ZGram - 9/22/2003 - "Mark Weber's Interview with Kevin Strom - Part II"

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Mon Sep 22 15:54:10 EDT 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

September 22, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This is sent to you on the eve of what could become an important 
Zundel Bail Hearing.  More about that in tomorrow's ZGram. 

Meanwhile, here is Part II of the radio interview by Mark Weber about 
the Zundel case and other matters:


Resistance to Jewish Power; and Zundel Case Update, part 2
by Kevin Alfred Strom with Mark Weber
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of September 20, 2003

He's never been convicted of a crime, yet he rots in jail without a charge,
denied access to his medicine and cruelly separated from his wife. He's a legal
American resident, married to an American citizen, yet he was spirited away
from his Tennessee home and into a Canadian dungeon on the flimsiest of
paperwork pretexts. His name is Ernst Zundel, artist, pacifist, 
writer, and thinker;
and the reason -- the only reason -- he is treated in this way is because he
has dared to question the great historical lies of the 20th century, the lies
that the Jews are always the victims and Gentiles the guilty.

Today we conclude our talk with historian Mark Weber, Director of the
Institute for Historical review on the Zundel case, which even 
Amnesty International
has hypocritically refused to take, and on the abuses and the overreaching
power of the Jewish establishment today.

An interview with Mark Weber, part 2:
Interview with Mark Weber:

KAS: It seems to me that free speech activists of all political persuasions
would be up in arms over what has happened in the Zundel case. Have we made any
inroads into the mainstream media with this case? 

MW: That brings up a really interesting point. Quite a few supporters of
Ernst Zundel's rights have brought this case to the attention of Amnesty
International and pleaded with them to support his civil rights. And Amnesty
International has rejected that, contending that they don't support 
those who promote
'hate.' Well, that's a very elusive term. It's an amazing thing that in the
trials that took place, the ones that were in Canada -- in fact, I 
was a witness
in them, before this so-called Human Rights Tribunal, the presiding
commissioner (he's not really a judge) stated explicitly that truth 
is no defense in
these matters. The truth of the thing is just irrelevant. And what it really
amounts to, this charge of so-called 'hate,' is the what Jewish groups find
offensive becomes criminal or becomes illegal. That's just 
outrageous. A statement
could even be true, but they don't care. And that's a very, very ominous thing.
It points up how the Amnesty International organization operates in a kind of
a 'PC' way. They're careful not to publicly support the freedom of speech of a
man who holds such Politically Incorrect views in our society.

KAS: I wonder if it's possible to get a list of cases which Amnesty
International has refused. I wonder how long that list is; and I 
wonder if there are
any cases of Jewish 'haters' who have been refused their services. 

MW: Well, Amnesty International declared that Nelson Mandela was not a
political prisoner. They supported him even though he was actually 
imprisoned for
his complicity in a terrorist bomb plot. But very few people know that. They
just assume that Nelson Mandela had been imprisoned for the peaceful expression
of his views. And that's just not the case. The Mandela case points up that
Amnesty International will bend its own principles for Politically Correct
reasons when it suits them. And I think the Ernst Zundel case also 
points up that
same thing.

KAS: It sounds like they're worse than useless, then. 

MW: Well, they at least do uphold a certain principle. But when any principle
is applied selectively, then it's not real justice.

KAS: Are there any prominent Canadians speaking up on the Zundel case? 

