Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


June 14, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Every day I discover something new about Revisionism. A few days ago somebody e-mailed me an entire Revisionist book, written in Istanbul, Turkey, of all places, published already in 1995. One more proof, if proof was needed, of Revisionism's global impact.

Unfortunately, the document came to me without a title or author, but if you are interested, let me know and I will forward a Word attachment. It does look interesting, although I would not agree with all that it contains.

Very briefly:

Officially, Turkey is (next to the United States) Israel's closest ally, which causes difficulties for Turkish Revisionists, and a few kneefalls often do the trick to buy a measure of protection. It happens here as there. No?

Little wonder, therefore, that in this book the "Fascists" and "Nazis" get bashed, right alongside the Zionists. This book makes many customary and expected kneefalls and disclaimers. Bless you, as Elena would say.

Makes me remember an odd phenomenon I watched many times as a child observing my neighbor, the mother of a set of twins: Regardless of which twins was guilty of some mischief, they both routinely got a whacking.

That being said, I did enjoy the few pages I have read because of its clear syntax and Moslem'y voice. I found it refreshing and lucid. And I should add that it took courage to publish this books. It will serve as an intellectual foot in the door - a beach head for other Revisionist scholars in the Moslem Crescent to expand upon. Below you find the Foreword and portions of the Introduction, to be followed by tomorrow's conclusion, titled "The Two Taces of Israel."



Few persons are skeptical of the information they get from textbooks, television, newspapers, or similar sources. They can’t imagine that something they hear from "reliable sources" or read in the high circulation, prestige press could be utterly false. Yet if we observe the world carefully, and with an open mind, it should be obvious that it is foolish to believe unconditionally whatever the establishment tells us is true. In fact, we are surrounded by lies told for political purposes. An intelligent person should be wary of everything he is told.

It is the purpose of Holocaust Deception to expose an important example of such deliberate falsehoods. This book is the first in Turkey to discuss the covert relationship between Nazi Germany and the Zionist leadership in the first half of the twentieth century and, more important, to reveal the hidden story of the Holocaust hoax. In recent years, this subject has become quite familiar in the West, where a number of historians and researchers have discovered discrepancies in the conventional version of the alleged Nazi genocide of the Jews, and, after subjecting the historical evidence to review, published findings unwelcomed by Israel or by Jewish organizations elsewhere. The documentary, and other, evidence unearthed by these historical revisionists reveals that there was a hidden alliance between the Nazi and the Zionist leaders before and during the Second World War, and that what is called the "Holocaust" is nothing more than a well-designed legend, a historical fraud.

Jewish circles employ a classic method of vilifying those who contest the Holocaust: They accuse them of anti-Semitism, of hating the Jews. Throughout the Western world today, whoever questions the Jewish Holocaust risks being labeled an anti- Semite — and a ruthless Jew-baiter, incorrigible racist, senseless fanatic, and neo-Nazi to boot. The point of such accusations is to brand anyone who advances evidence to dispute the historicity of the Jewish genocide during the Second World War as motivated by pathological anti- Semitism. Certain quarters, averse to the airing of the facts on the Holocaust and the gas chambers, may well allege that this book is anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi. The Jewish Chronicle, a weekly newspaper published in Britain, has accused the Science and Research Group of anti- Semitism in an article headlined "Anti-Jewish Publication in Turkey" — the group had published a book called Jehovah’s Sons and the Freemasons. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Jehovah’s Sons is anti- Semitic because it discloses financial dealings between Hitler and Mussolini, and the Zionists. As our detailed study revealed, however, the financial collaboration between fascists such as Hitler and Mussolini and the Zionists is historical fact. As this instance demonstrates, according to the Jewish Chronicle, disclosing historical facts and being anti-Semitic can be one and the same. It is therefore necessary, thanks to the mind-set that prevails in Jewish circles similar to those at the Chronicle, to re-emphasize: We did not write this book out of hatred for Jews, or sympathy with the fascists (among whom were some of this century’s most notorious characters), or to arouse enmity against the Jewish community, either in Turkey or in any other country. For we are neither anti-Semitic nor anti- Jewish.

