Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 3, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Here is the latest report from the New Canadian Inquisition playing shamelessly in Toronto's courtrooms. The sheer ***magnitude*** of that intellectual struggle for truth in history - and freedom to research and post that truth right on the Internet for everyone to see - are almost beyond words!


Up-front, a few telling statistics:


Attorneys for the Holocaust Promotion Lobby in the courtroom itself: 8 - 10 ( backed up by hundreds of support staff, researchers etc. )


Attorneys for the Zundel Defense: 2


Media present: 0


One has to be present to see and feel how the New, Improved Inquisition works. One has to actually experience how Stalinist show trials, without the media present, play out in a modern "democracy". One has to smell how they are being run!


Two years from the end of this millennium we are experiencing a Star Chamber like hearing, which is ostensibly open to the public, few of whom, however, dare or care to show an interest, and in which the lawyers for the various Jewish lobby groups and the government lawyers, representing Jewish Lobby thinking and goals, often ***outnumber*** the Jewish and Gentile public.


The goyish media is totally absent. The entire media - all radio, TV and daily and weekly newspapers are not to be seen, even though they are daily informed and invited by press releases and faxes - and this at a time when the fate and control over the most revolutionary medium since the invention of the Gutenberg printing press is being decided, and not just for Canada either, if you want to peer into the crystal ball! For now, what and how Canadians can do, say and display on the Internet what is of importance to ***them*** is being defended in Canada and for Canadians by none other than Mr. Ernst Zundel.


Is that some irony - or what?


The line-up of defense witnesses has now begun. Not even I know the names of those who will be called to testify. So far, there have been two: Professor Dr. Alexander Jacob, a very dark skinned Aryan of Indian background, and Dr. Robert Countess, a former Army chaplain and Presbyterian minister from Alabama and noted Revisionist scholar with broad first-hand expertise in Biblical, Greek and European history, among others.


Dr. Jacob, who was born in India, is an intellectual historian and philosopher of impressive breadth and depth, an impeccable expert on German philosophers and thinkers from Schopenhauer to Fichte, from Kant to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, from anti-Jewish thinkers like Eugen Dühring and Schönerer (both of whom influenced Adolf Hitler's thinking) to Alfred Rosenberg, the national-socialist ideologue.


After giving stunning testimony, Dr. Jacob was ***disqualified*** as an expert witness yesterday - because, ruled the New Inquisition Torquemada, Mr. Claude Pensa, Chairman of the Human Rights Tribunal, Dr. Jacob was "too anti-Semitic".


Contrast that with Dr. Frederick Schweitzer, "expert" witness for the prosecution, who has never read any material or any authors with a viewpoint not agreeing with his own, and who knew of only ***one*** Revisionist title - "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" by Dr. Arthur Butz. Dr. Schweitzer remained qualified and gave "expert" opinion on the history of the world - from ancient Egypt till today! He was the one who spotted in Ernst Zundel a "second Adolf Hitler"!


Dr. Jacob, claimed the chorus of Jewish intervenors with near hysterical voices as they ganged up once again in rapid succession on this witness, vilifying him and attributing things to him that he never said, was little more than (is anything new under the sun?) a "racist", an "extremist", a ". . . paid agent with a Zundel agenda".


Dr. Schweitzer, who had been paid by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith to write his one and only book, way back in 1971 - a man who proudly called himself over and over again a "Christian Zionist", was deemed a "suitable expert." This man, who set up a Holocaust Resource Center which only presents a pro-Holocaust viewpoint at his college, was not deemed an ". . . advocate of the Zionist agenda!"


Dr. Jacob was incredulous at what happened to him - shell-shocked would be a more apt description. Those who were new to "democracy, Canadian style", experienced another reality check in the way this soft-spoken man of color was treated by those "advocates of Human Rights" who normally never tire of their honeyed, oozing, glib, endlessly repeated incantations of "human brotherhood." Suddenly, a highly educated, intelligent man of color was persona non grata - because he dared to be critical of the Jewish agenda and for defending or having similar views on history to the German and much-decried "racist" Ernst Zundel!


Dr. Robert Countess, Revisionist scholar, is the second Zundel witness and has taken the stand for the defense. Some biographical information on this witness will be posted on the Zundelsite shortly.


In the days to come, defense attorney Doug Christie will be trying to qualify Dr. Countess as expert witness for the defence. This process already started yesterday, June 2, at 4 P.M.


Doug Christie went through his book resource list with Dr. Countess - titles which had been put to Dr. Schweitzer - most of whom Schweitzer had never heard of! By contrast, Dr. Countess confirmed that he was familiar with just about every title mentioned, except for one book called "The Lobby".


On the stand, Dr. Countess tried to expand on what he knew about each book, but was repeatedly cut short either by the Chairman of the Tribunal or by various lawyers for Jewish lobbyists, who were all over him and Doug Christie in a body like the proverbial octopus.


Dr. Countess is an excellent witness. He speaks with clarity and firmness, unintimidated by the frequent interjections and repeatedly snide remarks about Christie by the opposition. (For anyone interested in the booklist of mainly Jewish authors studied by Dr. Countess, give me a few days...)


The Inquisitors will try hard to keep Dr. Countess from testifying as an expert witness for the defense as well. It will be a sight to see how they will apply their double standard to this scholar in order to assure a Zundel conviction - which is, in everyone's opinion, already a foregone conclusion - to the disgrace of Canada! And keep in mind that all this plays against the McGillis Decision which stated clearly that Human Rights Tribunals are subject to a reasonable apprehension of bias - and any decisions they make are void! Does that matter to these human predators out to destroy Canadian's right to Free Speech? Not one small flying fig - if you pardon the sanitized expression!


The Zundel defense team predicts that the strategy of the prosecution in the coming days and weeks will be


1.) to humiliate, vilify and then disqualify every Zundel witness, and


2.) to finish these hearings, come hell or high water, by June 30 - the reason being that Torquemada Numero Uno, Claude Pensa's, term as Human Rights Tribunal Chairman will have run out by that time.


I am counting the days - twenty seven more days to go! Says Ernst, undeterred and combative as ever: "We are sledge-hammering the evidence of their double standard and thinly veiled anti-German bias for the historical record right into every transcript!"


Stay tuned for more to come!


Thought for the Day:


"If truth is no defense, there is no more defence against lies, calumny and defamation. 'Truth is no defence' is the perfect shield of the liar. Insist on Cicero pro Flacco! Flaccus is Zundel, and Christie is Cicero!"


(Overnight fax from Dr. Robert Faurisson in France)

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