Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 29, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

First a few personal items, and then a few general tidbits gleaned gleefully from the Revisionist's world scene.

· I have now concluded my appeal for financial assistance - and I am thanking each and everyone! This appeal drive has been extremely important to our cause because, quite aside from the critically important financial infusion into our struggle, it has shown that my support now comes from all over the world - from people of many nationalities and from all walks of life.

This last week has clearly demonstrated that the Canadian Human Rights Commission has no business whatsoever in depriving non-Canadians from supporting whomever they so choose. Needless to say, the names of my supporters will remain confidential.

You might also want to know that sponsors of the Zundelsite have generously pledged not just money but services and items such as office supplies, computer consultancies, legal assistance, even discounts on vitamins etc. I have also received offers for free magazine and newspaper/newsletter subscriptions - very important to me, to keep my fingers on the pulse of the globally blossoming Nationalist movement.

One person even offered she would vacuum my carpet once a week! (Wish I could accept that, but I cannot let strangers into my office . . . )

I will have a newsletter each month for my regular supporters and those who have pledged generous one-time contributions. As soon as it is cost-effective, I hope to offer it to all.

· And speaking of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the hearings have now been postponed to January through March of next year.

Thus, the organized Jewish Lobby groups have shot themselves in the unmentionable one more time by loading those hearing with a lot of their own high-priced attorneys. Now they have difficulty coordinating their own calendars. Nice. Gives us time. Serves them right. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

· In going back over my notes on previous ZGrams, I noticed some healthy Zundelsite statistics. Since April of last year, our daily visitor count has more than tripled, and our daily "documents accessed" count has almost doubled. Visitors to the Zundelsite now access an average of 8 documents per visit. In other words, they don't just nibble intellectually - they have a full course meal!

Now to some exciting developments and general observations:

· The biggest news came yesterday. For quite some time, I have been hammering away at Arab media and cultivating Arab journalists, telling them over and over that the key to their success in stopping Israeli abuse of Palestinians is the recognition of the so-called "Holocaust" as both shield and sword that keeps two cash cows going: Support from the United States and Germany to Israel and Jewish causes, individuals and organizations worldwide.

This support, in turn, allows these people and groups to support Israeli policy and government initiatives - practically unhindered and unchecked.

My message has been: Take away that support! The tools to do that are available! There exists a body of research called Holocaust Revisionism! The average American - and, I dare say, the average German! - does not care that much about the "Holocaust" - he cares about having been duped!

He cares about financing a myth that is forced down his throat to keep the shekels coming - and to keep him in perpetual mental serfdom!

I felt like a doctor telling a recalcitrant patient: "Here is your medicine that will make you well! Reject it at your own risk!"

I think I've now gotten through - at least to some of them!

A Reuters release, dated yesterday, (Aug 27, 1997) states that remarks aired on official Palestinian television

". . . questioned the number of Jews killed by Nazi Germany and called the Holocaust a Jewish 'investment.'

"It is regrettable that an official outlet of the Palestinian Authority has stooped to Holocaust denial coupled with an allusion to Jewish venality and greed,'' Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu's aide David Bar-Illan said in a statement. (...)

According to a transcript of a PBC cultural programme aired on Monday, a moderator said that while Jews said six million of their people were killed in the Holocaust, 'precise scientific research demonstrates that there were no more than 400,000.'

"(Israelis) have profited materially, spiritually, politically and economically from the talk about the Nazi killings,'' the author said in the transcript.

"In my opinion, (the Holocaust) is an investment, and as you know, when it comes to economics and investments, the Jews have been very experienced ever since the days of the Merchant of Venice,'' he said, referring to the Shakespearean play about a mediaeval Jewish money lender."

Music to Revisionist ears!

· In Switzerland, the mountains are seething with rage over the "Nazi Gold" controversy - and no wonder! Here is a little neutral country, blamed for ". . . prolonging the war out of sheer greed and avarice, without empathy or conscience" - when just the opposite was true!

According to an article (Aug 27, 1997) by Marcus Kabel,

"Repeated attacks from abroad on Switzerland's role in World War Two could cause a backlash in Swiss public opinion, according to a senior official handling the country's response to the charges.

Special ambassador Thomas Borer told Reuters Switzerland was making headway in calming the international controversy but the coming months could still be tricky.

