ZGram - 10/5/2004 - "Poland's point of view on the Six Million"

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Tue Oct 5 06:12:24 EDT 2004

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

October 5, 2004

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Herewith a Polish point of view of the Big H with the Lives of Nine Cats:


This week I viewed a program broadcast on one of the state-owned 
television  networks, known for its bias towards the leftist 
government and all varieties  of political correctness.  The program 
paid homage to Shevah Weiss, departing  Israeli ambassador to Poland. 
Weiss, who speaks Polish with an accent, was  born in 1935 in what 
was then Poland (today Ukraine) and he emigrated to Israel  in 1947. 
Weiss was shown traveling around Poland, and much of the program 
consisted of a monologue in which he lectured Poland and Poles on 
their moral  failings.  

Since the final decades of the twentieth century, political power in 
America  and the West has been about victimization.  This is seen 
with blacks in  America.  All the political (and many of the 
economic) victories won by blacks since  the 1960s have come about by 
stressing victimization.  As I wrote in Why I  Left America 
(published in 2003 by the Celto-Slavic Fellowship of Apiarists), 
"(t)he entire black American experience isŠframed as a dialectic of 
negative  behavior initiated by white Americans, followed by a 
reaction, always a positive  behavior, exhibited by black Americans. 
All the major political and social  gains of black America have been 
thus interpreted as a righting of the wrongs  committed by white 
Americans" (p. 91).  It reflects badly on black Americans  that all 
of their successes and "progress" begin with whites, and they 
themselves are incapable of initiating that dialectic.  

Recently I read a very candid analysis of multiculturalism.  Martin 
E.  Spencer in "Multiculturalism, 'political correctness,' and the 
politics of  identity" (Sociological Forum, 9.4 1994, pp. 547-568) 
writes that political  correctness has produced "Ša politics of moral 
drama, involving the oppressed and the  oppressor, in which the 
oppressed demand recognition of their sufferingŠ.In  this moral 
dialogue the victims are morally superior to their oppressors, who 
are  generally White, and often particularly White males, depending 
on the group  leveling the charge" (pp. 569-570).  Rarely today does 
one encounter such  honesty in academe!  Let's hope Mr. Spencer had 
tenure before he started talking  about the emperor parading about 

As Ambassador Weiss demonstrated in his sermon on Poland, the most 
skillful  practitioners of victimization are the Jews.  No one can 
trump their moral  superiority.  As the Jews love to remind us and as 
schools, public institutions,  films, books and the news media preach 
to us, the Jews not only are the "Light  of the Nations", but they 
are an eternal reminder of humanity's moral  failings.  Jews and the 
rest of the world represent a dichotomy.  The Jews are  decency, 
reason, intelligence, temperance, in short, "civilization", in the 
face of  the rest of mankind's depravity, backwardness, 
irrationality, primitiveness,  drunkenness.  And the latter qualities 
characterize each and every person who  criticizes, opposes, or 
refuses to support their constant demands for wealth,  power and 
recognition.  (Imagine the joy of the Jews if there existed an 
"Anti-Semites Anonymous," where all the goyish folk were required to 
take a deep  look inside themselves and meditate on the moral 
deficiencies of  their goyishness, then paraded in public and made to 
admit loudly "I am an  'anti-Semite'.  I am indecent, dirty, nasty, 

The Jewish interpretation of history, which bears witness to the 
moral  superiority of the Jew and the depravity of everybody else, is 
more parable than  historical truth.  Jews aren't interested in 
historical facts.  We frequently  hear that the Jews were expelled en 
masse from many countries of the Old World.   We never hear why they 
were expelled.  (It is a coincidence that those nasty,  indecent 
monarchs always picked on the Jews). Jewish disregard for historical 
truth is seen in their tally of the Jewish victims of the Second 
World War.   The figure of six million, widely accepted today despite 
the fact that the  millions (or is it now billions?) of dollars spent 
on research have failed to turn  up six million names, is nothing but 
a metaphor for Jewish suffering.  Six  million, in fact, was the 
cabalistic number Jews were already using at the start  of the 
twentieth century to refer to the "suffering Jews" of Russia.  It has 
nothing to do with history.  I don't deny the Nazis executed Jews 
(and Poles,  Russians, etc. as well), but I am outraged that Jews 
have never shown serious  interest in determining the actual number 
of Jewish deaths, which at any  rate, never totaled six million. 
After all, why do American taxpayers fund  "Holocaust museums" and 
why all those "Jewish Studies" programs at universities?   But only 
someone totally lacking in decency would dare question the number of 
six million.  

No one plays the game of victimization better than the Jews.  That is 
seen in  Poland, a country that has experienced more than its share 
of historical  tragedy.  One of the goals of the Nazis was to wipe 
their Polish neighbors from  the face of the earth and take their 
country.  As anyone who has had dealings  with Poles and with Jews 
understands, however, the Poles weren't at the top of  the Nazis' 
list.  The Jews were.  

