Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


July 8, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


According to the Associated Press, Israel's tourism minister, Rehavam Zeevi, described Palestinians working and living "illegally" in Israel as ''lice'' and a ''cancer.'' He was referring to about 180,000 Palestinians who were trying to make a living in what was once their land. Zeevi is quoted as saying:

''They arrived here and are trying to become citizens because they want social security and welfare payments....We should get rid of the ones who are not Israeli citizens the same way you get rid of lice. We have to stop this cancer from spreading within us.''

Sounds like a Final Solution statement. reports that Israeli and Jewish leaders are meeting in London to plan a strategy to counter attempts by Arab and Muslim nations to place the Mideast conflict onto the agenda of an international conference on racism in August.

This United Nations conference is supposed to be against "racism, xenophobia and related intolerance" and is tied to the resolution of several problematic issues, including the Middle East. It also calls for reparations for what it calls "slavery".

The USA, deeply in the pockets of The Bully, promptly issued a warning that its representatives may stay away.

David Schneeweiss, spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in London, reacted to the above:

"We take this stuff seriously. Israel finds itself being bashed up in international forums left, right and center. It's bad enough when it's Israel-bashing, but when it begins to take on dimensions of anti-Semitism [Israel] can't just take it on the chin and say, they don't like us. We have to act in the best interests not just of Israel but also of Jews around the world."

And that's not all. Objecting to having the political situation in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict equated to the Holocaust, Schneeweiss opined that those were the actions of people who were "destroying history in a most obscene manner" and pursuing "political objectives very inimical to Israeli and Jewish interests."

Few people know that Bill Clinton signed what is called "The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act" in 1998. Documents released under this Act are now claimed to provide new evidence that the Germans did plan what is called "eradication" of the Jews of Europe.

One quote provided in support of that assertion is that "...Germany will expedite the destruction of Semitism as she accuses international Judaism of all the calamities which have befallen the world."

Meanwhile, the Holocaust related looting of Europe continues. Hungarian President Ferenc Madl received Laszlo Keller, East European President of the World Jewish Congress, to discuss Hungarian restitution to its Jewish population.

Hungary's Constitutional Court threw out a decision made two years ago that would have offered lump sums to the "victims". But the effort to secure reparations continues.

Michael Friedman. head of the German community of Jews, told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung that, despite rising far-right attacks, Germany was "not a racist or anti-Semitic country overall."

That will be welcome news to Germans who are weary to death of assorted accusations that they mean harm to Europe's Jews.

Israeli rabbis have discovered a brisk business in amulets to ward off danger of Palestinian attacks, the Israeli press reported. The amulets reportedly contain special prayers pasted on a piece of nylon as well as other enigmatic Jewish symbols, which the rabbi assured users would render bullets and explosives ineffective.

Ariel Sharon, wisely skipping Brussels so as not to be arrested for war crimes on his way to visit German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the gleaming new chancellery in Berlin, was happy to be reassured that Schroeder pledged German support for Israel. Schroeder said his country is ready to take on ``any responsibility that would help'' the peace process.

"We'd like to accept any possible help from Germany,'' Sharon said.

Meanwhile, a former Lebanese militia leader, himself on the hot seat for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian refugees, has volunteered to testify against Sharon in the Sabra and Shatila lawsuit filed in Brussels.

In a first such case brought by the government's Institute of National Remembrance, a Polish regional court on Friday sentenced a 78-year-old Polish man to eight years in prison for allegedly "helping Nazis kill Jews in a World War II death camp."

Arrested last November, Mania was specifically accused of "... beating Jewish prisoners, taking their valuables and leading them into gas chambers.

revisionism to the rescue! No holes, no holocaust!

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