Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 1, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Yesterday I shipped Nick Griffin's press release and promised you some background information on this exciting upcoming Revisionist trial in Britain.

Already known as the "Carlile Two Trial", this trial will broaden and legitimize the Revisionist message and will make us much more interesting to the average person who does not give a hoot about the "Holocaust" per se.

This trial will focus on "hate laws" used as judicial terror instruments against our civilization - stupidly financed by that very civilization! In Griffin, one of the two accused, we will have a man who has the gift of gab, as can by seen by that elegantly simple, stunning phrase he coined when he speaks of "politically correct tyranny" at the end of a neighborhood flyer he apparently distributed in his community.

Here it is, titled "I owe you an explanation":

All sorts of wild rumors have been flying around since my arrest, shortly before Christmas, by officers from Powys-dyfed CID, and the announcement in July that I am to be prosecuted for producing "racially inflammatory" literature.

These are mainly nothing more than natural gossip, but I also understand that there are a few people among my neighbors who may be genuinely concerned about what I might have done or said to lead to my arrest and a five-hour long search of my home.

In order to set their minds at rest, and to give anybody interested the opportunity to decide for themselves who is at fault, I feel that I have a duty to explain the situation.

The police action was under S.19 of the Criminal Justice Act, a section which was initially created under the Race Relations Act. The allegation was made that I had published material which was intended to, or might, incite "racial hatred."

This allegation arose from a complaint submitted by Alex Carlile. He told the County Times last summer that he had asked the police to get him a copy of a magazine which I edit, The Rune.

Having gone out of his way to obtain a copy, Mr. Carlile then went out of his way to be offended or threatened by it. That, at least, is my opinion.

In order that you can make up your own mind, the main thing which the police specifically said led to his complaint are reproduced here.

(Explanatory insert: There are four items discussed in this open letter. Item no. 1 is a slightly raunchy filler titled: "Wanted: More White children" suggesting that national activists, after having distributed nationalist material, go to a local pub to pick up girls. Item no. 2 is a drawing of a pretty girl gazing at a Viking ship. Item no. 3 is the photograph of a Jamaican immigrant who murdered an unarmed policeman. Item no. 4 is, apparently, a cartoon pointing out the anti-German hate in Stephen Spielberg's Schindler's List.)

If Mr. Carlile wants to make another complaint about circulating this material, I don't mind in the slightest, since I believe that the idea that I should face another two years in prison simply for letting my neighbors see what he has complained about would be laughed out of court.

See for yourself

While cutting no. 1 is not particularly delicately worded, it is a fact that people of European stock make up a mere 8% of the population of the world. Even liberal papers like the Guardian acknowledge that our aging population and low birth rate dooms our kind to extinction in only a few generations unless something is done. My point, aimed light-heartedly at young nationalist activists, is very similar to that made by the Covenanters for a Free Wales at their AGM a couple of years ago, when they urged young Welsh speaking couples to have the extra children needed to ensure the survival of the language.

To me, this is just plain commonsense, and my motivation and, I assume, that of the Covenanters, is love of our own kind, not hatred of other peoples. If there are "race haters", they are surely people who, for some reason or other, hate the white race, or the Welsh who form part of it-so much that they want to see us bred out of existence?

What sort of mentality sees, as Mr. Carlile claims to, "hate" in an idealistic picture such as no. 2 which shows a Viking princess on a longship? This sturdy people, whose blood still flows in the veins of nearly every coastal community in Britain, sailed in their tiny ships from the Arctic to Sicily, from the Black Sea to North America. This is something we are entitled to be proud of, without implying the slightest hostility to non-whites, who have their own achievements and traditions to remember-the "hate" is on the part of people who, in pursuit of a multi-racial pipedream, censor children's books to deny our children a sense of identity and place.

In item no. 3, the pictures of the Jamaican criminal and the policeman he murdered were taken from a newspaper report which appeared just as the magazine was being put together. They illustrate a serious article reviewing the idea of the late Referendum Party leader James Goldsmith, and my caption is far less sensationalist than the tabloid coverage of the murder and subsequent trial.

I'm sorry if Mr. Carlile takes offence at being reminded that the multi-racial society of which he approves is not a bed of roses, but I refuse to accept that reporting facts such as this can be against the law.

A free and open debate about the whole question of mass immigration would defuse the antagonisms which are building up in many British cities, whereas attempts to muzzle our traditional freedom of speech are bound to lead to resentment. I do not have an ounce of hostility to any individual on account of their ethnic origins, but I feel that the enormous changes in the population of urban Britain since 1948 were undemocratically imposed on the peoples of Britain and are storing up trouble for the future, as well as threatening our cultural identity and ethnic survival.

