Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


June 13, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



Just a few days ago, I wrote:


"I have often heard Ernst say that where our opposition gets the upper hand on us is in intrinsic tribe cohesion. The Chosenites stick to each other - we, sad to say, do not."


Those of us who struggle, write and publish openly as activists against historical vilification, using our own names, putting our action where our true, not just professed, priorities are, have had to deal with something that is very ugly: Vicious character assassination attacks that come from within our own ranks.


As often as not, smears out of the blue come from people who don't have the guts to use use their real names and hide behind a pseudonym - or two or three or four! - and seem to think that makes them safe to hurt and badmouth other people who are trying their darndest, and then some, to serve and to further a cause.


Just a few days ago, for instance, I learned of someone - not exactly a friend of Ernst Zundel's - who is writing under the cyber pen name of What will we get from such a malefactor, who undoubtedly chose this web address, knowing that the Zundelsite is parked at Webcom? Your guess is as good as my guess. The man was a teacher. He is intelligent and writes well, but never having succeeded in building up an audience or a following of his own for his writings, he is reduced to this?


These people are the bane of our movement.


My first "trial by fire" with this sort of thing came a few years ago from a fellow who called himself "Winston Smith" and claimed to be the leader of the "National Socialist White People's Party." He, too, writes exceedingly well and knows all the right words - but not the song, alas! This is true of most of these people - they are intelligent and use words like stilettos.


The incident that triggered his ire against me was not itself of great importance - small things will set these people off like rockets - but for a year or so I had to put up with intermittent sniping from this "Winston Smith".


Before too long, it was revealed his name was Harold Covington - a man Ernst had warned me about because he has had the inside information on Covington since the 1970s. Covington left a swath of broken friendships, relationships, ruined political groups, lovers - and children by various women in different places. This is another hallmark of what I call "The Syndrome" - these people don't have many friends. They move into relationships initially with skill and charm - and then they begin to destroy with a vengeance.


More was revealed about this Harold Covington. Among the items was his own admission that the so-called "Party" existed of exactly three people - and it seems he was counting himself.


Recently the patriotic movement in the USA and around the world was upset by what was promoted as an Associated Press article of a deep cover penetration in right wing organizations, naming Ernst Zundel and David Irving as people compromised.


I called Ernst, and he said no such infiltration had taken place - that it must be a concocted article. No such person as the one described or named in the article ever visited the Zundel-Haus.


Here is the text of the full article. For someone who loves the art of writing and practices the craft to earn a living, I thought the style seemed oddly familiar - and sounded just like Covington. I even told Ernst so.


Here is that article:



Source: Fox News


FBI Agent Penetrated Into The Heart of Darkness 5.11 a.m. ET (9: 11 GMT) June 5, 1999


By Wendy Nakamura, Associated Press


WASHINGTON DC (AP) ó For almost fourteen years, he lived in a world of hatred, bigotry, and violence.


He attended Klan rallies and meetings of buttoned-down intellectual racists in business suits in the most upmarket hotels. He met and hosted Holocaust deniers like German- Canadian Ernst Zundel and British author David Irving. He was there at cross-burnings and street marches, waving a picket sign or a Confederate battle flag and always shouting the loudest of any among his White supremacist cohorts. He drank beer with Skinhead gangs, swapped jokes with them about African-Americans, Hispanics, and Jews, and heard them plot hate crimes and racial assaults. He cruised the Internet, posting racist messages to computer bulletin boards and newsgroups, making contacts with neo-Nazis and nationalist extremists the world over. He infiltrated the inner councils of almost every top hate group in the United States and even in Europe. He even filed a libel suit against another White supremacist who claimed he was an FBI informant.


But he was.


Last month FBI Special Agent James R. Finchley, a decorated Vietnam veteran and "one of the best and bravest men ever to graduate out of Quantico" according to a former instructor at the world-famous FBI academy who knew him and trained him, came in from the cold at last, after successfully carrying out the longest-running deep-cover infiltration of any criminal or terrorist underworld in the history of American law enforcement.


Finchley's fourteen years in the White racist underground produced only a handful of actual prosecutions, but "that wasn't his primary mission," according to the former director of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico, Kenneth M. Lanning. "He was there to listen and learn, and the wealth of information he obtained for us is beyond price."


"It is not too much to say that we now know virtually everything there is to know about organized race hatred in this country. These guys [White supremacist activists and leaders] couldn't go to the can without us knowing about it," Lanning said.