MW: I alluded to this earlier. There's a prominent Canadian journalist named
Bill Dunphy. He's a veteran investigative reporter and editor for the daily
Hamilton Spectator, and he spent six years investigating Canada's so-called
"White supremacist movement." He got to know Ernst Zundel personally. 
And although
he has no sympathy for Zundel's views, in a column he wrote in mid-May he was
very critical of the whole case against Ernst Zundel. He said "Our government
has seized and branded Ernst Zundel, stripped him of his human rights, tried
him in secret and found him wanting, and will now hand him over to a foreign
government anxious to throw him in jail. Zundel, who did this country a favor
by wiping off the books our disgraceful 'false news' laws, has never once been
convicted of a criminal offense in this country -- never once found to have
violated the hate crime laws that rest snugly around the throat of free
expression in this country." And he concluded, finally, that "the 
case by the Canadian
government against Ernst Zundel is a shameful piece of dishonest, unreliable
tripe." And he's not alone. There was a Canadian weekly newspaper called The
Eye, a trendy giveaway paper that covers the arts especially, which said that
"Declaring Zundel a terrorist now is not the result of any startling new
information. It has to do with political pressure." It condemned the 
case as well.
The Times-Colonist newspaper in Victoria, British Columbia, in an editorial
titled "Even Zundel Merits Fairness," was very critical of the trumped-up case
against him. Now those voices are rare in Canada, because it takes a particular
kind of courage to speak up for the rights of someone who Jewish groups want
to put in jail. And that's a very important aspect of all of this. It points up
the tremendous power and influence that Jewish groups have in Canada and in
North America generally. Zundel would not be in jail today if Jewish groups did
not want him there. That's a point that needs to be stressed over and over.
It's unthinkable that any group has that kind of power. As I said, it takes a
lot of courage, and it's rare for people to speak up for the rights of Ernst
Zundel when he's been so hounded, harassed and vilified in the media as he has

KAS: Where is The Eye published?

MW: It's a Toronto weekly paper. And the Times-Colonist, as I mentioned, ran
an editorial stating that the case against Zundel is really nonsense. I mean,
the idea that whatever Ernst Zundel has to say is going to bust apart Canadian
society is just childish. If Canadian society is that fragile, it deserves to
fall apart.

KAS: Well, there's a level of hypocrisy there that we also see in political
prosecutions in the United States. Clearly, no one believes that Ernst Zundel's
being free in Canada is going to cause Canadian society to fall apart. Even
his strongest critics, though they may say  that, clearly do not believe that.
It's a lie. 

MW: Right. What Ernst Zundel wants to do is actually get out of Canada and
live quietly in Tennessee. That would save everybody a whole lot of heartache
and so forth. But, as I said, Canadian Jewish groups -- the Canadian Jewish
Congress, the League of Human Rights of B'nai B'rith (a inappropriately named
counterpart of the ADL in this country), the Simon Wiesenthal Center -- are all
just demanding that Canadian authorities put Ernst on a plane and send him off
to Germany and put him in jail there, where they hope no one will ever hear
from him again.

KAS: It's an exercise in Jewish power. Are we seeing more of this flexing of
Jewish muscles, these exercises of Jewish power around the world these days? 

MW: I think, Kevin, we've seen in just the last few weeks expressions of the
flexing of this muscle, as you put it, and with such an arrogant overreach.
It's manifest in several things. There was a cartoonist in Australia who did
some cartoons that were critical of Israel who was fired from his job. A book
about the mistreatment of Palestinian youth under occupation was published in
Britain, and Jewish groups in that country are trying to ban the book. But the
most interesting case to me is the furor over Mel Gibson's new film called The
Passion. Mel Gibson has essentially taken the story of the suffering of Jesus
during the last twelve hours of his life as portrayed in the gospels and made
it into what is by all accounts a very moving film. But Jewish groups want it
banned. They want it stopped. In effect, they want any film portrayal of the
gospels banned. And this is just incredible. They claim, for example, that it's
wrong to portray Jews as being responsible for or playing a role in the death
of Jesus in the movie or even in the gospels -- even though, amazingly, the
Jewish Talmud, this very prominent holy writing for strict Jews, boasts about
and claims credit  for the Jews in the death of Jesus. It's amazing; the film
hasn't even been shown publicly and already Jewish groups are alleging that the
film is stirring 'anti-Semitism' and 'hatred.' Well, what's really stirring
hostile feelings among many people isn't what's in the film, it's what Jewish
groups are doing to try to ban the film even before it is released 
publicly. One
of the incredible things, as a friend of mine once said, is that Jewish
groups act as if non-Jews have Jews on the brain as much as Jews do themselves.
When Christians watch The Passion  what they're thinking of is the 
death and the
suffering of Jesus. But when Jews see the film, all they can concentrate on is
'what does it mean for Jews?' The idea that Gentiles and Christians are so
reckless and out of control that they're going to go out and hurt Jews because
of a depiction of what some Jews did to Jesus 2,000 years ago is just
incredible. Another example of this recently was the whining and 
protesting of Israel's
government about the news coverage of the British Broadcasting Corporation,
the BBC. BBC radio has reported very factually on a number of aspects of
Israel's reality: its nuclear weapons stockpile, and its mistreatment of
Palestinians, for example. So Israel's government declared that it 
was banning all
cooperation with the BBC. And one Israeli official said that the BBC 
was like "the
worst of Nazi propaganda." Well, this is just incredible -- if the BBC is like
the worst of Nazi propaganda, what does that say? -- both about the BBC and
about what the press in the Third Reich was like during World War II. This is
just tremendous overreach, tremendously out of balance here.

