deadly enemy!





Thought for the Day:


"I believe that if the Jews were really Gods chosen people, God would have given them a better piece of real estate than a desert with nothing but sand and Arabs throwing rocks at them.


"If God really loved the Jews so much, why didn't he give them something better, like say, MIAMI BEACH?"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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