FBI Director Louis Freeh was not available for comment, but U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno told a reporter, "We usually do not make any public statement on covert operations of this nature until all criminal cases associated with an investigation have been brought to a conclusion, but I will say that Special Agent Finchley displayed uncommon courage, resourcefulness, and initiative in a very complex and often dangerous situation."


Finchley's cover was so deep he is reported to have actually married one woman who was involved in a White supremacist group he wanted to penetrate. On that occasion he went to St. Petersburg, Russia to meet and bring to America a Russian woman who was to be the "mail order bride" of a nationally known White supremacist leader who was banned from entering the country because of his views.


Finchley was so taken with the woman that he persuaded her to marry him instead, allegedly in order to keep her out of the clutches of the racist leader. Soon afterwards he and his Russian wife amicably divorced and Agent Finchley arranged for her to get a green card and relocate to Florida.


Justice Department sources are close-mouthed about many of the details of Finchley's fourteen-year odyssey into the murky underworld of racism and hate. "There are still some loose ends to be tied up, and once this gets out there are going to be some very angry White supremacists out there," said a spokesman for the Department.


The source refused to say whether Agent Finchley had been moved into the Witness Protection Program or what measures were being taken to prevent retaliation by Finchley's former comrades in the racist movement.


Possibly the most bizarre event of Finchley's long- running undercover operation was when he was accused of having been involved in the Oklahoma City bombing as "John Doe Number Two" by the editor of a racist newsletter who had long suspected Finchley of being a Federal agent. Finchley took an absolutely unprecedented step: he sued the editor for libel and obtained a 110,000 default judgment when the defendant didn't show up in court to try the case.


"I don't know if he's been successful in collecting any of the money the judge awarded him," said Lanning..


It was not long before Vincent Breeding of the National Alliance put out a press release explaining what apparently happened. Here is that press release:




Fake News Article Source Found


NNA featured an article yesterday detailing a fake news article entitled: "FBI Agent Penetrated the Heart of Darkness". After a detailed search of the AP Wire, Fox (the supposed source) and other news agencies, including calls to AP's Washington DC and NYC offices (who are very interested in who wrote this story for legal reasons), it was found to be a fraud intended to ruin the reputation of a devoted activist to our Cause.


This article was posted and e-mailed using a not-so-anonymous Hotmail address. Well known radio personality and author Kevin Alfred Strom ( traced the IP address of the original Usenet posting of this message. He found that the author was the well known forger, liar, and possible FBI agent (see Harold Covington, who was the former "leader" of a bogus Internet organization using the stolen

name of "NSWPP". This is not the first use of forged or fake messages by Mr. Covington who had one time posted a fake resignation letter attributed to Kevin Strom (see


NNA and virtually every patriotic leader, activist and organization on the planet have universally condemned Harold Covington as a psychopath and a compulsive liar. Covington pops up periodically to distract and attract new racialists who don't know his background. Those who run across him are subscribed to his Internet ranting against their will and subjected to 20, 30 and sometimes 100 messages a day of attacks on various racialists and Nationalist organizations.


The Internet is a powerful weapon against our enemies as it allows us to reach millions with our message. It is also a powerful weapon in the hands of our enemies who know how to disrupt our progress and subvert our aims. Now is the time to focus and work harder than ever toward our goals. Don't give our enemies the satisfaction of sitting back and laughing at our follies while they march us toward oblivion.


Vincent Breeding

NNA Editor



I debated long and hard with myself whether it was a good idea to run these two juxtaposed pieces. In principle I don't believe in "tratsching out", as we would say in German, the emotional problems of marginal, imbalanced people who are unfortunately drawn to our cause. It seems that they mistakenly believe that this is the place where cheap thrills can be found. They could not be more mistaken.


Ernst and I have often talked about what might be the best policy in neutralizing these harmful elements. There seems to be no best policy, for people without conscience are like human pin balls, following most any whim. Anything can set them off - and invariably will. This is why the ADL, the FBI, CSIS and the RCMP often use them as their main "mining" ground for intelligence information. They do not care, for the Cause means nothing to them, in spite of polished words. Their egos and emotions must be thrilled. They get high just on the rush of hurting somebody with impunity. Ernst's take is that they have to be pulled up like weeds - and shunned like stinging nettles.


In general, I have said, again and again: "Let's get along. Let's guard against those infights! They hurt more than they help." But now and then there comes a point where one must take a stand. I am taking a stand - and I say that to do this sort of thing and circulate that kind of fraud is shameful and destructive - and its author knew it to be!




Thought for the Day:


"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity."



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