Avoiding the Trap

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Fri Jan 27 13:04:18 EST 2006

Here is an excerpt from the (to me) intellectually interesting and 
challenging newsgroup called shamireaders at yahoogroups.com :

Paul Meyer calls upon us to avoid the trap of demonisation.

Avoiding the Trap
By Paul Meyer

	It is time to wade into the discourse, partly to help us keep 
focused on the real enemy, which is no person, or even ideology, but 
a mind set-of insiders and outsiders, just and unjust, "crazy" and 
"sane".   Mr. Duke falls into this trap, stating of his enemies "They 
are insane people [...].they are not normal people. - they are 
absolute evil".  He sounds just like a settler describing the 
Palestinians!  It seems we "need" demons in order to externalize our 
own evil!

	The West, with the collusion of all the surviving parties of 
WWII, has successfully labeled the Nazis as such demons, and anyone 
seeing humanity in these enemies is also "an enemy".  The same is 
true for anyone seeing humanity in so-called "terrorists"; such a 
view is "too far out of the mainstream" for rational consideration.

  Moreover, a small group of Zionists and/or power-lusting folk have 
used corporate guilt to extort monies and political power from the 
Western powers, especially the United States.  The actual history of 
the Jewish Holocaust is almost irrelevant today (notwithstanding 
revisionists who hope that reality can dissolve the religious myth), 
for the Holocaust religion is the only religion in the West with the 
social (and in some nations the legal) power to command ascent. Even 
the intellectuals who "know better" will not often speak up, for the 
consequences in terms of respectability and tenure are grave.

	It is no wonder the Eastern states have not fallen prey to 
this myth, they have not been subjected to all the propaganda which 
has passed for information in the last sixty years!

Joh Domingo rightly states that "now all we need is an empathy with 
those whose views we hate. Understanding their fears, and foibles, is 
the key to influencing them to the greater good." He also "reject[s] 
the notion of contamination by association". 

Unfortunately, most of the American press and Americans will accept 
the notion of contamination by association, and that is part of our 
problem with educating them!!  My point is that by demonizing those 
whom we oppose, we destroy the possibility of winning them, leaving a 
zero-sum game where there are only winners and losers.  At the end of 
the day, Jews and Palestinians will have to learn to live with each 
other in Palestine (except for those who choose to leave because they 
cannot have the state they wanted!). 

	European Americans committed genocide upon Native Americans, 
and subjected African-Americans to slavery and subsequent economic 
servitude, and STILL struggle to escape this legacy; Mr. Duke may be 
a vestigial remnant of this phenomenon and will pass with other 
declining species.

	Israel Shamir thinks "the Jews" want to exercise control over 
the entire world (not merely Palestine), but Israel also recognizes 
that "Jews" and "the Jews" are different entities; the former are 
members of the human race, and consider themselves members of a 
Jewish group by choice or accident of birth.  Atzmon rightly 
describes a third category, who see themselves as Jewish as the 
irreducible essence of their being, before their humanity and even of 
greater significance than their humanity.  For Israel, these are "The 
Jews". Their goals are reflected in the Protocols of Zion, regardless 
of the authenticity of that text.  Gentiles "recognize" some Jews in 
this text (they err in not seeing other dominators also in this 

	Both Israelis and Americans live in a delusion-Lawrence 
Davidson has well documented the self-reinforcing world in which 
Israelis live, and the prominence of Fox network speaks for the 
closed world in which most Americans live. 

	I believe our goal must be to find ways to challenge these 
delusions in a way that enables the deluded to see reality, rather 
than see us as demons.  The South Africans abandoned apartheid, the 
British left India, and (reluctantly and incompletely) white America 
has ending the oppression of black America (New Orleans is but 
another chapter in exposing the crime of classism/racism).  These 
successes were not achieved with the destruction of the foe, but with 
their liberation, usually in spite of themselves.

	In the meantime, let us work to prevent WWIII being fomented 
by the neocons and Zionists who want to pit the West against Islam 
and have not yet been stopped in this project.  The Christisons are 
right - the project for the New American Century is still the agenda.

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