Borer, head of a task force on Holocaust-era issues, urged critics in the U.S. and elsewhere to temper their attacks.

'The key to a more objective and less emotional discussion in Switzerland is held abroad, especially in the United States,' Borer said in an interview this week."

· Berlin, too. I quote here from today's Reuter wire:

"A senior Israeli diplomat (last name: Shomrat) in Germany was quoted as saying on Thursday that Jews from the former Soviet Union, who have flocked to Germany in their thousands since the end of the Cold War, would do better in Israel. (...)

"In Germany, they will be viewed once again as strangers - not so in Israel,'' she said.

Shomrat said she did not think it wrong that Germany should continue to allow in Russian-language Jews but said they should not be given priority treatment over other potential immigrants."

· In Croatia, President Franjo Tudjman, a man well-known in Revisionist circles, has recently had the Holocaust Lobby screws applied to his thumbs.

Last year, in what can only be described as a macabre suggestion, Tudjman is said to have proposed that the bones of Croatian fascists be reburied at the site of a notorious Jasenovac death camp alongside the remains of their victims, causing a flurry of protests from the country's small Jewish community.

Tudjman had also published a book entitled "Wastelands of History" wherein he wrote that the numbers of Jewish victims in World War II in Yugoslavia were vastly exaggerated.

This was, of course, regarded by the Hollering Holies as "anti-Semitic."

Tudjman recently published a revised English version of the book under the new title -- "Horrors of War'' -- from which the most controversial parts are now dropped.

He also offered to travel to Israel to deliver the appropriate politically correct apology in person, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

If that is true, so what? The Jewish Lobby loves to make enemies by forcing people depending on their media and political favors into submission - from Marlon Brando to heads of state like Tudjman.

A donned yarmulke in the right company has been known to create wonders to soothe troubled waters between struggling, newly independent mini-states like Croatia and tyrannical countries like Israel.

· And, finally: According to an article authored by Debra Nussbaum Cohen and published in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency - no date given in the fax sent to me - even the Bible is being subjected to politically correct and, therefore, acceptable Revisionism. (Not our type, please note . . . ):

"Jews haven't been treated very well in the Christian Bible -- until now.

The elimination of traditional New Testament language castigating Jews for the suffering of Jesus in an edition just published by the Oxford University Press is being well-received by most Jewish experts on Jewish-Christian relations -- but not all. (...)

The Christian Bible condemnation of the Jews has been used by everyone from Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler and countless lesser despots through the centuries to justify tyranny against Jews.

Now the editors of 'The New Testament and Psalms: A New Inclusive Translation' have changed that language in order to portray the story of Jesus' life and death in a way that is not offensive to Jews.

They also altered the God-language to make it gender inclusive, so that instead of 'Father,' the metaphor used for God is 'Father-Mother.' These and other changes in the new Bible reflect a heightened sensitivity during the past 10 to 20 years over the way language is used, according to the editors."

In the texts of Matthew, John, Acts, Corinthians and the other chapters of the Christian Bible, negative references to Jews are deleted.

Where it said 'the Jewish leaders,' the newly released Bible says 'the leaders,' or where it said 'Jews,' it now says 'men,' for example." (...)

"I commend them for [taking out] the anti-Jewish stuff, which was originally mistranslated," said Rabbi A. James Rudin, director of interreligious affairs for the American Jewish Committee. . ."

You and I live in astonishing times!

In my more extravagant fantasies, I sometimes visualize a statue in the Munich "Feldherrnhalle" after the Age of Truth has arrived. It will show a monument modeled after my favorite cartoon, the letters of the crumbling "Holocau$t".

Ernst Zundel will be standing on the "$" - hard hat and all, holding up both hands in the victory sign - surrounded by the names of pioneers of this astounding "War of Beings", as one lady Revisionist coined it. (Not me . . .!)

Robert Faurisson. Fred Leuchter. Doug Christie. So many others! Hundreds and thousands of others - some having done GROUNDBREAKING work, others having chipped in once the thing started rolling, all having made victory possible.

At the bottom of this monument it will say: "The German Peasant Warrior who saw the lie, took a slingshot, aimed it at Goliath, and slayed the Myth of the Six Million in two stupendous Great Holocaust Trials!"


Thought for the Day:

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer."

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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