Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 8, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Of course I get a lot of sage advice from readers who often scold me fervently that I am not narrowed and focused enough on what is truly important - let's say the race issue, as in ". . . let's stay away from any other races and worry only about our needs. After all, what do we have in common?"


Perhaps a little. Perhaps a lot. I'll show you by example:


I have a friend, (I think...) - White, liberal, and devout Catholic - who writes for major, highly important magazines. I have worked on his mind a lot with many a "tangential" ZGram, and I believe that he has gotten some important insights that will bear fruit in years to come. However, since he is young, ambitious, enormously talented and climbing the professional ladder - can he afford the Zundel-Taint?


Of course not. I understand that. So does he.


So he and I no longer correspond. But I read what he writes, and he reads what I write, and that makes for useful cross-fertilization of ideas - and action.


I have another friend - Black, conservative, and devout Catholic - who calls me up periodically to talk my ear off about the Virgin Mary's miracles that will protect Ernst Zundel, thanks to her devout prayers. Any day she would stand next to him - and never mind the Zundel-Taint!


She, for her part, is close to Elizabeth Wright, who is an editor at a Black publication and runs a website called "Issues and Views." So Elizabeth knows about us. Her website's mission statement runs as follows:


"Issues & Views is the only website run by American blacks that opposes reverse discrimination and disowns the policies of the established leadership. We are truly devoted to Free Speech on all issues."


I have told Friend #2 a lot about Friend #1 - the refrain being: "Just give him time. Just give him time . . . "


Now I know that at the beginning of our acquaintance, my friend # 1 held the notion that, as a "Nazi", of course I would nurse a passionate hate against Blacks. We didn't go into this deeply, but I knew he held this view.


I think he now knows differently.


Since he is on my ZGram list, I know he has since learned from us (and, I am glad to say, has also learned a thing or two of Nizkor tactics :) And he has learned about my black friend # 2.


Recently I found that #1 has sent this post about a Black website <> run by a lady named Elizabeth Wright to many other influential cyber fighters who are committed to the battle against censorship - all of them scared to death about the Zundel-Taint.


In it, he asks ***his*** friends to take a look at Elizabeth's website which includes the following excellent essays:




["Hate crime" laws are the first step to totalitarianism.]



## PAVING THE WAY FOR TYRANNY, by Walter Williams


[Lifestyle tyrants won't be satisfied to destroy only the tobacco industry; these elitists have their sights set higher.]





[Be it pornography or be it an unorthodox interpretation of history, the Constitution explicitly guards our right to free expression.]



## SHUT UP AND DIALOGUE, by Thomas Sowell


[The President's phony "Dialogue on Race" is really a monologue that prevents a genuine diversity of views.]



## RESOLVING AFRICA'S CRISES, by George B.N. Ayittey


[African elitists abandoned their own native institutions to copy foreign systems they did not understand.]



## THE HATERS OF HATE, by Fulton Huxtable


[Once it becomes legal for the state to criminalize one idea, e.g., racist attitudes, it will become legal to criminalize any idea.]





[Does anyone have the right to publicly ban the cultural symbols of white southerners?]


Now had I asked Friend # 1 directly to pitch Elizabeth's website, which complements the views we hold, of course he would have ignored it. But Zundelsite posts prepared the soil, and now he knows, and tells his friends, that not only "nasty Nazis" hold controversial views that are worth studying.


His credibility among ***his*** crowd is high. And so the battlefield is broadened.


By myself, I could not have done it. I could not have penetrated that group with a ZGram proclaiming: "Gee! Look! Here is a website that's strengthening our views." The Nizkorites - hyenas that they are! - would have unleashed themselves with howls. They do it all the time. That is their cyber function.


This way, Friend #1 is squeaky clean. He does not have to worry.


A lot of ZGram posts prepare the soil in areas you least expect it - and people will deny that they have sympathy for our struggle - for any number of good reasons that everybody understands. It's just like Michael Hoffman says: "How much actual courage does it take to condemn the free speech rights of the followers of Uncle Adolf nowadays?"


But are we losing, or are we winning, if we find allies for our aims in other races' fronts - and watch those cyber fighters spread the word who are too young, ambitious, liberal and scared to death to catch the Zundel-Taint to ask themselves just once: "How many ounces of courage - real manly courage! - would it really take to speak up forcefully and with conviction for Ernst Zundel?"





Thought for the Day:


"De man what keeps pullin' de grapevine shakes down a few bunches at leas'!"


(Irwin Russell)

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