What has been done to the indigenous people of cities such as London, Birmingham, Bradford and many others is the same-on a massive scale-as the plan to swamp Dyffryn Banwy with 55 new houses with no effective provision for local needs. Mr. Carlile did a good job helping to stop this, so why does he want to jail those who, seeing far more drastic changes in Caerdydd, Glasgow and so many English cities, express identical concerns?

As a matter of fact, item no. 3 was the only thing in the entire 32 page magazine about coloured immigrants which the police said Mr. Carlile never mentioned. His other complaints were over things which are not even connected with the question of immigration.

They included a cartoon satirizing the anti-German race-hate peddled by filmmaker Stephen Spielberg, particularly in Schindler's List, where he deliberately avoided the key point in the case of Amon Goeth, the brutal labor camp commandant: which was that this crook and sadist was sacked and imprisoned by the German authorities during the war, as soon as his crimes came to light.

Mr. Carlile also took great exception to the few sentences from a report about a court action between two men-a left-wing Zionist and a libertarian researcher-reproduced here as item no. 4. I am well aware that orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into soap and lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth, and that witches flew on broomsticks-and people were imprisoned or burnt alive for questioning the generally accepted story.

Having made an intensive study of the subject over the last four years I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter-day witch-hysteria.

There is no doubt that large numbers of Jews died of disease and hunger as the German forced-labour camp supply system broke down at the end of the war (those terrible pictures of Belsen are of the victims of the typhus epidemic which continued to kill thousands of inmates even after the British army took over the camp), and that many thousands more were shot in brutal but legitimate reprisals during the partisan warfare in Eastern Europe which claimed the lives of half a million German soldiers. But these horrors were the by-products of a bloody total war, not evidence of a plan or programme of systematic genocide.

As a lawyer himself, Mr. Carlile should also be aware that there is-as yet-no law in Britain against historical research and comment on this issue. And why on earth should there be?

Film makers can make blasphemous films about Christ, Salmon Rushdie can slander Islam, Marxist fanatics can promote the system which caused a Holocaust of 14 million Christians in the Ukraine alone, historians can argue that the terror-bombing Holocausts of Hamburg, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified, or that only 10,000 people died in the fire-bombing Holocaust of Dresden (the real figure was between ten and twenty times that many)-what's so special about the Gassed Six Million that the story should not be subjected to critical research and reasoned argument?

Of course, I might be wrong in my conclusion. So, too, might the scores of expert historians, doctors, chemists, forensic specialists, eye witnesses, aerial photograph analysts and Jewish researchers who have published material which reaches the same conclusion: the "massed gassings" is an unfounded blood libel against European civilisation.

But even if we are wrong, it is still only a question of historical debate. So it should be settled through open historical debate, by exposing the errors in our research and by answering our criticism, not by sending in teams of police officers to waste hours searching through children's toy boxes or by locking us up.

For that is Mr. Carlile's intention. For the items mentioned above he set in motion a prosecution which he knows could lead to me spending up to two years in prison. Even if it doesn't come to that, my solicitor's estimate is that the investigation (which also involved raids on two properties in London) has already cost in excess of THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS. Where does that money come from?

Well, according to police figures, the contribution made by local Council Tax payers to the running of Dyfed-Powys police is 49.36 pounds per person per year. In other words, Mr. Carlile's intolerance has blown, in one go, the annual contribution to the running of our excellent, but cash-strapped police force made by every single resident of Dyffryn Banwy!

As for the trial itself, that will cost enough to keep a cottage hospital open for a year.

I said at the start of this letter that I felt I owed you an explanation. You have now had one from me, but perhaps I'm not the only person with some explaining to do.

Thank you for your time and open-mindedness. If anyone would like to discuss this matter in greater depth, please feel free to contact me at any time. If it isn't of any further interest to you, just ignore it: you will already have gathered that I make a point of not discussing political matters locally unless someone else raises the question.

I am certainly not looking for support or sympathy-I knew very well the risks involved in speaking out over these issues before I started to do so. I merely hope that I have made it clear that I am not a mindless bigot and that I neither have, nor advocate, any hatred of coloured people.

If, at the same time, I have made a few more people aware of the way in which the traditional free speech, for which generations of our forefathers fought and died, is being taken away and replaced by politically correct tyranny, I will be content. Either way, I won't bother you again.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Griffin

Thought for the Day:

" Yes, we are few. But our numbers include not only a brainy lot, but
the only brainy lot that is simultaneously noble in the finest classical
sense of that term. Good luck! We'll expect even greater things from you."

(From a letter sent to the Zundelsite)

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