August 21, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One of my all-time favorite writers is George Fowler, Editor of the Barnes Review, Willis Carto's new publishing baby since his falling-out with the Institute for Historical Review.

The Carto/IHR feud is well-known and has caused grief to many. Carto felt, rightly or wrongly, that Revisionism, as practiced by the editors of the Journal for Historical Review, was too narrow in focus and not relevant enough for mainstream America. The IHR felt otherwise since it had carved itself a niche in Holocaust Revisionism - unique, respected globally as a scholarly publishing venture.

The mission of Carto's new magazine was to broaden the reach of Revisionism. Whether or not he has succeeded is open to question. The Barnes Review is certainly a very popular magazine. I enjoy it and find time to read it, cover to cover. I find it soft and a bit blurry, however - like glasses that do not quite fit.

I vastly more enjoy the hard, cold blade of IHR Revisionism that keeps on whittling at the deep tap root that feeds that vast monstrosity, the so-called "Holocaust" as it is widely understood.

George Fowler knows this, too His grasp on what is plaguing our world is firm. His editorials are well-thought-out and always on the mark.

I'll give you a taste of his writing, a bit condensed, entitled "The Goldhagen Tour de Farce: Racial Guilt." (August 1996)

Here is what Fowler has to say:

The Holocaust Industry has vaulted a vile and racist book written by one Daniel Goldhagen to stardom on the New York Times best-seller list. Whether one considers this work, "Hitler's Willing Executioners", an unintentional self-parody of the most irresponsible "Holocaust" literature or a brazen attempt to counter (with sheer chutzpah) the ever-mounting and conclusive evidence against the long-mandatory "6 million" figure, two things are certain:

Alfred Knopf, the once-respected publishing name, has besmirched itself by issuing this work dripping with racist venom against an entire people and one filled with lies to fire the hatred it incites. Whether one finds this book outrageously vile or unintentionally hilarious - take your pick - it is the product of a twisted mind in a perverse era.

Goldhagen makes the accusation - unsupported, as usual, because it is indefensible - that Germans "extinguished the lives of 6 million Jews." Yet he doesn't stop there. Apparently, the lack of evidence of any such slaughter is driving those who make their living and meeting their political goals by keeping the Holocaust myth alive, to claim that all Germans are "guilty" of this alleged atrocity, including, logically, white Americans, the majority of whom have German blood in their veins. Using the same logic, would not all Russians bear the responsibility for the 20 million slaughtered by their Soviet leaders, or Jews themselves for the atrocities perpetuated upon the uprooted and defenseless Palestinians who have been killed in the thousands by the Israeli army?

Over the decades, the 6 Million took on a religious overtone, never questioned, never debated, and accepted as a matter of faith. It has been slavishly repeated 6 million times by dutiful journalists, timid teachers and professors, tearful preachers and politicians and pious pundits; not to mention "intellectuals" beyond count.

In any sane society, if it became known that millions of people believed to have been murdered were in fact alive following an awful tragedy; if it were discovered that a vast percentage of those assumed dead were indeed "survivors", such news would be greeted with cheers and relief.

But the "6 Million" mantra, endlessly repeated, has been ruthlessly used as a club by the interests behind the high-stakes game played by the professional Holocaust promoters. They realize that the truth might set millions of citizen-taxpayers, here, in Germany and elsewhere, free to question the outrageous moral and financial impositions currently imposed upon them by Israel, the Holocaust's chief beneficiary.

Even in the face of the implosions of the "6 million" figure, the courts and lawmakers of Germany, France, Canada etc. continue to hound, prosecute and jail those who publicly dispute what is now an admitted fraud.

But facts are no defense against apostasy, particularly when the Inquisitors have so successfully cowed their flock.

As the facts bring the actual numbers of Jewish deaths down, the Holocaust industry is not sitting still; indeed, they are rising to the occasion and meeting the challenge with unparalleled chutzpah. They continue to label those who seek factual accountings "haters" and "anti-Semites." Because of their promiscuous overuse, these smears no longer frighten many of those who would previously have been intimidated. So the promoters of the 6 million are reaching, straining to retain their stranglehold on the conscience of Western society by upping the ante.

Now they are blaming an entire people. Such is the very definition of racism. In other words, Holocaust promoters accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

As these absurdities mount, and as the facts of German treatment of Jews in World War II gradually become widely known, maybe we can free ourselves of the shackles placed on political and public discourse, our pocketbooks and our nation's good name by a foreign nation, Israel - which is itself the nation most guilty of genocide, racism and hatemongering, and profits from it handsomely to boot. . . "

In hard coin, just precisely how? How much?

I have said elsewhere in my ZGrams that it has become a chore for me to keep on hammering away at the muck, mire, gush and slush as served up by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby because it is, by now, a thoroughly boring topic. What needed to be said about it has now been said and documented. To me, the "Why" of Holocaustomania is much more interesting.

The "Why", according to the Barnes Review (still in the August issue but in a different article) again a bit condensed,

". . . involves the greatest and most insidiously conjured sales and indoctrination campaign ever waged. . .

This constant (and overwhelmingly successful) campaign to create an impression of unique suffering has had a driven purpose, just as the more-than-brazen "diktat" silencing any revisionist evidence or open discussion of the Holocaust has an ongoing purpose.

The West's sheepish bowing to the professional Holocausters was central to the 1948 establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine: an unconscionable violation of an indigenous people's rights by a people constantly bleating about "human rights."

The American taxpayer has forfeited vast sums as a tribute to this highly successful sales campaign. In 1991 former Undersecretary of State George Ball calculated the cost of this "special relationship" with "our closest ally, the one democracy in the Middle East." He examined US expenditures from the time of Israel's establishment through 1991.

Mr. Ball found that direct US taxpayer costs (including standard grants, loans, refinancing of Israeli debt to the US concessionary tariff arrangements etc.) amounted to 62,822,000.000.00. The former Undersecretary calculated that indirect costs, such as payments to Egypt to buttress Egyptian-Israeli peace and Arab oil boycotts triggered by pro-Israel US bias, entail an even greater amount - $107,356,000.000.00

The total, plus since 1991 foreign aid, loan guarantees and line-item appropriations, brings your bill for Israel's upkeep to around $200 billion. And to this staggering sum can be added the endless billions of marks bilked from Germany's taxpayers.

There we have it, the most successful sales campaign ever. Complete with the ultimate chutzpah: You owe it all to us because we suffered Unique Persecution. And because all Western Christians, particularly German and American, must share guilt for this unprecedented horror.

In company with this perpetual stream of Holocaust propaganda that sustains this taxpayer-fed Horn of Plenty, we see a dictatorial mandate against any expressions of doubt or calls for open discussion.

No matter how extensive the current German proclivity for self-flagellation may be, it also remains unlikely that such massive generic attacks upon them as an entire people - as (the Goldhagen) book constitutes - will remain permanently unanswered.

Meanwhile, the whole uproar is yet another reminder of the truth of what Armenian Radio said of Soviet historians - "You never know what the past may bring."

Let that be your Thought of the Day!


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