In America, where the Jews are very, very powerful and 
Polish-Americans have  practically no power, the Jews have been 
successful in recent decades, through  their "Holocaust museums" and 
also the schools and the media, in demonizing  the Poles.  Thus we 
hear about "Polish concentration camps" (i.e. camps  established in 
Poland during the Nazi occupation where the first victims were in 
fact Poles, not Jews).  Americans have been educated about "Polish 
collaboration" with the Nazis.  One of the most brilliant tools of 
that campaign is the  book Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish 
Community in Jedwabne, Poland  (Princeton, 2001) by Jan T. Gross.  A 
sociologist who at some point in his career  started writing history 
(the Jewish variety), Gross claims that in 1941, the  Polish 
residents of the Nazi-occupied village of Jedwabne locked 1,600 local 
Jews in a barn and set the barn afire.  Numerous Polish historians 
have disputed  Gross's claims, and it is a controversial topic in 
Poland.  For  Poles, Jedwabne is a provocation, a symbol of the Jews' 
traditional perfidy  in Poland, a defiling of the memory of Polish 
suffering during and after the  War.  In the tradition of The Painted 
Bird by Jerzy Kosinski (born: Jerzy  Lewinkopf) and Claude Lanzmann's 
film Shoah, Jedwabne is just the latest in a  clever, long-running 
Jewish public relations campaign to slander Poland.  

The Poles had the misfortune to endure not just the Nazis, but also 
the  Soviets.  After Poland was betrayed by America and the West, the 
Soviets occupied  postwar Poland.  Many of the Soviets who came to 
Poland were Jewish, and many  Polish Jews during the War had 
supported the Soviets.  In establishing their  communist puppet 
government, the Soviets recruited much of the bureaucracy and  the 
state police from the Jewish population that had remained in Poland. 
Whereas the struggle with the Nazis had been rather straightforward, 
under Soviet  rule the Poles were subjected to ideological terror. 
(Near the end of the War  the Soviet army approached the capital of 
Warsaw, giving Poles to believe they  were coming to their rescue. 
And then when the Poles of Warsaw rose up  against the Nazis, the 
Soviet army halted and waited patiently at a distance as the  Nazis 
had decimated the whole city).  Postwar Poles were embittered that in 
the front ranks of those attempting to destroy their national 
traditions and their Church were their Jewish neighbors, many of whom 
had  been sheltered during the War by Polish Catholics.  As one might 
expect, Polish  resentment towards the Jews was considerable.  As 
soon as the Soviet grip on  Poland relaxed, Poles gave vent to their 
emotions, and many Jews, nearly all  connected in some way to the 
Soviet-imposed communist government, decided to  emigrate to Israel. 
Of course, they escaped as "victims of anti-Semitism" who  were 
"driven out" of the country by indecent, hateful primitives.  Near 
tears,  Ambassador Weiss reminded his viewers of that.  Poles 
couldn't emigrate  anywhere, and they had to stay and endure the 
nightmare of a dictatorship they  associated with Jews and with the 
Jewish contempt for their nation.  Jewish  support of the communists, 
in Poland as well as in other countries, is fiercely  denied by Jews. 
The topic is taboo in academe, where all the "scholarly studies" 
published on the topic "prove" that it's all just another "myth  of 

Americans don't like to be confused by a historical plot so 
convoluted, and  most have accepted the version of Jedwabne 
propagated by Gross and American  Jews.  On television Ambassador 
Weiss was near to weeping when he discussed  Jedwabne.  He didn't say 
it, but I suspect he wants Poland and the Poles to pay for  Jedwabne, 
maybe at some more opportunistic moment in the future.  (The Polish 
economy is not healthy right now).  Yet I am convinced that Jedwabne, 
the  Jewish symbol and not the historical truth, causes many Jews to 
rejoice in their  hearts.  For it is their ultimate trump of Poland. 
Jedwabne is "proof" that  Poland was not a victim of the War.  In 
fact, Poland was on the same side as  the Nazis in that great 
dichotomy of Jewish morality.  Poles can't be victims,  because only 
the Jews are victims.  And for me to deny that is to reveal my  own 
lack of decency in all its goyish crudity.  But as one who honors 
history, I  am revolted by Jewish dishonesty and disregard for 
historical  truth.  If the gypsies are ever seen by the Jews as a 
threat, then one day  we will hear about a new "scholarly study", 
widely praised by academics and  the media and written by a brilliant 
Jewish author who has uncovered some new  evidence of gypsy 
compliance with the Nazis during the War.  And in case someone 
forgot, we will be reminded then of the six million.  

By Stojgniev O'Donnell zebrzydowice at yahoo.com Winter 2003 


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