Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 5, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A ZGram reader wrote in overnight:


"I have not read the story, but a reliable friend told me that today's New York Times (Saturday, 4 April) has an article on the German government's efforts to extradite Le Pen from France to Germany to stand trial for denial of the holocaust.


"That is frightening. Even the Bolsheviks never tried anything like that."


Well, the story is true, and the Commies of yesterday who may not have tried anything like that are now, in desperation, doing things exactly like that because they have no other choice.


Here are additional details, according to Reuters, April 3, 1998.


Titled "German prosecutors seek charges against Le Pen", the story goes, and I quote:


"Prosecutors in Munich, backed by fresh evidence that Jean-Marie Le Pen publicly trivialized the Holocaust, on Friday launched efforts to bring the French far-right leader to trial in Germany.


"State prosecutor Helmut Meyer-Staude said he asked the European Parliament, of which Le Pen is a member, to lift Le Pen's immunity against prosecution following anti-Jewish comments he allegedly made in Munich earlier this year."


To refresh your memory, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who is the leader of the French political party called "National Front" which wants to enforce some politically incorrect immigration measures, spoke of the so-called "Holocaust" as "mere detail'' of history at the launch of a biography "Le Pen the Rebel'' - a book said to have been written by a "German right-wing extremist."


Someone apparently sent a tape of this remark to Mr. Meyer-Staude in Germany, a country which never misses an opportunity to call itself the "model democracy", whereupon this latter-day Torquemada, who also persecuted and prosecuted Ernst Zundel and other leading Revisionists in years past, remembered that it is illegal in Germany to trivialize or to deny the Holocaust.


The penalty, as we have pointed out already many times, is up to five years in prison and/or a stiff fine. "Trivializing", it turns out, is no longer done in Germany - and now even other European countries, as proven by Carlos Porter, Jurgen Graf, and now Le Pen, are paying slavish homage to the state dogma.


The irreverent Mr. Le Pen has already been convicted of similar remarks in the past and has been fined a total of 1.2 million francs ($193,000), according to Reuters.


So what does that mean for the Revisionist cause?


It means that ***the most flamboyant leader*** in Europe is receiving the Inquisition treatment in broad daylight, with the entire world looking on, and the most impenetrable mind must ask itself: "Who has that kind of stake in the state-sanctioned Dogma of the Holocaust?"


As if we need to ask. Quite simply, those in authority - and more so, those behind the scenes who fear Europe's most flamboyant leader who calls a spade a spade, just like the ancient Macedonians.

Also recently, and not-too-incidentally, in what seems to have been a staged provocation - conveniently the television cameras were there! - Le Pen is said to have taken a swipe at a "Socialist woman politician" and, hence, was convicted last Thursday in a French court so as to be stripped of his civil rights for two years. It means that, in all likelihood, he will be ineligible to run in next year's European Parliament elections, important ones for his National Front party, which has been gaining hugely in French regional elections.


Reuters next goes on to say:


"It also theoretically means he could be stripped of his electoral mandates as a European Parliament member and a regional councillor in southern France.


"But the 69-year-old former paratrooper, who polled 15 percent of the vote in France's 1995 presidential election, was expected to appeal against the verdict.


"This would mean none of the measures against him could be enacted until he exhausted all possible appeals, a process likely to take two years, possibly beyond the date for the next European Parliament election.


"But the majority bloc in the European Parliament in Strasbourg is not interested in waiting that long."


In related news from France, some overlapping, reported by one of our correspondents on April 2, we further learn:


· At 2 p.m. came the verdict of Jean-Marie Le Pen: although the socialist lady he was supposed to have injured in Mantes-la-Jolie acknowledged during the trial that he may not have touched her - and although the film which had been taken - isn't it strange that the TV was there? - shows clearly he did not, JMLP was sentenced on account of "violence en réunion" (violence in a meeting) and public abuse to 2 years of ineligibility, 3 months of jail suspended and a fine of 20,000 Francs (US $ 3,500).


· Early in the morning, the police raided Vincent Reynouard's home and took all his material - a brand new computer, his files, books to be sold, lists of addresses, etc. You surely remember that Vincent is the nice boy (27 years old) who, although an engineer in the atomic field, ended up being a teacher and was fired when (the enemies) realized he was writing his famous book about Oradour-sur-Glane ( a book about the facts and claims about alleged German war crimes ) banned by the Ministry of the Interior on September 2, 1997.


