20th Anniversary of the Great Holocaust Trial

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Tue Oct 16 13:34:13 EDT 2007


The editorial below was written almost three years ago when kidnapped 
German human rights activist, Ernst Zundel, was still detained in 
Canada - before he was flown to Germany as part of a covert 
extrajudicial rendition.  Those who would like a better understanding 
of why the Zundel information outreach is so feared by his political 
enemies (read Holocaust Lobby) might want to view a 12 minute 
interview conducted by Mike Hoffman with Ernst Zundel on the 
importance of the two Great Holocaust Trials in Canada in 1985 and 



20th Anniversary of the Great Holocaust Trial

by Michael A. Hoffman II

Copyright 2005 by revisionisthistory.org

January 7, 2005 marks the 20th anniversary of what came to be known 
throughout the world as "The Great Holocaust Trial" thanks chiefly to 
the drive, determination, courage and vision of one man, Ernst 
Zundel, supported by those he inspired.

In 1985 Zundel was a German immigrant residing in Toronto, Canada 
where he had built a highly successful advertising and graphic arts 
business based in a rambling Victorian mansion in the bohemian 
"Cabbagetown" section of metropolitan Toronto.

Zundel viewed the "Six million" story as a form of mental genocide 
against the German people; ostensibly a noble tale of the epoch 
struggle for human rights that in actuality was a form of devious 
hate propaganda, leveling every conceivable blood libel at the 
Germans and branding them with the Mark of Cain. Having survived the 
Allied firebombing of his native city of Pforzheim as a child, Zundel 
was well familiar with the war crimes of the hypocritical Allies and 
he made it his life's work to clear the name of his own people.

For this commendable enterprise, Zundel had his mailing privileges 
revoked by the Canadian government in 1983, forcing him to open a 
post office box in Buffalo, New York and send a messenger to commute 
hundreds of miles just to receive mail. In 1985 he was charged under 
an archaic "False News" provision of an old Edwardian municipal code, 
for having published the pamphlet "Did Six Million Really Die?" He 
faced two years in prison if convicted.

In reponse Zundel put the so-called "Holocaust" itself on trial, 
hiring a little-known maverick lawyer from British Columbia, Douglas 
Christie, to argue his case before Judge Hugh Locke. Seated next to 
Christie was the learned revisionist historian Prof. Robert Faurisson 
of France, who guided Christie's withering cross-examination of a 
long train of "saintly 'Holocaust' survivors" offered by the "Crown."

Zundel's defense was initially regarded by the press and public as 
preposterous. "How can anyone deny the 'Holocaust?" was the 
incredulous response to the news that Zundel would vigorously defend 
himself and the free speech rights of all Canadians. The trial was 
expected to be a quick and ignominious rout of Zundel and his motley 

How wrong the odds-makers were! For the first time in history the 
holy "survivors" finally had to submit their "testimony" to scrutiny, 
to the rules of evidence and cross-examination, something that has 
never happened before or since. Seated in the press gallery, I 
watched as my colleagues of the fourth estate grew ever more 
surprised and shocked at the amazing admissions Christie and 
Faurisson elicited from the "eyewitnesses" to the gas chambers. TV 
reporters like Claud Adams and journalists from the Toronto Star and 
Globe and Mail produced footage and headlines that turned Canada 
upside down.

Canadian readers and viewers learned that there was no scientific 
evidence for homicidal gas chambers, that homicidal gassings (as 
opposed to the German use of Zyklon B as a life-saving prophylactic 
against the deadly typhus louse), were a rumor that the inmates heard 
but never actually witnessed for themselves--these were statements 
obtained by Mr. Christie from the prosecution's own vaunted Auschwitz 

In March of 1985 Zundel was convicted by a cowardly jury that had 
followed the prejudicial advisories of a bent judge; but the 
conviction was reversed on appeal and Zundel went to trial again in 
1988, eventually winning a Supreme Court decision for free speech in 

The 1988 trial is more well known in revisionist circles. Zundel was 
famous by then and the appearance of Fred "Dr. Death" Leuchter, the 
designer of the US Prison system's execution apparatus, as an expert 
defense witness who tested purported execution "gas chambers" on-site 
in Auschwitz, Poland and determined they had never been used to kill 
anyone, created an international sensation.