KAS: Well, maybe the French ambassador to Israel was correct... Israel is a
paranoid country. 

MW: Well, this may play well to Jews in the United States or in Israel. But
for 98 per cent. of the people in the world, for people who can think on their
own, this is just craziness, this is madness taken to a high degree. I mean,
we live in a society where Jewish groups effectively insist on a Judeo-centric
view of the world. And anything that deviates from that is punished. So
countless films can be produced by Hollywood which are anti-Christian 
or anti-White
or which denigrate any number of groups. But if one film comes out which
portrays Jews in a less than favorable way, Jewish groups go berserk. 
Even one film
is one too many as far as they're concerned. This is just madness. The world
can, in effect, choose between a view of the world dictated by groups like the
ADL -- or one in which there is freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry.
That's the kind of choice, increasingly, that the world has to face. And
that's manifest, right now, in the treatment of Ernst Zundel.

KAS: Isn't this raw exercise of Jewish power, this overreaching as you
describe it, going hand in hand with a considerable degree of drying 
up of support
for the Jewish state around the world? 

MW: Well, yes. One of the most important weapons that Jewish groups have
used, and that the state of Israel has used, over the years to shore up its
support is the whole 'Holocaust' campaign. That well of sympathy was 
used to build a
big museum in Washington, and to set up an official U.S. government agency to
require so-called 'Holocaust studies' in schools. A lot of mileage has been
gotten out of that -- so much so that they were able to shake down Switzerland,
and banks, Germany, Austria, and other countries for billions and billions of
dollars, which went to Israel and Jewish groups. But this well of guilt or
good will or whatever you want to call it is just about running to its end, I
think. Because the entire world is pretty strongly aware (though less so in our
country) about the brutal occupation of Palestine, the oppression of the
Palestinians, and Israel's illegal occupation -- for more than 20 years! -- of
parts of Syria. I mean, it's just fantastic. The United States 
government, at the
behest of Israel, is threatening Syria -- even though Syria's a country which
has been a victim of Israel. It's fantastic. It's just a topsy-turvy world.
But there are more and more voices speaking out against this. And I think
something is really profoundly changing all over the world.

KAS: Yes, it seems to me that it's only in the United States where we have an
almost total thralldom to Jewish power among the citizenry. It seems to me
that in Europe people are waking up from this false dream of collective guilt
about the Jews during World War II. 