· At 9.15 came the verdict (against) Maurice Papon: ten years jail - M. Papon is 87! - and several other punishments such as depriving him of his civil rights, his family rights (!) etc.. They even went as far as taking back his "Legion d'honneur" decoration from him! (Editorial comment: Papon was the Vichy government official whose "crime" was that he followed his government's orders and rounded up Jews considered a threat to the state!)


At 4 p.m. came the verdict of a journalist, a Mr Chauvy, who wrote a ( mildly revisionist ) book not quite politically correct regarding the Resistance in Lyon during the war and questioning the part played by a couple of very famous communist Jews, Mr and Mrs Aubrac:


a 60,000 Francs (US$ 10,000) fine for the author of the book,


a 100,000 Francs (US$ 17,000) fine for the publisher


and, for the two jointly,


400,000 Francs (US$ 70,000) of damages to the couple!


The B'nai Brith must have drunk champagne tonight."


Adds my good friend, wistfully: "Tonight we need an Ingrid Rimland to buck us up!"


Well, let me try.


Our enemies have tormented Ernst Zundel with trial after trial, in hopes of containing their Hoax, and the story seeped into the world via millions and millions of copies of the Leuchter Report -


- our enemies fingered Hans Schmidt, an America citizen, by jailing him for five months for four words - "Jew- and freemason-infested" - and the story of Schmidt's ordeal began eating itself into the consciousness of grassroots America -


Now they are assaulting ***the most visible nationalist leader of Europe*** in what can only be called an act of naked and brutal repression against a man who may well become France's chief of state one day by election or by army coup - France has a history of that!


And world-wide - multitudes are perking up their ears: "What's that? You cannot trivialize the Holocaust?"


That's right. A dissident leader of France can be extradited to Germany because of trivializing the Holocaust!




It's big, folks - and it is happening at an ever accelerating rate. Our enemy's rackets are being exposed on the Internet at the speed of light - world-wide! Their numbers are small, and they see themselves more and more cornered.


Here is how Jewish populations stack up, according to The Jewish Press, February 20, 1998:


USA: 5,600,000

Israel: 4,900,000

France: 600,000

Russia: 450,000

Canada: 360,000

Ukraine: 310,000

UK: 300,000

Argentina: 230,000


The article states:


"The World Jewish Congress puts today's world Jewish population at 13.8 million. Fifty years ago, after the Holocaust, that number was estimated at 11 million."


Even though chances are the numbers above are vastly understated, we may assume - if we are thinking wicked thoughts! - that our opposition are a mere handful in a sea of opposition to them and against them, and they know it all too well. They know it! We may not convince them of the errors of their ways - we will simply overwhelm them with our numbers of Revisionist converts one day not too far off.


Furthermore, according to this article, the countries mentioned above are the ***only*** eight countries that have Jewish populations in excess of 200,000. Together, they total 92% of all the Jews living in the world!


Are these handful of people armed with nothing but chutzpah and a lie going to win against an estimated six billion of the world's bipeds who are getting very restive at the massive force-feeds of the Holocaust - the Zionist version of history, as New York City University's Norman Finkelstein calls it?


What these people, pushing lies, are exhibiting is climacteric desperation. What we have on our side are numbers. Facts. Staying power. And, above all else, the truth. They cut their teeth on the Great Holocaust Trials of Ernst Zundel. They are going to break their teeth in the not-too-distant days on popular leaders like Le Pen - who have millions of ardent admirers.


So let us thank the heavens for people like Le Pen who dares to "trivialize the Holocaust" in the best tradition of "liberte" in France - and in an intellectual sense helps us to enjoy the brightest European sunshine from distances this merry April day.




P.S. Word has just come in that Papon has also been sentenced to 4.6 million FF, translated into approximately $1 million in US currency. For what? For "pain and suffering" inflicted on the Jews.


Thought for the Day:


"Nothing you have ever feared from the economic tyranny of socialism approaches the oppressive spiritual tyranny of your great democracies. These seek to control not only the acts, but the emotions of the individual. They would compel us to love and hate, to admire and despise, as part of our civic duty."


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