Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


March 15, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This is a somewhat belated recap of last week's events pertaining to the Canadian "Human Rights" Tribunal's hearings in the Zundelsite matter.


As I explained at the beginning of last week, altogether five judicial review requests were filed by Ernst Zundel, which took ***two years and three months*** to get a hearing, thanks to institutional foot-dragging and delays caused by those who have made a career out of persecuting Ernst, inside and out of Canadian courts, tribunals etc.


Two of these reviews by courts of a higher level have now been heard so far. The decisions of these judges are, again, appealable if needed.


The first judicial appeal was heard by a lady judge named Reed. This judicial review dealt with the similarities in what has come to be known as the "McGillis decision" in the Bell Canada versus the Human Rights Commission case in a fiercely contested pay equity struggle worth billions.


In the Zundelsite case, the legal jousting matches and arguments took one day, March 9, and went well for our side - in the judgment of observers. The judge asked many relevant and penetrating questions, and the Zundel legal team feels that this is usually a hopeful sign.


It was telling that several of these high-powered attorneys for B'nai Brith, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, eventually even the Canadian Jewish Council, were ***absent*** - this after putting up a fierce and vicious fight, as late as January 15th to have these judicial reviews sabotaged! This odd behavior by the opposition puzzled the Zundel legal team, but they thought that it might have been due to an odd scheduling conflict. Judge Reed reserved judgment and will render her opinion in writing within the next few weeks.


The second judicial review - lasting two days, March 10-11 - went sluggishly the first day because Judge Evans did not seem all that impressed by Doug Christie's argument at first. But the courtroom atmosphere became very spirited and passionate the second day, once the judge seemed to understand the many territorial, technological, statutory and constitutional implications raised by the case before him.


Judge Evans seemed fatigued the second day but had obviously studied the thousands of pages in precedents, facts and written arguments submitted to him by all sides in this history-making case. Eventually, he seemed to become quite interested in the bias shown by staff members of the Human Rights Commission and also by the challenge to the Internet. He took many notes and seemed more open to the views of the Zundel side as arguments progressed.


Whether or not this judge's pending findings and rulings, which must address many complex issues of far-reaching consequences to Canada, will be in Ernst's favor remains to be seen, but again the Zundel attorneys are cautiously optimistic, and we will have to wait and see.


But here again the very bizarre development that none of us can understand at this point, took place:


***Most of the high-powered Zionist, agenda-driven attorneys for the intervenors, like Marvin Kurz, John Rosen, attorneys for B'nai Brith and the Simon Wiesenthal Center etc. were absent!!! *** Only the attorneys for Sabina Citron's Holocaust Remembrance Association and the Mayor's Committee for Race and Relations were there!


This is unheard-of behavior! Why, after having fought tooth and nail to prevent these judicial reviews for over two years, did these censorship minions not come prepared, make their points and present them in a real court to a real judge- if they had any realistic and legally valid points to make?


It can only mean one of three things:


* They are so sure of victory that they no longer even bother with the flimsiest of pretense that they have to fight for their side -


* They sense or know that they may lose their case in the end in higher courts and decided to pull in their tails now -




* A new assault on Ernst Zundel's right to speak his mind is planned elsewhere before other tribunals and hearings. After all, there are still the SIRC hearings scheduled where the idea is to malign him all over again, this time not just as a "Holocaust denier' but as a "security risk" to Canada - even though he has lived in that country for more than 40 years and has never violated anything worse than a speed limit!


Now there's one murky matter! That's why a lot of people keep a jaundiced eye on the mysteriously stalled hearings of the three punks arrested in that wave of violence in 1995 that included the mailings of death threats and eventually several potentially deadly parcel bombs. Why was it that the police never bothered to conclude the investigation of the arson of the Zundel-Haus? Might there be some "forces" at work here that are protecting their intelligence operatives? Informed observers and Zundel attorneys are closely following that foul-smelling case on the West Coast.


At this point, we don't have a clue what the absence of the key enforcers of the opposition at these judicial hearings could possibly mean! Three more judicial reviews are pending, which will be heard ***together*** from April 12 - 19, 1999.


I talked to one of the Zundel attorneys, and was told that in order to have these grotesque CHR Tribunal hearings aborted, ***we need to have only one*** of the five judicial reviews be ruled in our favor. At this point, we do not know what will happen. Our opposition has a lot of political clout, and they know how to throw it around. Their influence can be illustrated by the total absence of the media in these proceedings, even though dozens of media outlets have been notified and invited before each day's events.