As Muslims, we judge everything from the standpoint of the Koran, and our thinking is in terms of Koranic principles. In consequence, it is not possible for us to hate a particular race, or to judge our fellow men by their heritage. On the other hand, we can say that we are anti-Zionist. Anti-Zionism means opposing racist and aggressive tendencies in Judaism — tendencies obvious to all — and combating the racist, chauvinist and expansionist policies of the State of Israel. Thus anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are two quite different concepts. Figures such as Noam Chomsky, Israel Shahak, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, Ruth Blau, Elmer Berger, Moshe Menuhin, who have advanced the anti-Zionist point of view although they themselves are Jewish, provide convincing evidence of the difference. Representing anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism as identical is an important Zionist tactic. The famous professor of linguistics and political critic, Noam Chomsky, notes that Abba Eban, the respected Israeli diplomat, once wrote: "One of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the non-Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Zionism and anti- Semitism is no distinction at all."(1) For all these reasons, then, this subject must be treated with calm and objectivity, undeterred by the confusion deliberately fomented by certain Jewish interests. This book consists of three main chapters. Chapter One deals with the covert cooperation between Zionist leaders and anti- Semites, especially the Nazis, to enable Jewish emigration to Palestine, from the beginning of the Zionist movement to the end of the Second World War. Chapter Two shows that there was no Jewish genocide, and that the evidence that has been advanced for it is either weak or false. This chapter demonstrates that the alleged extermination known as the "Holocaust" is actually a myth. Chapter Three reveals various methods employed by Israel’s leaders to force Diaspora Jews to immigrate to the Holy Land, from the Second World War to the present.

We believe that Holocaust Deception is a very important book for Jews and non-Jews alike. Bringing to light facts concealed by the establishment’s history is surely of great relevance to everyone. In addition, this book will enable the people of Turkey to perceive Israel more clearly. In recent years, there has been a coordinated campaign to bring Israel and Turkey closer together. A calculated effort has been made to present Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East, the only peaceful and civilized nation in the region. Yet, as readers will learn from the pages that follow, Israel is very different from what it seems.

Istanbul, 1995


Official History Versus Real History

The core of a person’s identity is his memory. We all answer the question of who we are based on the information in our memories. What we have experienced and learned earlier in life determines who we are. An individual who loses his memory loses his identity as well; he is no longer himself, and can no longer distinguish his enemies from his friends. It follows that one who loses his memory, whether totally or only partially (by forgetting certain important facts), cannot behave either intelligently or wisely. For which reason the Koran, the only guide to the true path for humanity, repeatedly reminds us of those things we tend to forget, thereby summoning us to clarity of mind and conscience. For example, a man should be aware that he has been created from a drop of moisture, and appreciate that it is God who has brought him into being and enabled his growth. This is the only way to understand the real source and purpose of existence. Otherwise, a person remains an ignorant creature, knowing neither who he is nor why he was created. No less than individuals, societies too have memory: We call this history. History is no less important to societies than is memory to the individual. A society derives most of its traits from its history. Societies decide who is friend and who is foe, who can be trusted and who poses a threat, on the basis of historical experience. Societal experience acquired over time is of crucial importance: The lessons drawn from such experience lead eventually to wisdom.

A society that loses its sense of history is like an individual who has lost his memory. It will live only for the moment. Ignorant of the past, it will disregard the future, its understanding of life not much different from a beast’s. That is why the Koran bids careful attention to the past in more than thirty verses that call for recollection. The Koran includes extensive reference to the historical past, as well, relating important events from past civilizations. (Some rebelled against God, some obeyed and served Him. Their ends matched their attitudes: Those who revolted were utterly ruined, and those who obeyed received eternal deliverance.) Hence, we have need of retaining memory and history, as individuals and societies.

