Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


May 4, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


One small note up-front for you please to remember: If you drop from my mail list, it is ***not*** because I have a grudge against you. It is because your ZGrams bounce.


There are usually simple reasons or technical causes. They could bounce because there is something wrong with your server - or mine. They could bounce because you have gone on vacation and your -e-mail box is overflowing. Maybe you have changed servers and forgot to tell me - or you told me and I haven't yet caught up with the thousands of letters that are sitting in my mail box. I am sure that there are other reasons - but the reason is ***not*** that I am angry with you and want to punish you.


A second concern often expressed is that of confidentiality of my e-mail list. I think that fear is exaggerated as well. First of all, I know that I have a few enemies as well as many friends on my list. There is no way to tell who is who, which is which, given the many e-mail pseudos. (Some people change IDs they way they change their shirts...)


Also, I really don't mind having our adversaries getting freebie rides on my list because in the future they can never claim they did not know the truths as they unfolded and were told, over and over, by my Revisionist friends and myself. I know that these snoop-creatures are there as self-appointed censors, and are just waiting to pounce. I try to write every one of my ZGrams with care while keeping them in the corner of my eye.


So if my list is accidentally discovered or intercepted - as happened twice already that I know of - those of you who really worry can always claim that you were just spying on Ingrid - being in good company with the ADL, JDL, B'nai Brith, the Wiesenthalers - not to forget the Nizkorites.


You should know that I delete bounced ZGram names from my list after a week or so of getting these bouncees back in my e-mail. I do so because it is costing me money in charges for bandwidth as well as time to clean them out of my pile of mail. And speaking of costs - if you want to make a one-sentence comment about one of my ZGram, please don't ship me back the entire ZGram! I can tell by the subject line which ZGram you are commenting on. I know it is pennies, but pennies add up! I rely on free-will donations to keep the Zundelsite afloat in cyberspace and I want to manage those funds with care.


Also, please don't send me trivial stuff. Send me only what is truly important. I am drowning in E-mail, and I don't have time to read what your horoscope said about me. I very much appreciate relevant information - in fact, I couldn't do my work without the help of my readers - but please use a little discernment.


Now to some serious Revisionist business. I received the following, dated April 21, 1999 regarding Dr. Toben's arrest. I know it is a bit dated, but this summary sheds some useful background light on what was, and is, happening in the escalating censorship war on our Revisionist fact-finding mission. It was sent to me from an alternative media source in Germany called Sleipnir. Andreas Röhler, publisher of Sleipnir, has suffered tremendous persecution by repressive German authorities. His offices have been frequently raided and his computers, disks and software confiscated. Yet he struggles on, unbowed!


This is, apparently, a Letter to one of the German officials:


"As the German Parliament decided to revise the criminal code regarding, among other offenses, "popular incitement" in the year 1994, it immediately informed the public that this new law was not intended nor would it be applied against historians. Hence, the freedom to conduct research and to write history - as guaranteed by Art. 5(3) of the Fundamental Law - would remain intact and in effect.


{Zundelsite comment: A set of Basic Laws is what Germany and Israel operate under - the only two countries that do so! - not a Constitution!}


Critics at the time objected to the revision of the law, claiming that, given the vague formulation of the law with its ill-defined terminology, the law would eventually extend to the circle of those individuals conducting research and investigations and writing historical texts. Therefore, it was no surprise when the Berlin Tageszeitung (<<>) reported: "Historian arrested" in a news item published on April 10, 1999.


Thus, the law of October 28, 1994 was given an interpretation that cannot be explicitly derived from the wording even of the more severe law.


Well-informed sources have reported to us that an arrest warrant was issued against Dr. Frederick Toben at the behest of state attorney Hans Heiko Klein, who had already masterminded the arrest of the translator Deckert.


{Zundelsite: This was a translation of Fred Leuchter's Leuchter Report!}


The warrant against Toben extensively cites written correspondence between Dr. Toben and the historian Gerald Fleming. Toben criticized Fleming harshly, but nonetheless granted him ample opportunity to respond to his criticisms. The arrest warrant takes advantage of Dr. Toben's openness by using this dialogue to substantiate Toben's incarceration.


Such a procedure runs against  - at least in the opinion of the editorial staff of Sleipnir - all standards of decency one should expect from a public authority. After all, Gerald Fleming is a well-known, internationally recognized historian, and if he has a disagreement with another historian, then he is very well in a position to defend himself adequately and eloquently. He does not require the assistance of a thought-control machine.


The application of the "popular incitement" law in this manner and in this case cannot be regarded as a friendly act towards the Jewish community in Germany or outside of it, since such a procedure unfortunately implies that the historians are compelled to hide something, because Jews and Holocaust admonishers cannot successfully stand up to the contest of ideas raised by the revisionists. In a competitive environment, the former will not prevail.


Furthermore, the arrest warrant is offensive to the people in general, since the law behind it serves to mentally incapacitate the populace. It tells them they cannot judge and evaluate events and thoughts for themselves, but rather must adhere to the state ideology and doctrine proclaimed by the establishment.


Not only the freedom to think and observe, but freedom of speech - the cornerstone of Western democracy - is being violated by this law. In fact, the law states that whoever exercises his or her freedom of speech will be labelled a criminal, because he or she is allegedly violating the "human dignity" of others (cf. § 130(1) Nr. 2 StGB).


Professor Toben has also been denied habeas corpus. <end>


Thought for the Day:


"It seems to me that Dr. Toben was in a private room having a private discussion (with Hans-Heiko Klein, German State Prosecutor) . If that is not covered by freedom of expression, nothing is."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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