Meanwhile, the situation on the Internet is very different. One of our monitors watching the news groups reported a few days ago that of 240 posts placed in relevant political or freedom of speech newsgroups, 100 dealt with the Zundel case and the Zundelsite matter. Thanks to the Internet, Canadians are ***keenly*** aware of what's playing - and more and more, Ernst Zundel's image is changing from the artificially created "hate monger" image to one that commands true grassroots admiration and respect.


In order to sharpen the focus of what's going on, and to clarify why so many people are waking up to the curtailment of Canada's freedom of speech, here is another "Slade take" - slightly shortened - as posted several days ago in response to one of the Holocaust Enforcers who made the argument that the Jewish Holocaust was extremely important and should "never be forgotten" - and haven't we heard that before!


Writes Slade:


The Jewish Holocaust is less meaningful than you think it is on a number of very material fronts.


The first is the origins and purposes of the legends indicated by the word "Holocaust". Some day you should examine the methods by which the Nuremberg trials enshrined this nonsense into history. It would make you blush to know that the US helped to railroad one of the greatest hoaxes of all time.


The second is the thuggish methods undertaken to enforce that cycle of fairy tales on modern civilization. A broad spectrum of intimidation is levelled against those who consider doubting the Holocaust. Historians, professors, and teachers are fired, prosecuted, fined, and sometimes imprisoned for teaching or writing about anything other than the orthodox interpretation. Booksellers are imprisoned. More than eight thousand people (have been prosecuted) in Germany for speaking out against the Hollow Hoax. Some have been beaten unconscious. Ernst Zundel's house was fire-bombed after a city-wide campaign with provocative posters enticing someone, anyone, to do the job.


Simon Wiesenthal center is calling for legal censorship of the Internet in order to stop the flow of Hollow Hoax rebuttals. Anything that does not toe the SWC line is termed "hate". Canada is beleaguered heavily by the Canadian Jewish Council and B'nai Brith to enact laws that make "Holocaust Denial" an criminal offense.


In Zundel's trial by the "Canadian Human Rights Tribunal" (which significantly is no more interested in the truth than were the Nuremberg judges), every decision point is flooded with legal briefs from the strong-arm Jewish organizations, indicating their preferred decision --just in case the judges have forgotten which side of their bread was buttered.


The third is the money milked from the rest of the world in the name of the Hollow Hoax. We have all heard of the Swiss banks, Swiss Insurance companies, large German corporations and insurance companies, and the art works scam. There are others in the offing. The bulk of this money is turned over on the slenderest proof of the claims, and ends up not with individuals, but with these big organizations.


But this is only the more recent and explicit of the extortions. Implicitly in the name of the Hollow Hoax, they have milked money from Britain and the US in the form of aid to Israel, both domestic and military. There is more money given to Israel than to any other single nation, despite the world-wide famines and abject poverty.


And of course, the Hollow Hoax Museums - springing up like mushrooms all over America ON TAXPAYER MONEY. Not monuments to the Americans who voluntarily gave up the good life and went to Europe and died fighting Hitler's soldier's -- but to the German Jews who got caught in the hostilities or died in fantasy gas chambers.


The fourth reason the Hollow Hoax is less meaningful is that the Jewish slogan of "Never again" is never applied to anyone but Jews. It certainly does not apply to the Palestinians, who were kicked out of their homeland so the Jews could have a "homeland". It certainly did not apply to the eighty-odd Davidians who were murdered by US soldiers just hours before dedication of the US Holocaust Museum -- they couldn't be bothered to mention those non-Jews at the ceremony. It doesn't apply to the shutting down of civil rights in country after country at the behest of Jewish organizations -- yet sometime listen to the wails about how cruel Hitler was because he didn't let Jewish children own bicycles or cats or dogs or whatever the plaint of the week. Compare that with the twilight of liberty they would impose on the rest of the world! The world must be hog-tied with Jewish-crafted oppression to the degree that no one could ever "do it" to Jews again.


And who cares what happens to the rest of us?


When was the last time a Jewish organization lobbied for a Pol Pot museum? Get real."




Thought for the Day:


"The Spielberg Foundation's aim is to bring about what its president, Michael Berenbaum, called "The Americanization of the Holocaust."


(Letter to the Editor, Instauration)

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