2002-June Archives


Messages: 29


3/31/2002 - "Apologize!"

6/1/2002 - "...the truth is marching on!"

6/2/2002 - "...and the Auschwitz cudgel be damned!"

6/3/2002 - "... their service to the Faceless Destroyer."

6/5/2002 - "Brutality in Nablus defies reason"

6/6/2002 - "Rau Declines to Mediate in Anti-Semitism Dispute"

6/7/2002 - "Double Standard? Naw!" 

6/8/2002 - "Globe and Mail: Canada's big unions dump on Israel" 

6/9/2002 - "C-Span under the Gun!"

6/10/2002 - "Kerry's war crimes, for a change..."

6/11/2002 - "Bible of the Muslim haters"

6/12/2002 - "Anti-Semitism on the Rise in America"

6/13/2002 - "Documentary Of US 'War Crimes'?"

6/14/2002 - Swedish political youth group files complaint against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon"

6/15/2002 - "Two revisionist conferences this month"

6/16/2002 - "When will the Palestinians hire Ed Fagan?"

6/17/2002 - "Chemtrails"

6/18/2002 - "Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Story Behind the News"

6/19/2002 - "How many rights? How much liberty?"

6/20/2002 - "Was September 11, 2001 another Pearl Harbor?" - Part I

6/21/2002 - "Was 9/11 another Pearl Harbor?" - Part II

6/22/2002 - "Segregation by default?"

6/23/2202 - "Making lemonade from lemons"

6/24/2002 - "Behold, the Dogma grows!"

6/25/2002 - "And why not?"

6/26/2002 - "More on the German expellees of half a century ago" 

6/27/2002 - "D.C. Press Conference Punches Big Holes in 9-11 Official Line"

6/28/2002 - "Nuclear plot suspects freed after mix-up"

6/29/2002 - "Telling stats!"