Because memory is essential, one of the most wicked deeds imaginable would be to warp it or destroy it. We know that this is possible through "brainwashing" techniques. Certain people do purposefully alter the memories of others. Indoctrination, which allows for simpler techniques than brainwashing, can alter memory as well. There is no doubt that one exposed to such methods can become subservient to his brainwasher, or indoctrinator. Just as an individual’s memory can be altered by brainwashing or indoctrination, so can the memories of nations also be transformed. This can be achieved either by rewriting or by entirely obliterating a nation’s history. The famous British novelist George Orwell described such a system in his book 1984. Orwell claimed that a state could dominate its people by transmuting their historical memory according to its own ends. In 1984, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." A similar model for transforming collective memory is described by Aldous Huxley in his well- known novel Brave New World (1932). There Huxley describes a totalitarian regime that rules the entire world. The "World State" employs specific methods to enforce obedience. History has been done away with, all historical records and information removed, and only a few high-ranking rulers are privy to the real history.

While no power is currently able to distort or obliterate history as thoroughly as in 1984 or Brave New World, it is nevertheless a fact that certain interests tamper with history, producing false versions of the past to serve their own purposes. In most cases, it is nation- states that generate these false, or, to put it another way, official histories. Some states not only doctor history, but also distort current events as well, because it is in their interest to control both past and present. Usually the public is unaware that the official history, or contemporary "news," has been fabricated.

The American scholar Noam Chomsky describes how official history and current news are generated in democratic societies in his book Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies. According to Chomsky, an effective type of thought control operates even in the United States, known for its democratic freedoms. Since the beginning of the century, more than a few totalitarian methods have been employed in the United States. The ruling establishment has had to resort to these because the American people differ from the elite on numerous issues. In particular, a majority of Americans has often opposed the government’s interventions abroad. Because various powerful interests — whether arms traders, international corporations, or American presidents and their advisors — have often regarded intervention as a necessity, they have been faced with a problem. Of course, the American establishment has sought to carry out its policy regardless of the public’s opposition. It has not resorted to physical coercion, as in the totalitarian states, but rather made use of propaganda from the media to gain the "consent" of the people. Chomsky gives many examples of this method, which he calls "manufacturing consent."

Our point, put briefly, is: Don’t believe everything they tell you. If we are not alert to the deliberate alteration of history and memory, we lose our capacity for judgment. Only what is revealed by God — in other words, what He has communicated to mankind through the Koran — is absolutely certain. Indeed, the Koran warns us against believing everything without question or investigation, in the verse Al-Isra 36: "Do not follow what you do not know. Man’s eyes, ears, and heart — each of his senses shall be closely questioned." A person can maintain a sound mind and clear understanding by guarding against every kind of indoctrination and propaganda.

Nevertheless, it is evident that we cannot regard everything as based on lies. We cannot consider every item of information as a potential lie. To help differentiate, this point should be kept in mind: Those who deliberately manufacture false, official history, or produce misinformation about current events, will surely seek to exploit such lies for their own benefit. They tell their lies either to excuse or to conceal their wrongful acts and policies. For example, a nation that claims a territory on the basis of false evidence advanced in its official history is intent on acquiring that territory and is offering justification for that aim. In such a case, we may conclude: If a power (most likely a nation) tries to use propaganda or historical arguments in order to justify unfair, unlawful policies (e.g., invasion, occupation, or exploitation), then it is very likely that the historical information is distorted. It would be unwise to trust such "facts" without subjecting them to thorough investigation. Of course, establishing the factual history after demolishing the official version is a demanding task. Those who manufacture such lies are always careful to safeguard them, and to conceal the truth. We must be that much more determined, for no lie can last forever.


Tomorrow the Conclusion: The Two Faces of Israel

Thought for the Day:

"When God wounds from on high he will follow with the remedy."

(Fernando de Rojas)

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