MW: Something is changing. There's no question of that. Just a few weeks ago,
the longest-serving member of the British Parliament -- his name is Tam
Dalyell -- said that the American government is controlled by a 
Jewish cabal which
has gotten its hands on (and directs) American foreign policy. Now unlike some
people in this country, who say something and then retract it immediately
when the pressure gets too strong, he didn't retract his statement. There are
more and more open and unafraid voices in Europe -- but not just in Europe. All
over the world, more and more people are speaking out and acknowledging what is
a fact of life. And the fact of life is the tremendous power that Jewish
Zionist groups have in this country. And that they are able to 
dictate their will
to our senators, our congressmen, the executive branch of our government, and
so forth. Everybody should be ashamed to live under a government that is so
corrupt that it puts the interests of a small alien minority above 
the interests
of the American people and indeed of all humanity.

KAS: Mark, not only do I honor you for the work you've done for the Zundels,
but I also deeply appreciate your long service to the cause of historical
truth and the embodiment of that cause, the IHR. Can you tell us 
what's going on
at the Institute for Historical Review that our listeners ought to know about? 

MW: This last Summer has been very difficult. Money is short. From talks I've
had, it's difficult around the country right now. But things are much better
now than they were just a few weeks ago. We're going to be able to hire one or
two new persons soon.

KAS: Excellent. 

MW: But we really need to get back on track. There have been some very bad
setbacks in the last year, but things are looking a lot better now than they
were just even a few weeks ago. But there's so much that needs to be 
done and our
resources are really very limited.

KAS: You recently did an interview with media in Iran -- is that correct? 

MW: I've done a number of interviews with the English language service of
what's called the IRIB, the shortwave radio service of Iran. It's their
equivalent of the Voice of America, you might say. And I did one this 
morning. I've
done maybe dozens of them over the years, giving my comment on events as seen
from our perspective here in the United States. Today the focus was on the
American double standard seen in our government's insistence that 
Iran not build any
atomic reactors or develop any program that might be useful for nuclear
weapons -- while at the same time effectively sanctioning and 
permitting Israel to
develop and stockpile a large nuclear capability. You know, Israel does not
admit officially that it has nuclear weapons, but even Shimon Peres just
recently acknowledged that Israel has this nuclear arsenal. It's 
amazing. Israel has
invaded other countries. At one time or another, it has invaded all of its
neighbors. It still occupies portions of one of its neighbors, Syria. It's a
country that demands to live within what they call 'secure borders' -- but they
don't tell you what those borders are. It's a country with no constitution,
which doesn't even know what its own borders are, which operates 
under a kind of
special martial law, and which justifies its existence on supposedly theocratic
groups -- that God, so they say, gave them this land. It's inherently an
unstable state. This, I think is obvious to more and more people. 
Again, this was
the topic, this double standard of U.S. policy regarding nuclear weapons for
Iran and Israel.

KAS: Were you able to get any interviews in American or European media? 

MW: Yes, yes; many. Indeed, when the Zundel case broke, I was interviewed
several times by Canadian national radio and even by Canadian national
television, by quite a few newspapers in Canada. And I've done 
interviews with reporters
for television and for radio and for print for a whole range of countries in
Europe and in other continents as well.

KAS: How can our listeners and readers find our more about your work and the
work of the IHR? 

MW: The IHR is easy to get to. The Web site is http://www.ihr.org. It can
also be found easily enough by clicking on to the National Alliance Web site,
which has a link to our Web site as well.

KAS: How can our listeners and our readers who are not connected to the
Internet contact you? 

MW: Our postal address is:
PO Box 2739
Newport Beach CA 92659
You can write to us and we'll send you a packet of information, a catalogue
and other material.

KAS: And finally, how can those who wish to do something, who wish to
participate in this struggle for freedom of speech for Ernst Zundel 
and for all of
us, do so? 

MW: Well, there's a couple of things. Ernst Zundel's campaign needs money.
That information is easily found at www.zundelsite.org. Ingrid Rimland is
coordinating that. I urge everybody who has an interest in this case, 
which I think
deserves our support, just contact the Zundelsite.

KAS: Mark, I want to thank you for everything you've done over the years and
I want to thank you for returning again to  American Dissident Voices.

MW: Thank you very much, Kevin, and good luck to you, and it's a pleasure
being on your program again.


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