Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 1, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This takes up where yesterday's ZGram left off: The mental and spiritual rape and castration of a people, the post-war German generation. It is based on a partial adaptation from Hans Schmidt's position paper concerning the relationship between the Reich and the USA - 50 years after the German defeat entitled "8 May 1945 - 8 May 1995":

". . . Nothing was benign about the so-called 'peace' the Allies brought. For six years, it had been the bodies that were shredded to a pulp as more than 50 countries ganged up on Nationalism in furtherance of a New World Order; from now on it would be the minds.

The most fiendish and devilish of the principle Allied policies was the so-called "re-education" and what would be a successful attempt to alter the psyche and characteristics of all Germans, namely, to brainwash them in cycle after cycle and bleach out all traces of what had so splendidly powered a people - intense love and loyalty for their own kind and country.

For six gruelling years, it had given them strength, cohesion and purpose of truly titanic proportions. From now on, they would learn to see themselves and to conduct themselves as worthless, wretched criminals whose prime function would be to "atone" - that is, to grovel, stoop and cringe."

When describing the Allied occupation and first "re-education" attempts that followed the German capitulation on 8 May 1945, it bears remembering that at that moment the situation in the Reich was chaotic.

The German infrastructure was devastated. Every single large German city but one (Heidelberg) had been 60% or more destroyed. Hardly a rail line was undamaged. Most bridges in the entire nation had been dynamited. There was no water, no electricity, no transportation, no mail service, and no authority but alien soldiers. Food stuffs were extremely short or, in many places, practically non-existent. Millions of refugees from many lands, mostly women and children, and millions of foreign POWs as well as voluntary and forced laborers from all over Europe clogged the roads. Almost every single German man (and many women) between the ages of 16 and 60 was an Allied POW - if he had not given his life for Germany in the previous six years of fighting.

By 1995 German World War II losses have been presented as follows - and keep in mind that these are vassal estimates assembled by regimes imposed at gunpoint by the Allies:

* 2.7 million dead soldiers - of whom 1.2 million, most to this day listed as missing, succumbed AFTER the end of the shooting in Allied captivity - (James Bacque, the Canadian author of "Other Losses" puts the death toll in Eisenhower's death camps alone at 11 million, and many more died in Soviet, Yugoslavia, Polish and other camps!)

* 600,000 bombing dead - whereby the death toll of the Dresden raid alone has been purposely whittled down to 25,000, instead of more than 250,000 in order not to be forced to accuse the Allies of a great war crime -

· 2.5 million civilians murdered AFTER the cessation of hostilities during the expulsion of 18 million ethnic Germans from German territories beyond the Oder-Neisse Line, in the Sudetenland, the Baltics, Poland, East Prussia, Silesia and the Balcans -

In summary: Chaos and disorder everywhere - and grief beyond the pale of human comprehension!

Against this background in 1945-46, 2000 Germans were forced by the occupiers to attend a screening of "Todesmühlen" (meaning "Mills of Death") in ten different theatres so as to participate in an Allied survey pertaining to what the Germans "knew" and how the Germans "felt" about what happened in the German concentration camps, supposedly set up to do away with Jews.

The film offered a hammer-and-tongs assault. The musical score matched the ham-handed narration:

". . . In the hell of Auschwitz, Allied physicians study marks of the Nazi beast. . . . In Dachau, in Auschwitz, in Nordhausen, in Majdenek, the German murder trust standardized the procedure of slaughter - the death gas was always the same - Zyklon B . . . " The narrator tells the audience that human ashes were "ground up and sold to German farmers as fertilizer . . . the farmers received tons of human bones as fertilizer. . . but apparently never suspected it came from human beings. . . manufacturers received tons of human hair. . . but apparently never dreamed it came from the heads of murdered women. . . no nightmares ever haunted those who lived near concentration camps . . . the cries and moans of the tortured were no doubt believed the wailing of the wind. . . "

And on and on - ad nauseam.

And then the film cuts to crowd scenes from Leni Riefenstahl's spectacular 'Triumph of the Will', a 1934 National Socialist propaganda film, as the audience is told that Germans who ". . . plead for your sympathy. . . " will ". . . bear heavy crosses now. . . the crosses of the millions crucified in Nazi death mills."

Almost half of the audience chose not to respond. Of the 1040 who responded, 91% said what they were supposed to say - namely urging the film to be shown to all German civilians.

But the heart of the film's message - the collective guilt of every German for what happened in the death camps - received a more honest response:

87.5% of the respondents felt no sense of collective guilt.

82% said they had no knowledge of the death camps.

70% said the German people did not share responsibility.

Comments were uniformly unflattering. "For the next propaganda performance," a sixteen-year-old girl noted, "take Dr. Goebbels as advisor."

One person asked why in a democracy one should be required, i.e., forced, to see the film. Many spoke of Allied air attacks as worse than what appeared in the film. Others claimed the Soviet Union was doing worse things to POWs in Silesia than what the Germans were alleged to have done in the film. One fourteen-year-old boy had friends in Auschwitz and Belsen who told him ". . . it wasn't as bad as in the film." A twenty-two-year-old man termed the film nothing but "swindle and humbug."

The evidence is overwhelming that, right after the war, when suffering was greatest, few civilians in Germany bought the idea of collective guilt. As a "re-education" device, "Todesmühlen" was a failure.

Compare that to the coarse, vulgar tour de force of "Schindler's List" or Goldhagen's "Hitler's Willing Executioners" in potbellied Germany today where people specialize in self-abuse and self-flagellation and kiss the boot that kicks them.

What was the difference in perception between those bitter post-war years and now? You take your pick, and I take mine: I say it is the difference between National Socialism and National Masochism induced by a diabolically clever and unfortunately highly successful "re-education" of the public campaign. I say it is indoctrination in the Marxist vein - installed, ensconsed, refined, augmented and manipulated by a satanic force that put the knife to every German brain to carve out THE one thing that stands between a proud and independent people and sheeple: Commitment to one's folk and kind.

More yet to come on Nationalism and its enemies in some of this month's ZGrams.


Thought for the Day:

"I call an animal, a species or an individual corrupt when it loses its instincts, when it prefers what is disadvantageous for it."

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

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