Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 4, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

There exists a little pamphlet entitled "The Making of a Revisionist" that has been indexed by the German government as "disorienting to minors." We ought to make a second one out of the text below, sent to us about six months ago:

"I am just an ordinary guy, a computer software engineer. As such, I like to think that I have a logical mind. Moreover, I've learned well that in trying to fix a piece of software that I've written, to find the bug that is causing the problem, I have to keep a totally open mind. And I know that even though the source of a bug may appear to be in a specific module of code, it may very well not be anywhere near it. Complex problems are tough to ferret out.

Coming from this point of view, I analyze problems in other areas much the same way.

Just a scant few months ago - three maybe - I was an ardent defender of Jews and ideologically supported our aid to Israel and the right of Israel to exist at any price. I supported it unreservedly. My attitude was that the Palistinians were vicious animals who were trying to destroy the civilized and enlightened Jews in Israel.

I saw "Schindler's List" about 2 or 3 years ago, and I was horrified. I've never had a grudge against Germans. How could I? I revered Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Albrecht Durer and the other great German musicians and artists too much to think of them as barbarians. But "Schindler's List" really aroused a fire in me. I became all the more supportive of Israel and the Jews.

Then, due to my support of Pat Buchanan who was smeared as being anti-Semitic, I became a little curious as to why he was smeared as being an anti-Semite. I was talking with a Jewish friend of mine, and she told me that Jews were hated all over the world.

No, I said. The French revere Jerry Lewis. He's Jewish.

But she kept insisting. Once I had heard that enough, I decided to do some reading. Why were the Jews so persecuted?

I did quite a lot of reading, but the most shocking thing for me was reading excerpts from the Soncino edition of the Talmud that I found on the Internet.

Then, I went on soc.culture.jewish and lurked. Sure enough, these folks couldn't bring themselves to write the word Christian. It was always, Xian. And while they didn't rant and flame, their anti-Christian attitude was obvious.

Finally, someone (a Jew) asked the question: is it more wrong for a Jew to kill an Xian than another Jew?

The answer was given in an analogy: it is a sin of one degree to do X on Jewish holiday Y and altogether another to do M on Jewish holiday N. (I don't remember the laws broken on which holidays.)

If he had flamed, "KILL THE GOYIM," I would have dismissed it as anger. But the way he answered was chilling to me. He wasn't just flaming. He merely acknowledged the FACT that a Gentile was less than a Jew. Precisely what I had read in the Talmud.

From there, I had to look more. I then came across the Revisionist - whatever that is, as David Irving says. While I'm not knowlegeable enough either in history or investigating something of this nature, the really compelling thing is the credibility of the claims supporting the holocaust - as compared to the things that David Irving is saying, as well as Dr. Toben and Ernst (Zundel) and the other revisionists.

But perhaps even more disturbing than that is the fact that the Jews have quietly backed down from several of their claims, while still promoting the same story via the press, television and movies like Schindler's List. Let me tell you, I honestly "convulsed" for about two months trying to deal with the dismantling of something that I believed fervently before.

Twice I managed to dismiss it. I felt better because of it too. I told myself that you guys were just loonies and I wasn't like that. It was actually a relief. But it came back to haunt me again and I would go back and read more.

I have personally experienced how uncomfortable, even painful it is to have something you wholly believe to be turned upside down. So, I know that others are going to have similar difficulties. But in my reading, I've read more about the atrocities that the Jews are committing against the Palestinians. I have a moral responsibility to engage in trying to stop the persecution of the Palestinians. I can't support kids throwing rocks being mowed down by Israeli machine guns. They claim to be using rubber bullets (that's little consolation), but a recent London Times article reported that metal bullet fragments were found in the bodies of the children throwing rocks.

Recently the Washington Post reported that new evidence discovered in Moscow archives showed Lenin to be as cruel and heartless a butcherer as Stalin. The article mentioned the atrocities of Hitler and also quoted a Jewess, Tina Rosenberg, as saying that we must never make the grotesque error of comparing the brutalities of communism with those of fascism.

I'm really long winded here, but I wanted to give you my perspective and the effect that revisionism has had on me.

So, I'm wondering if I wrote an essay of my experience and sent it to various people in government in the countries in which the Jewish oppression is most severe, would that perhaps begin to encourage them to take another look; at least open their minds a little? Would it give them a sense of just how oppressed they are, if an ordinary citizen from another country were to write on this subject?

I am also thinking of writing op-ed pieces and getting them into a few small hometown newspapers in some areas of the southern U.S. Grassroots you know, and out of the way of an immediate Jewish response."

What a telling letter from someone living in the USA, the "freest country in the world"! How little it takes - and how long it took! Just think what will happen if we can manage to stay on the Net!

Hate letters to the Zundelsite are very rare these days - letters in support of what we do and what we stand for and believe accumulate. As judged by volume, the ratio is thirteen to one.


Thought for the Day:

"Anyone who has begun to think places some portion of the world in jeopardy."

(John Dewey)

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