Copyright (c) 1999 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


October 26, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



The other day, Ernst said to me: "Remember that German kid who landed his airplane right smack in the middle of Red Square? For so long, the Soviet Union had been painted as this vicious super monster, scaring everybody off - and yet, when I saw that happen, I knew right then and there that the Evil Empire had become a paper tiger."


That story has played in the back of my mind these past few days as I watched the desperate saber rattling around the "danger" of the ". . . Anti-Semite, World War II Apologist and Hitler Lover . . . " Patrick J. Buchanan.


The media whores are falling all over themselves trying to paint Buchanan as this fearsome danger to "democracy" - when the reality is plain to many people everywhere how out of touch the New World Order minions are - a typical case of inversion. These people with their openly leftist agenda have made a mockery out of the democratic process!


So, in what looks like not just desperation but just plain idiocy, they have been busy lately trotting out the vapid Donald Trump - and what does The Donald announce? That he likes Alan Greenspan just fine. That folks like Rubin will fit snugly into his yet-to-be realized administration.


And all the while the people are laughing in his face.


This morning I watched a whole hour's worth of news on CNN. Not a peep about Patrick Buchanan - except some "polls" that show him "trailing behind" Gore&Bush. As if there's left one educated person within sight who still believes that the polls aren't rigged and the pollsters aren't lying through their teeth.


Last night I watched Geraldo Rivera. That obnoxious man is so visibly rattled, it's fun, for once, to watch him - without having to keep jaw on jaw.


Preceding him was Chris Matthews, a "Hollycost" (his pronunciation) apologist if ever there was one on air.


Said he, referring to Buchanan - I'm quoting here from memory:


"This is about the Jews, isn't it?"


Guest: (looking non-plussed)


Matthews: "He talks about the "aliens."


Guest: "Jews are the aliens?"


Matthews: "Well, the enemy."


Guest: "Jews are the enemy?"


And so it goes these days. The glove has been thrown into the ring, and the outcome - if one can still depend on honest elections - are going to surprise a lot of folks, for people are so fed up with the stench that's emanating out of Washington (called "Israeli occupied territory" by Pat Buchanan already over ten years ago) that the air is bristling with their anger. I just hope and pray that Pat Buchanan will survive this campaign - for seldom has a single man so threatened the entrenched, established order with his truths.


A Zundelsite correspondent had similar thoughts, as I found out this morning:


I was watching CNBC's Rivera Live this evening, hosted by the super-flamboyant Geraldo Rivera.


Reason: Pat Choate.


Pat Choate was Ross Perot's (vice-presidential) running-mate in 1996 on the Reform Party ticket.


He and Rivera make a fascinating study in contrasts.


Choate manages to be watchable and pleasant to listen to, yet all the while keeping a calm, cool and collected demeanour. He hosts his own popular radio talk-show and is an effective communicator.


He is also a Buchanan supporter; in fact, (he) was at PJB's side today when PJB had announced his intention to run for the Reform Party leadership.


Early in the show, Rivera denounced Pat Buchanan's new book "A Republic, Not an Empire" as being "Hitlerian."


Minutes later, Choate quietly informed Rivera that he strongly disagreed with this characterization of PJB's latest bestseller, then suggested a solution to resolve the matter once and all.


Said Choate: Why not sift through Buchanan's book and select the portions that Rivera deemed were telltale of PJB's "Hitlerian" leanings and "... post them on your website?"




You should have seen Rivera (if you did, you'll know what I mean) back-peddle.


For a moment, he resembled jiving Latin pop-star Ricky Martin, so antsy did he suddenly become. His body language registered an extreme (and plainly visible) discomfort at this suggestion.


Bottomline: Rivera did NOT take up the website challenge and opt for this Solomonic final solution, suggesting instead viewers go out and buy a copy of the book, read it and make up their own minds.


He stammered that, in any case, his mind was all made up, and that he had to disagree with Choate about the drift of PJB's book.


Whereupon, Choate placidly concluded that, well, they would just have to agree to disagree.


***It was the first time I'd seen one broadcaster tell another to either pay up or shut up--via the Internet.***


Something important happened there.



Thought for the Day:


"I do believe it is time for me to send myself a death threat. Poor me!"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)


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