Still, for this reporter, the 1985 trial has the greatest 
significance. Having been badly burned the first time around (Dr. 
Raul Hilberg, the preeminent historian of the Six Million admitted on 
the witness stand in the first trial that there was no scientific 
evidence for gassings--"I'm at a loss" he said when asked to produce 
evidence), the Judaic establishment kept all their infallible 
"Holocaust" saints and martyrs away from the second trial. Yet it is 
upon the word of these supposedly unimpeachable "eyewitnesses" that 
the tale hangs and it was in the first trial that they were hanged by 
their own lies and misprision. It was poetic justice that this was 
done in the full glare of the publicity they had marshaled in the 
expectation of witnessing Zundel's disgrace.

20 years ago today I left Ithaca, New York for Toronto, arriving on a 
snowy Sunday evening at Zundelhaus, a place teeming with hope and 
buzzing with activity. There I met many elderly veterans of the 
German military, some of them driven almost insane with grief and 
agony in the face of the unconscionable--and  heretofore largely 
unchallenged--group libel that had been heaped upon the German people 
in the wake of World War Two. Every man and every woman among them 
was a noble person and they looked to Ernst to lift the Jew-killer 
stigma from off their weary and aged shoulders, and in particular 
from the souls of their children and grandchildren.

On January 7, 1985, this writer was privileged to walk directly 
behind Zundel and Christie, through a gauntlet of JDL terrorists and 
into the courthouse where I would report the trial for eight weeks, 
first in the pages of the Washington D.C. newspaper "Spotlight," and 
later in a book published by the Institute for Historical Review, 
"The Great Holocaust Trial" (now out of print).

It is difficult to fathom that twenty years later Ernst Zundel is 
completing his twenty-third month of solitary confinement in 
Guantanamo north, a Canadian jail in Rexdale, on a star chamber 
charge of being a "terrorist," with key "evidence" against him 
presented in secret, without the defendant or his lawyers present or 
privy to any of it.

The pacifist who entered Canada because it had no conscription law, 
the activist who was repeatedly denounced as a reactionary and a wimp 
by neo-Nazi and Aryan extremists because he opposed armed resistance 
of any kind, now rots in a tiny cell without so much as a pillow, a 
pen or a desk, purely for reasons of Talmudic revenge of the most 
primitive and tribal nature.

This is what the "war on terror" is all about: the recrudescence of 
the prerogatives of dictatorship for the sake of eliminating all 
those who dissent, as was done to Cicero after he protested the 
destruction of the Roman Republic and the tyrants who replaced it 
with an empire, for which his hands and head were nailed to the 
Senate podium. Our modern day Ceasars however, have no such candor. 
They nail men like Zundel in secrecy and darkness and call it human 
rights and fighting terror.

But the Great Holocaust Trial was not fought in vain and if there is 
a history of human rights worth writing, Ernst Zundel will be on page 
one of any authentic compendium. History teaches that you can't kill 
ideas with prisons and gulags and that as long as men like Zundel 
continue to keep their faith in the power of the truth, others will 
come forward to raise the banner. This is how our rights were gained 
in the first place and will be secured in the future.

On January 7 light a candle, literally or in your heart, for all the 
men and women throughout the centuries who have given their lives for 
freedom, among whom we number the unforgettable Mr. Zundel.


Ernst Zundel was keelhauled to Germany by the government of Canada 
after a star chamber proceeding. He was immediately arrested upon 
arrival in Germany. His "crime"? He has the "wrong" opinions! I hope 
the Arabs and Muslims are watching this case and learning that, when 
it comes to Judaism and Zionism, there is no genuine free speech or 
democracy in the West. It is all hypocrisy. Condoleeza Rice and 
George Bush are happy to see Zundel go to prison for his opinions and 
beliefs, yet they presume to lecture China and Iran about "freedom." 
Don't believe these liars and fakers for a minute!

Write to: Ernst Zundel , JVA - Mannheim, D-68169 Mannheim, 
Herzogenried Strasse, 111 Germany

"The Great Holocaust Trial" a 65 minute documentary film about the 
1985 trial, edited by Michael Hoffman from more than 100 hours of TV 
news coverage, is available on VHS Video


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