Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

January 11, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A German nationalist website, called "Aufbruch" is under censorship attack, and just to show you what happens when we ask the figh-censorship folks to back us in our struggle, I ship the following.

Here is what happened: This morning I posted a notice of the political prosecution to this fight-censorship group, out of which we still hope we can cull one or two genuine "freedom of speech fighters" who are not afraid of the bedeviled "Nazi"-taint.

Ingrid to fight-censorship:
"I have only now returned to my computer after a Christmas vacation and found the following in my mountain of e-mail. I am shipping it along for the cyber-warriors of the world to ponder.

'Subject: Political dissidents prosecuted in Germany Organization'

The reason for this situation is a link in (the "Aufbruch) page "Neue Medien und Techniken" to the American web site "Stormfront".

By two further steps going on from there visitors can access a
collection of national socialist symbols. This possibility is valued as a
criminal offense in Germany."

Immediately a Jew, "Lizard", jumped in to put a not-too-subtle anti-Nazi spin on my very genteel (pun intended) post for the fight-censorship readers, in case they have forgotten that Ingrid is a "Nazi".

Lizard to fight-censorship:
"This is typical of governmental (il)logic regarding the Internet. This is very similair to the Radikal case, in which a German was prosecuted to a link to a site in Sweden containing left-wing propaganda (something which would still be a crime if Ms. Rimland ran the world, but that's neither here nor there).

Linking to Yahoo also puts you one click away from Nazi paraphenalia(sp). Type in 'Stormfront' and click away! All the swastikas you can stomach, yours for the taking. Shall every German site with a Yahoo link be shut down? (Censorware beware in the US is host to assorted dubious groups and individuals. is an Australian ISP hosting typical personal pages, or so it seems at first glance. Anyone want to guess censorware blocks them both?)

The governments of the world are going to have to learn they must choose between participation in the global economy (and how the Rimlands of the world must chafe at the internationalism of that concept!) or controlling access to information. They cannot have it both ways (as the total failure of Singapores net-filtering has shown).

The irony, of course, is that in order for the ultra-nationalists and racists to communicate, they must support a media which is by nature internationalist and race-blind. They must destroy the structures of the nation-state in order to communicate their nationalist views. Thus, they participate in the elimination of the national identities they claim they wish to make paramount. The net destroys borders -- and in the process, the 'distinctive' and 'traditional' languages, music, art, etc of the world. Everyone has access to everything; languages blend into a mostly-english polyglot (Bite me, Frogs!), an artist can draw off inspirations from Austria to Australia, and racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities vanish into a schizoprenic gestalt of multiple virtual selves. The more the nationalists struggle to be heard, the faster they undermine their own paradigm."

There you have it. Please notice my restraint.

Lizard's address is

New World Order Thought for the Day:

". . . racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities vanish into a schizoprenic gestalt of multiple virtual selves . . ."

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